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Postby miltiades » Sun May 28, 2006 10:45 am

Lets hope that in Cyprus , as indeed in all the world , marriage laws , not religious ones , will prohibit such an event ever taking place between an adult and a child. Things were different all those years ago , the world has moved on let us hope that it carries on doing so and continues to reject practices that although common in the past , are now considered at least by Western world , to be to tally uncivilized .
Finally akiner , as you know I stated earlier that I have seen the light and I have rejected the ideology that turns man against man , that makes man commit the most heinous crimes in the name of their God. I still believe that religion is , and can be , a constructive force in mans journey through life , HOWEVER WHEN BLIND FAITH leads man to destruction then it is time for the world leaders to address the power of religion and address the cause of it.
In the UK as you know there was a demonstration recently in protest against something that happen in Denmark. To have religious people out in the streets carrying banners inciting death and be-headings to those that did share their faith was an absolute disgrace and a threat to the fibre of Western world civilization .Our forefathers , including yours , fought for freedom and human rights , we can not allow an ideology to destroy what they achieved for us to enjoy, that is my right to express my views and your right to disagree while you also express your views.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun May 28, 2006 11:52 am

miltiades wrote:Bullshit ! religioin is accountable.There is no GOD .THERE IS NO CREATOR. Religion is the cancer that causes so much suffering. God does not exist , there is no such nonsense, God is man's creation , not the other way around,.Why the f..k do I have to have a God . NO WAY THERE IS NO GOD , HE IS A FIGMENT OF OUR IMAGINATION.

I would like to second Miltiades's centiments on the subject of GOD. I'm a complete non believer and try to avoid the subject as much as possible, because I do not want to offend peoples beliefs. They want to become sheeps and follow the words of a preacher who does not know anymore than his followers, but speaks in, a very pure and convincing way, then so be it. Same time, I have visited so many churches, mosques, temples, chappels, missions and so on, that one would think that I was a GODS messenger. I just love the architecture of these great monuments, but of course, built on blood and sweat of poor peasants from the past.

The rest of the animal kingdom has managed to survive millions of years without praying to GOD, so I don't know why the "modern humans" need to, except the fact that the human race is the most voilent towards it's own species, and we don't accept death as part of our journey through life, we look to religion to comfort ourself, as we go through this life causing as much suffering as possible, only to think we can enter into a new life after death, only if we prayed to GOD. Now, that's living in WONDERLAND.
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Postby miltiades » Sun May 28, 2006 12:06 pm

Very well said Kikapu , I also believe that the fear of death does make humans susceptible to the idea of life after death and of course reality doesn't offer this prospect only religion. I believe in the sanctity of life and it saddens me when man takes his own life in order to kill as many people as possible in the blind belief that in after life he enters paradise. Most religious people are I believe well meaning and responsible with their faith , but there is a huge minority amounting to many millions of brainwashed people who would not hesitate for one second in blowing up the entire world in order to secure their ticket to cloud cuckoo land
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Postby Kikapu » Mon May 29, 2006 8:50 am

miltiades wrote: Most religious people are I believe well meaning and responsible with their faith

That is very true, however, there're those who thinks that, because they are devoted to their religion, their actions are noble cause. Take George Bush for example. He holds the bible in one hand and a cruise missile in the other, and claims he is doing the Lords work. Now I don't know who is the worst criminal here, Bush or the Lord. Is Bush being a good servant to the Lord by being responsible for thousand of deaths. And what about all those millions of "good Christians" that support Bush's actions, are they not also responsible for Bush's actions. This example applies to many other leaders around the world, but you would think, we in the West, would do things differently than those carry out suicide missions in the name of their Lord. Lets face it, Human Race stinks. The good thing about death is, the Mother Nature will cleanse itself from such evil people. Too bad there are new one's that will take their place. If there were no children in the world who through their innocence, and happiness and joy and laughter that gives hope to the Human Race, our species would have wasted Mother Natures time for our existance.
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Postby jamal07 » Mon May 29, 2006 10:02 am

miltiades wrote:Sadik , is it true that the prophet Mohamed married a 6 year old as one of his wifes ?

think you my freind for ur question, as you know we open this topic for a reason to show that islamophobia is a myth, and it is also a racism against a group of humans estimated of 25 % living in the earth now, we don t aim to insult other s religion, or to convince them that any religion is false or not, we respect all religions,ideologies, wathever you believe in God or not, and you don t need to justify ur believe by trying to say that other s belief is wrong...
you focus on the age of Aicha and you don t ask what this wife gives to her religion,for people to know Aicha was not 6 years at her marriage,
In her youth, already known for her striking beauty and her formidable memory, she came under the loving care and attention of the Prophet himself. As his wife and close companion she acquired from him knowledge and insight such as no woman has ever acquired.

Aisha lived on almost fifty years after the passing away of the Prophet. She had been his wife for a decade. Much of this time was spent in learning and acquiring knowledge of the two most important sources of God's guidance, the Qur'an and the Sunnah of His Prophet. Aisha (r.a.) was one of the three wives (the other two being Hafsa (r.a.) and Umm Salama (r.a.) who memorised the Revelation. Like Hafsa (r.a.), she had her own script of the Qur'an written after the Prophet had died.

So far as the Hadith or sayings of the Prophet is concerned, Aisha (r.a.) is one of four persons (the others being Abu Hurayra, Abdullah ibn Umar, and Anas ibn Malik) who transmitted more than two thousand sayings. From her, 2210 Hadith have come, out of which 174 Hadith are commonly agreed upon by both Bukhari and Muslim.

