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Cell phone towers - What are they really about?

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Postby complexity » Mon May 15, 2006 1:56 pm

based on science and not on regulation you should be at least a km away from one.
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Postby Strahd » Mon May 15, 2006 2:04 pm

Well another Cyprus forum fiasko! :)
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Postby Oneness » Mon May 15, 2006 3:25 pm

Do anyone have any idea of how many phone masts there are in the cities Nicosia, Limassol etc?
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Postby Mikros » Mon May 15, 2006 4:39 pm

Well, guys, in order to use cell phones, and 3G techology you need towers/ transmiters.... there is no other way to transmit the signal and have a good powerful reception signal by your phone.... On the other hand, when there is not a good reception signal, your mobile phone usually switches to a high-power mode in order to be able to comunicate with the nearby stations.... Meaning its better to have more stations and my phone working in low power than less stations and high power. How many electrical appliances do you have at home? Do you use a wireless DECT phone at home? These phones work always on high power 24 hrs per day... See?
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Postby cyprusgrump » Mon May 15, 2006 5:39 pm

You all definitely need my new tin-foil hat thingy… ;-)
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Postby Strahd » Mon May 15, 2006 6:02 pm

Oneness wrote:Do anyone have any idea of how many phone masts there are in the cities Nicosia, Limassol etc?

CYTA has about 300+ GSM base stations, some of them now employ 3G base stations as well.

Areeba currently has about 150+ GSM base stations some co located with CYTA and others e.g. CYBC etc. Again some of them employ 3G as well.

Every GSM station has 3 sectorised directional antennas. These physically might need more than 3 elements. For 3G they either use another 3 different antennas or the same if these are dual-ban 3G-GSM.

Under every such mast you would find the shelter which holds the electronics radio transmitters and receivers computers that control the signals etc. These especially in the Summer get really hot so Air Conditioning is used.

Each one of these base stations is connected to the local base station controller by either optical fibre or microwave link.
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Postby b0g » Mon May 15, 2006 6:36 pm

A good article if anyone wants to check it out. ... opic&t=256
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Postby Strahd » Mon May 15, 2006 7:55 pm

b0g wrote:A good article if anyone wants to check it out. ... opic&t=256

From the article, answers to the questions

1)Why is cellphone reception disrupted near all of the towers, and was generally better before they were erected, four years ago?

No basis!

2) Why are no towers at all seen in the countryside in some areas where cell reception is excellent?

In country side no buildings are there to disrupt your signal, thus you can use what is called mega-cells covering much more area with less base stations

3) Why are most of these eyesores in neighborhoods, typically next to schools, hospitals, office buildings, factories, malls, stadia, etc., where the most people gather at one time? Why, for that matter, are a few of them in the upscale neighborhoods clumsily disguised as gigantic trees?

Because GSM base stations have finite capacity of the number of users they can serve simultaneously. Thus putting them next to public areas and in general areas where a lot of people is gathered in a relatively small geographical area is a clever thing to do.

4) Why are these towers equally distributed in places like Tibet, rural Africa and other poverty-stricken regions where there are very few, if any, cellphones in operation?

Because people there have no money for food, do you think that they would care for mobile phones?

5) Why are some of the more depressed urban centers, like Kuwait and Beijing, so plagued by these new towers that they loom on every block in the most heavily populated and miserable areas?

see number three explains why heavily populated areas need more base stations

6) Why, conversely, are so few towers seen in Moscow and rural Costa Rica, where cellphone reception is consistently cheap and excellent and where local people are told that it's all done via satellite?

GSM cannot be done via satellite. fact.

