The Thursday game starts around 8 O'Clock.
The initial buy is 25 lira - not sure but around CyPnd 8.00 (Lira in free-fall yet again so changes daily

). You have an option to rebuy in once for the same amount within the first hour.
Blinds go up every twenty minutes.
The pooled money is apportioned between at least first and second and if there are more players sometimes upto third and fourth as well.
A side game for those who exit the main game early is commonly started as well (generally by me

). There's also sometimes a cash game for the heavier hitters.
We've got about 30 regular players in the main game at the moment so the prize money is getting quite tasty. That said, as the most you can lose is CPnd16.00 it's a very friendly game - lot of banter etc, drinks et al
Come along - guarantee you'll enjoy it and Refreshments are laid on by the house.
Alternatively, if you'd like to play on another night let me know and I'll see if we can put a game together. If you need to stay overnight accomodation there is quite cheap (I think about CyPnd 10.00).
BTW the Celebrity is the oldest casino in the North - having predated the Dome by some six months - and is owned by Cypriots on their own pre-1974 title land. So you're not in danger of visiting premises not occupied by their proper owners.