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Greek-Cypriot / Turkish-Cypriot relations a racist issue

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Postby Swashbuckler » Sat May 20, 2006 7:36 pm

How Cypriot are you Tatiana?
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Postby miltiades » Sat May 20, 2006 7:37 pm

Blonde , how do you propose we set about shipping all Turkish Cypriots as well as the Turkish army back to Turkey.Perhaps you know something we dont . Incidentally how many Turkish Cypriots have you met in your life , I can see that the tone of your posts is unmistakenly that of a very young person perhaps even someone in their teens. They may all be the same to you ," barbarians "as you call them , but one thing they CERTAINLY ARE , IS CYPRIOTS.Now understand one thing. We other swim along with OUR COUNTRYMEN THE TURKISH CYPRIOTS OR DROWN. Destroy Cyprus for generations to come , cause immense suffering and substantial loss of innocent lives , just because blonde thinks we can kick the Turks out single handedly.I bet if it came to war the sponsors of hatred will be the first to abandon ship.I want the Turkish army out of Cyprus but I want the Turkish Cypriots to feel that the army's role in Cyprus is a hindrance to a peaceful Cyprus and I want us to convince them of this.Hatred and insults only exacerbate the current situation, and damage the prospects of a just and peaceful solution.
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Postby cypezokyli » Sat May 20, 2006 8:07 pm

jesus christ :roll:

miltiades , are you going to give it a try ?

i ll try as well.
lets start from the very basic...
tatiana , firstly tcs turks are people . they are like us ,two hands two feet , one head. they laugh they sing they love they hate , in short they are normal people. they wake up in the morning they go to work , they have a family and they want the best for their children. just like us. just like everybody else in this world.
if the world continued to carry the historic hate , we would just be under an endless massacre.

the way out is to forgive and go on , co-existing.

as for the barbarous turks... first all empires have been barbarous. including the greeks , the byzantium , the european ones , and ofcource the ottomans. in comparison to any european empire the ottomans were not that bad. that doesnot mean they were the prototype of humen rights. but IN COMPARISON...

turkish cypriots are cypriots. just like us. we have no more right to this land than they do.
you should give it a try , and try and meet with some tcs. you might be surprised. i know i was :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sat May 20, 2006 8:31 pm

Blonde , I should have looked at your profile to see that you were only 19 instead of guessing.You have much hate for the Turkish Cypriots and I can assure you that a lot of Turkish Cypriots also show animosity towards the Greek Cypriots. What I can not fathom is what makes anyone who genuinly wants to see his country and Cyprus's
future generations live in peace , justice , without fear and with a bright fure , to be called by you or by any one else for that matter a "scum" lover . After all our succesive governments have maintained the Turkish Cypriot identidy alive by having on our currency Turkihs as well as Greek writting.No government has ever stated that the Turkish Cypriots do not belong here. Finally let me once again confirm that Im 100% Cypriot first , Greek second.My loyalty to my country my family and all of Cypriots , including half Russians , half English (My daughter is one of them ) or half of anything is rock steady.I fought for my country as indeed so many thousands did, we want a better future for our families , our children and grand children , and yes for you too blondy.
With the utmost respect for your right to express your views regardless how utterly damaging to our cause such extreme hateful views are.
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Postby miltiades » Sat May 20, 2006 8:44 pm

Blondy you have a lot of hate inside you , and we need people like you in Cyprus like we need a hole in the head.
Will not respond to any further worhless jargon that u post. May your God help you., you sure need it.
ps. When you stated "shipp the turks out " did you have your Russian hat on and perhaps thought the population of Cyprus is that of Russia ?
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Postby Issy1956 » Sat May 20, 2006 11:40 pm

cypezokyli,miltiades- thank you for dealing with her racist comments. I get so depressed when I read these hateful posts that I think that GC's and TC's will never again live together. Where do the young pick up such pure venom. Yes there are lots of good and bad turks/TC's/GC 's etc why cant we try and treat each other as individuals rather than painting racial stereotypes and caricatures.
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Postby Kifeas » Sun May 21, 2006 12:58 am

BlondeTatiana wrote:You guys can love the turks all you want but I hate them with a passion. I also know alot of people that do.
I will never share anything with a turk even if I saw him dying in the street actually that would be good since there would be less turks. Now I see why the Greeks used to call us turko spori

You people, can you not see that she is exactly the same shit as the GCG_uk!
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Postby Piratis » Sun May 21, 2006 1:58 am

The opinion of Blonde, GCG etc is a direct result of the injustice and hateful illegal actions of Turkey against Cyprus.

Unfortunately we do not see many TCs demanding the end of the occupation and illegalities and as a result TCs are directly associated with the illegal occupation by many GCs.

It would be better if TCs condemned the illegal occupation of Cyprus and separated themselves from the illegal, racist and hateful actions of Turkey against GCs. When they don't do that it is very hard for us to convince people like Blonde or GCG that the actions of the Turkish army should not be associated with TCs.

When this separation between TCs and Turkish army does not exist in the minds of some people then naturally it is very difficult for them to like the people that support the violations of their human rights.

Based on the current situation I find the comments of Blonde and GCG unfortunate and sad, but also natural to a degree. At the same time it is very encouraging that others manage to resist the hate that is directed against us every day for the last 32 years by Turkey, and they manage not to return this hate. I hope that TCs will somehow encourage these people by showing to them that indeed they do not support crimes and illegalities against GCs.
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun May 21, 2006 2:47 am

thats a poor excuse piratis.
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Postby Piratis » Sun May 21, 2006 5:32 am

thats a poor excuse piratis.

So what would be a good excuse? To rape our mothers on a daily basis?

Definitely people should try to resist but you can not blame the ones that can't, and judge them in such a negative way.

The ones who should be condemned first are those that insist on the illegalities and the human rights violations which are the things that create the anger in the first place.
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