7) Picture phones in North America are advertised as using satellites for transmission, so why do we still assume that these ugly, omnipresent and sickening fortified towers are 'for cellphones'


8) Coke and Pepsi have been in a bloodletting struggle to dominate the global cola market for generations, so why are the various cellphone companies, who presumably invested countless billions of dollars in new towers all of a sudden, four years ago, not aggressively competing with each other to recoup that immeasurably massive capital outlay? Where did they get the money for all that un-necessary, costly tech? Why spend it if it's not even necessary? Cellphones are getting cheaper to use, not more expensive.

because you idiot writer making a coke costs 2p making a mobile network costos a few billions of dollars

9) Why does the smog clear away in the area, also the chemtrail remnants overhead, when a dozen or more contiguous towers are 'gifted' with simple, cheap orgonite in a single day.


10)Why are the power cables running up every new towers an order of magnitude fatter than the single powerline leading into the fortified bunker at the base of the tower? All of them, by the way, are fortified as if to withstand an artillery barrage or bomb. For that matter, why do so many of these new towers not even connect to the power grid?

Well... they are not power cables but coaxial RF cables carrying signal from the antennae to the receivers etc. Some baste stations use generators duh!!!!

11) Where does the electricity for these new towers actually come from, since there's rarely any generator noise coming from the fortified concrete bunkers, which we can presume host large emergency generators? If you live in a less-developed area of Africa, by the way, you likely hear these diesel- or propane-powered generators running most of the time and there's likely an armed guard in the enclosure.

Most of them use normal power, some use generatrs and they are noisy for sure.

12) Genuine cell transponders require very little power and can be mounted on phone poles, roofs and even treetops, so why the expensive fortification and massive powelines running from the bunkers to the panels, dishes, horns and rods on these towers? Presumably you understand that satellites already handle much of the traffic and that the French have been shooting communication satellites into orbit for decades with cannons (a lot smaller than the Jules Verne version, by the way), which is several orders of magnitude cheaper than using missiles.

This is plain bullshit. No basis at all. Get me a GSM operator that uses satellites.

13) Why are so many kinds of transmitter devices hosted by these towers? Nobody knows what these transmitter devices do because the information is not available, which clearly indicates military involvement. This secet is as well kept as the Manhattan Project was.

colaocation of different services and companies is a very usual thing. On the other hand not every antenna accounts for a transmitter.

14) Why are you warned not to stop your car engine near some of these towers? There are posted warnings at many of these sites not to approach the enclosures due to dangerously strong electromagnetic fields, too. Your inexpensive cellphone (mine cost ten dollars) efficiently provides so much power for getting and sending communication signals that if you but an egg between two operating cellphones it will get cooked pretty fast, so that's obviously where most of the work is being done, not at the transmitter locations or even at the little communication satellites, which swarm our skies now. Try that simple experiment, then use an earplug and mike or the speaker from then on, okay? Keep that thing away from your brain, friend!


15) Why are many of these towers in the US not even listed with the Federal Communication Commission? Carol and I have disabled thousands of these towers here and abroad, as many people in this network have done, and we see that a lot.


16) If you're energy sensitive, why do you feel sick every time you get within a mile or two of one of these new towers? A large percentage of the population is naturally energy sensitive, by the way.

I drink lucozade can... do you think that is why girls usually get sick near me?

17) Why did most of these death transmitters suddenly get erected, worldwide, in the fall of 2001? Why are so many people nearby getting cancer and dying now? Why has human behavior near the towers become so erratic and even violent?

it is called technology boom! huh???

18) Why have there been no mentions of these eyesores on TV news shows, the radio or in newspapers in most countries? The largest death tower array we've ever seen is just uphill from the HOLLYWOOD sign in Los Angeles. Note that shots of that sign in movies filmed in LA since the fall of 2002 are usually panned in a way that blocks the view of those dozens of (disabled) towers.

huh again?

19) If this disturbs you, what will you do about it?

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Postby cyprusgrump » Mon May 15, 2006 8:07 pm

b0g = insane ;-)
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Postby b0g » Tue May 16, 2006 5:47 pm


Did you know that there people actually getting paid by various agencies to do what your doing now?
This stuff is maybe to big for you to understand or maybe you are just to scared to even think that this may be true.
Whatever the case is i dont blame you.
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