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Postby peace maker » Mon May 29, 2006 11:59 am

theresa wrote:dear Akiner, maybe (not sure) Miltiades is pointing out that Mohammed was a very "worldly" prophet who laws for his people were aimed at benefitting a very male dominated society. I read that one of his respected followers saw a vision of hell and it was full of women? Who (according to him) were too full of this earthly world to give much consideration to the next? Although the Koran speaks of being"kind" to women it also advises that (after other methods such as leaving her bed have been exhausted) a disobedient woman may be beaten? Its like the old english ryhme. "a donkey, a dog, a wife all three, the more you beat them the better they be"!!!!! Maybe if ALL religions had a more femenine approach - the violence may be less?

:D I respect, but what uo said is wrong sorry.
- The prophet was not a wordly man, all his wives were widowed or second widowed. exept one and all of them most of them were not married under sexual desire but for legislations and social reasons because their husband were killed in war.
- there is no religion or civilisation that honored and freed women from manhood rather than ISLAM. you know that women were burried alive, and they were as propperties owned by men and there role in life was fullfilling men desire...The Qur'an expresses the equality of the works of the sexes and the oneness of origin of the sexes in the following verses.
"And their Lord answereth them, 'I will not suffer the work of him among you that worketh, whether of male or female, to be lost. The one of you is the issue of the other." (Q. 3:195) Rodwell.
"Mankind fear your Lord, who created you of a single soul, and from it created its mate." (Q. 4:1) Arberry

you can find more about women in Islam on:
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Postby miltiades » Mon May 29, 2006 12:12 pm

Sadik , I don't really care if he married women at the age of 100 . His life is of no interest to me and to the vast majority of the world. The question I asked "DID HE MARRY A SIX YEAR OLD " You answered yes .How many other wives he had and their ages are of no interest to me. The basic question is that this 50 year old consummated a wedding with a child at the age of 9. I stated that I hope that we do not see such weddings in a civilized world.
Do not misunderstand my views , Im committed to a peaceful world and I despise immensely any ideologies from where ever they originated that not only divide people but encourage man to commit the ultimate in taking another humans life for no other reason than the victim does not share their beliefs.
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Postby peace maker » Mon May 29, 2006 12:54 pm

miltiades wrote:Sadik , I don't really care if he married women at the age of 100 . His life is of no interest to me and to the vast majority of the world. The question I asked "DID HE MARRY A SIX YEAR OLD " You answered yes .How many other wives he had and their ages are of no interest to me. The basic question is that this 50 year old consummated a wedding with a child at the age of 9. I stated that I hope that we do not see such weddings in a civilized world.
Do not misunderstand my views , Im committed to a peaceful world and I despise immensely any ideologies from where ever they originated that not only divide people but encourage man to commit the ultimate in taking another humans life for no other reason than the victim does not share their beliefs.

:D look you seem to discuss just for discussion. as you dont believe in any religion its difficult to understand. it is not and it was not a law in Islam to marry a 9 year woman. There are other reasons rather than our marriage is based on for this marriage which are stated above what you dont or you dont like to understand.
at the end I thank you for your interest but continue lokking for the truth,and yourself
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Postby miltiades » Mon May 29, 2006 2:23 pm

Millions of people the world around do not believe in the creator . And many more do.

You and millions of other believers have every right to adhere to your beliefs with out any hindrance what so ever from any one. It is every humans divine right to exercise his religion. What I find objectionable is the curtailment of my rights to express my views . I believe in the human race , in the progress that science continually makes in the battle against decease , cancer etc., and in the preservation of the Western world values in relation to human rights , freedom of speech , equality under the laws in existence , and above all in the sanctity of life , all life including that of animals.
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Postby jamal07 » Mon May 29, 2006 5:04 pm

