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Turkish Cypriot properties in the south unoccupied? Discuss

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zetcar » Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:59 pm

True :)
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Postby zetcar » Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:59 pm

True :)
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Postby zetcar » Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:18 pm

thnx paliometoxo, merry xmax to u 2 and nice 2 meet u :) . yes u r right i am originally from cyprus t/c. however i was born here at london. 1980 my parents are from larnaca and pafos. i havent been to cyprus before because i didnt feel the need. but i do search a lot about the problems. and i think there is a lot of complications for both sides. however i wish they will find a solution 1 day . because 4 the looks of it its a very nice country 2 live. :)
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Postby Tony-4497 » Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:11 pm

If you are GC you can get justice.

What the f**k does this mean?? I have a lot of property in the occupied north that Turkey has deprived me of using military force for the past 35 years. I have sued Turkey in order to have this back and I am still waiting at the ECHR. What justice are you talking about??

If you are TC then the only way to get justice is to move to the south for six months and have to find a place to live and work. So you must leave your live where ever you reside. That is roc justice.

This is far more than what you deserve. If the law was applied, any TC who supported (through paying "taxes", military service etc) the illegal gang calling itself "TRNC" and taking advantage of GC stolen lands who crossed the line and demanded his property should:

FIRST surrender himself to the legal authorities and face trial under the laws of the RoC which he broke through the above actions,
THEN serve any prison sentence the court imposes, and
ONLY AFTER THIS be free to enjoy his rights like any other citizen of the country.

If ANY RoC citizen other than a TC carried out such hostile actions against the RoC for several years, he would be tried for treason. Why should there be double standards for TCs?

.. not to mention double standards in all other aspects e.g. my wife and I pay full prices if we choose to use a state hospital in the RoC because our income is high (which means we pay a lot of tax too) yet ANY TC gets free treatment despite not paying ANY tax to the RoC (regardless of his income) and despite paying any such taxes to an illegal gang "running" a stolen part of the RoC..

You have some nerve complaining about this.. I hope that those who support this madness in the GC side finally wake up
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Postby Acikgoz » Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:07 pm

Welcome Zetcar :)
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Postby YFred » Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:34 am

Tony-4497 wrote:
If you are GC you can get justice.

What the f**k does this mean?? I have a lot of property in the occupied north that Turkey has deprived me of using military force for the past 35 years. I have sued Turkey in order to have this back and I am still waiting at the ECHR. What justice are you talking about??

If you are TC then the only way to get justice is to move to the south for six months and have to find a place to live and work. So you must leave your live where ever you reside. That is roc justice.

This is far more than what you deserve. If the law was applied, any TC who supported (through paying "taxes", military service etc) the illegal gang calling itself "TRNC" and taking advantage of GC stolen lands who crossed the line and demanded his property should:

FIRST surrender himself to the legal authorities and face trial under the laws of the RoC which he broke through the above actions,
THEN serve any prison sentence the court imposes, and
ONLY AFTER THIS be free to enjoy his rights like any other citizen of the country.

If ANY RoC citizen other than a TC carried out such hostile actions against the RoC for several years, he would be tried for treason. Why should there be double standards for TCs?

.. not to mention double standards in all other aspects e.g. my wife and I pay full prices if we choose to use a state hospital in the RoC because our income is high (which means we pay a lot of tax too) yet ANY TC gets free treatment despite not paying ANY tax to the RoC (regardless of his income) and despite paying any such taxes to an illegal gang "running" a stolen part of the RoC..

You have some nerve complaining about this.. I hope that those who support this madness in the GC side finally wake up

Set up the court room, I am ready to face you. I'll remember to bring my AK47 as my defense lawyer.
It's over sunshine.
One question though remains. Why wasn't the entire GC government element of the roc in 1960 not done for treason for creating the Akritas plan to destroy the roc and hand it to greece.
Stuff that in your pipe and light a match to it. Although Akritas plan had plenty of explosives in it, so be careful with that match.
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Postby paliometoxo » Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:29 pm

zetcar wrote:thnx paliometoxo, merry xmax to u 2 and nice 2 meet u :) . yes u r right i am originally from cyprus t/c. however i was born here at london. 1980 my parents are from larnaca and pafos. i havent been to cyprus before because i didnt feel the need. but i do search a lot about the problems. and i think there is a lot of complications for both sides. however i wish they will find a solution 1 day . because 4 the looks of it its a very nice country 2 live. :)

thyats a shame that you never came to cyprus you would enjoy it. there are problems but living in cyprus day to day you dont really notice anything its fine.. apart from the news you see all the time about the cy problem with usless info lol.

its good that you have been in england but also a shame that you dont see where your roots are form that you will forget your mother tognue. or do you speak turkish at home?

well anyway have a happy new yr. i hope one day you come to cyprus you will like it.
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