Hi Dee,,
When you go to a 'periptero' (small shop on the street) you can find these greek papers. Unfortunatly I do not know the name now but when you browse through a few papares there or ask the guy/woman for the paper with small adds I'm possitive you will find it. Most of the adds are in Greek though but when looking at the car section it is easy to see what is offered and what the price is. Just call the number that's with the add. Almost all cypriots speak english. Make an appointment on a square for instance, since I guess you won't have transport yet.
An obvious warning:
Be a carefull and cautious. Buying a car without any knowledge about cars can be tricky. This is ofcourse the same everywhere (Britain or Holland alike). Do not just trust everyone. Try out everything if it all works, drive the car around, listen good and don't be shy to do so

. Maybe it's sensible to make a list of everything you can think of that's on a car and check it: windows, mirrors, wipers, gearbox, sound of the engine etc etc.
It's a cheap car but under a 1000 pounds is also quite some money and I believe is worth a good car (even if it's maybe a bit crappy looking from outside). Toyota's and other japanese cars are mostly the most trustworthy.