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Postby Mickleham » Mon May 15, 2006 4:25 pm

Why do cypriots park there cars on the footpath?
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Postby sneezing7 » Mon May 15, 2006 4:27 pm

Well it's not like Cypriots use the footpaths for walking.

Anyhow, where else are we meant to park?
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Postby Mikros » Mon May 15, 2006 4:29 pm

Indeed... at the town i'm right now there is a huge underground parking just below the High Street / Pedestrian area... When there would be any clever person in the local municipalities to think about such a solution??? It's all in the Cypriots mentality...
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Postby twinkle » Tue May 16, 2006 9:04 am

The only reason they don't park on the pavements is when there are trees and flowers planted in them. They are planted by the person that owns the house the pavement is on front of and they think their boundaries extend to the pavement, the road and sometimes the opposite pavement. Makes me mad :x !!! You can't park in front of their house and can't walk there either. Heaven help you if you are disabled or have a push chair.

When will the municipalities wake up and start prosecuting these ignorant home owners! :roll:
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Postby Mikros » Tue May 16, 2006 10:13 am

Actually twinkle the trees are not only planned by the house owners, but by the municipalty offices as well. And it illegal by law to remove any of these trees without any special permission. Somebody somehow keeps checking this.
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Postby sneezing7 » Tue May 16, 2006 10:56 am

I think Twinkle may be refering to the trees planted in plastic drums & then placed on the footpath.

Bugger em....just do what i do and drive over them.
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Postby theresa » Tue May 16, 2006 11:03 am

I think its a genetic problem- I have come to the conclusion that Cypriot people can't walk very far!!! This is also catching - because more and more foreigners are parking illegally too, its the old attitude of "everyone else does it why shouldnt I"? Me - having just passed my driving test am still a VERY good girl who NEVER does this - but watch this space lol !!
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Postby Mikros » Tue May 16, 2006 11:37 am

Its all a matter of common sense and personal behaviour. I never park on the pavements and I always use the official parking places.... Am I silly? It could be the case, but I'm trying not acting like a normal Cypriot!!! I generally don't do what I hate others do!
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Postby paul » Tue May 16, 2006 8:18 pm

late entry but i've just returned from larnaca[which was great] but i took my 10 month old son & had a buggy...what a nightmere it was with not just parked cars but crossing roads,walking in town.
After years of going there it's about time that something was done abuot this problem.....
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Postby Sotos » Wed May 17, 2006 12:13 am

Cypriots want to park right outside the shop. They can't park to a parking place 200-300 meters further and walk a bit :roll:
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