again and again we need to say for 1000 times that moslims are not killers, i understand that you don t believe in God but it is not our problem, it is ur personnel problem, moslims themselves are victims of terrorism, terrorism is aginst humanity, it may signed by a christian,jew,moslim, marxiste,by some one who doesn t believe in any thing, the history showes to us extrimistes in diffrent coulars...
200 thousands moslims killed in bosnia by christians/ we never accuse christianity of terorrism/ millions of jews killed by HItler, thousands of protestants and catholics killed also, marxist killed millions of people so?
As is known, for centuries, various acts of terrorism have been carried out in different parts of the world by different groups for a variety of purposes. Sometimes a communist organisation, sometimes a fascist group, and sometimes radical and separatist factions assume responsibility for these acts. While countries like America often became the target of attacks by racist and marginal terrorist groups, the European countries have been centre stage for violent acts carried out by terrorist groups. 17 November in Greece, RAF (Red Army Faction) and Neo-Nazis in Germany, ETA in Spain, Red Brigades in Italy and many other organisations seek to make their voices heard through terror and violence by killing innocent and defenceless people. The nature of terrorism changes with changing world conditions and increases its impact and power with the new means made possible by developing technology. In particular, mass communication tools such as the Internet extend the scope and influence of the terrorist activities considerably.
Besides the Western organisations, there are also other terror organisations of Middle East origin. Terrorist attacks are carried out by these groups in all corners of the world. Sadly, the fact that the perpetrators of various terrorist acts carry Christian, Muslim or Jewish identities cause some people to put forward claims which do not concur with divine religions. The truth is that even if terrorists have Muslim identities, the terror they perpetrate cannot be labelled "Islamic terror", just as it could not be called "Jewish terror" if the perpetrators were Jews or "Christian terror" if they were Christians. That is because, as will be examined in the following pages, murdering innocent people in the name of a divine religion is unacceptable. We need to keep in mind that, among those who were killed in New York and Washington, there were people who loved the Prophet Jesus (Christians), the Prophet Moses (Jews) and the Prophet Muhammad (Muslims). Unless forgiven by God, murdering innocent people is a great sin that leads to torment in Hell. No one who is religious and fears God would do such a thing.
The aggressors can commit such violence only with the intention of attacking religion itself. It may well be that those who carried out this violence did so to present religion as evil in the eyes of people, to divorce people from religion and to generate hatred towards those who are religiously inclined. Consequently, every attack on American citizens or other innocent people having a religious facade is actually an attack made against religion.

Religion commands love, mercy and peace. Terror, on the other hand, is the opposite of religion; it is cruel, merciless and demands bloodshed and misery. This being the case, the origins of a terrorist act should be sought in disbelief rather than in religion. People with a fascist, communist, racist or materialist outlook on life should be suspected as potential perpetrators. The name or the identity of the triggerman is not important. If he can kill innocent people without blinking an eye, then he is a nonbeliever, not a believer. He is a murderer with no fear of God, whose main ambition is to shed blood and to cause harm. For this reason, "Islamic terror" is an erroneous concept which contradicts the message of Islam. The religion of Islam can by no means countenance terrorism. On the contrary, terror (i.e. murder of innocent people) in Islam is a great sin, and Muslims are responsible for preventing these acts and bringing peace and justice to the world.
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Postby miltiades » Mon May 29, 2006 5:38 pm

May your God be with you.
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Postby peace maker » Tue May 30, 2006 12:57 pm

Participate in the poll: Islam=terrorism?
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Postby jamal07 » Tue May 30, 2006 3:54 pm

we hope that there is no christian-muslim war, only extrimists people who ask for that, and when we say that islam respect Jesus and Holy Mary, we aim to explain to our christian freinds that muslims and christians can live together in peace, they may love each other as well, actually not all christians are islamophobic, there is a lot of them who looks at muslims in respectable way, some of them, they even embrace Islam as they find it close to their religion, like the pop singer Cat steve, and the american preast Chaplain Yusuf Estes / /
what s happend now in Iraq and Palestine where the muslims killing each other, it is not acceptable, they are doing wrong things which is not acceptable in their religion, same as protestant and ortodox did last century...
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Postby miltiades » Tue May 30, 2006 4:51 pm

Well said Jamal , but you are a Turkish Muslim , and Turkish Muslims have never been fanatics , thanks to Kamal Attartouk who took Turkey forward into the 20th century.
I'm pleased you view the indiscriminate killings in Iraq and other places as unacceptable.
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Postby jamal07 » Wed May 31, 2006 9:21 am

miltiades wrote:Well said Jamal , but you are a Turkish Muslim , and Turkish Muslims have never been fanatics , thanks to Kamal Attartouk who took Turkey forward into the 20th century.
I'm pleased you view the indiscriminate killings in Iraq and other places as unacceptable.

think you for ur reply, but i am not turkish at all, and i don t care what does kamal ataturk did, i talk from my religion s view point that s all...
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