Many of her transmissions pertain to some of the most intimate aspects of personal behaviour which only someone in Aisha's position could have learnt. What is most important is that her knowledge of Hadith was passed on in written form by at least three persons including her nephew Urwah who became one of the greatest scholars among the generation after the Companions.

It is the claim of the Scholars of Islam that without her, half of the Ilm-I-Hadith [knowledge, understanding of the Hadith (and Islam)] would have perished.

5. Many of the learned companions of the Prophet and their followers benefited from Aishah's knowledge. Abu Musa al-Ash'ari once said:
"If we companions of the Messenger of God had any difficulty on a matter, we asked Aisha about it."

Arwa Bin Zubair says,
"I did not find anyone more proficient [than Aisha (r.a.)] in the knowledge of the Holy Qur'an, the Commandments of Halal (lawful) and Haram (prohibited), Ilmul-Ansab and Arabic poetry. That is why, even senior companions of the Prophet used to consult Aisha (r.a.) in resolving intricate issued".
Ibn Qayyim and Ibn Sa'ad, Jala-ul-Afham, vol. 2, p. 26.

Abu Musa al-Ash'ari says:
"Never had we (the companions) had any difficulty for the solution of which we approached Aisha and did not get some useful information from her".
Sirat-I-Aisha, on the authority of Trimidhi, p. 163.

As a teacher she had a clear and persuasive manner of speech and her power of oratory has been described in superlative terms by al-Ahnaf who said: "I have heard speeches of Abu Bakr and Umar, Uthman and Ali and the Khulafa up to this day, but I have not heard speech more persuasive and more beautiful from the mouth of any person than from the mouth of Aisha."

Musa Ibn Talha (r.a.) says,
"I did not see anyone more eloquent than Aisha (r.a.)"
Mustadrak of Hakim, vol.4, p.11.

- Men and women came from far and wide to benefit from her knowledge.

Aisha's great interest in the study of the Qur'an is understandable. She was an eye-witness to a number of revelations and had therefore a clear idea of the circumstances in which they were revealed. It was on her bed alone (and no other consort's) that the Prophet received Wahy (Divine Revelations) several times. This helped her in interpreting the verses.

- At the time of the Prophet's death, the Prophet's head was on her lap. It was in her quarters that the Prophet was buried.

The life of Aisha (R) is a proof that a woman can be far more learned than men and that she can be the teacher of scholars and experts. Her life is also a proof that a woman can exert influence over men and women and provide them with inspiration and leadership. this is the aforementioned qualities of Aisha (r.a.)
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Postby theresa » Mon May 29, 2006 10:16 am

How about a new religion called the church of DO AS YOU WOULD BE DONE BY? Thats the way I try and live my life, despite coming up against some real B*****ds along the way!!!
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Postby jamal07 » Mon May 29, 2006 10:23 am

akiner wrote:
jamal wrote: but Jesusin particular, because he was one of the prophets who foretold the coming of Muhammad. Muslims, too, await the second coming of Jesus.

Greetings Jamal,
There is no verse about second coming of Isa in Quran, and hadiths couldnt overrule the book because they would be falsified... So i just want to mention this belief had been transfered from Christianity to Islam, but i dont know what the aim was

think you my freind for your comments...
Islam has no aim to take anything from christianity, because if you think like that, you may say that christianity also takes from judaisme...
we beileve in God, the creater, he sent prophets for two aims: to show us that he exist and to respect his creation. to answer you, koran mentionned that jesus went up to heaven, and of course one day he must come back to earth, as the prophet said in Ahadith(speech), let me tell you that we know exactelly who narrated the Ahadith, one by one untill the month of prophet, so it can not be falsified, you can compare the strong Ahadith to the bible / which is written 100 years afetr jesus/
again i want to mention that i respect all religions, i am against telling others that ur religion is false, we need to find how to be unified, as humans, one race, shame on people who are racist...
think you very much indeed
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Postby jamal07 » Mon May 29, 2006 10:25 am

akiner wrote:
jamal wrote: but Jesusin particular, because he was one of the prophets who foretold the coming of Muhammad. Muslims, too, await the second coming of Jesus.

Greetings Jamal,
There is no verse about second coming of Isa in Quran, and hadiths couldnt overrule the book because they would be falsified... So i just want to mention this belief had been transfered from Christianity to Islam, but i dont know what the aim was

think you my freind for your comments...
Islam has no aim to take anything from christianity, because if you think like that, you may say that christianity also takes from judaisme...
we beileve in God, the creater, he sent prophets for two aims: to show us that he exist and to respect his creation. to answer you, koran mentionned that jesus went up to heaven, and of course one day he must come back to earth, as the prophet said in Ahadith(speech), let me tell you that we know exactelly who narrated the Ahadith, one by one untill the month of prophet, so it can not be falsified, you can compare the strong Ahadith to the bible / which is written 100 years afetr jesus/
again i want to mention that i respect all religions, i am against telling others that ur religion is false, we need to find how to be unified, as humans, one race, shame on people who are racist...
think you very much indeed
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Postby miltiades » Mon May 29, 2006 10:39 am

Jamal thank you for the lecture on Islam , as I have said many times I consider all religions to be based on mythology , however I have also said that every one is entitled to believe in what ever makes them happy. The Jehovah's witnesses , about six million of them also consider their faith to be the true one , just as much as the 1.2 billion Muslims consider Islam to be the true one and refers to non Muslims as non believers.
Im not the least interested in mythology that divides people and creates immense hatred amongst people of different beliefs. I will state again that religion is the opium of the people .
Kikapu just a point on Bush and America , let me just say once again that Im 100% behind the war on terror that threatens the entire world with annihilation , and remember who started it , none other that those religious zealots full of hatred and determined to murder as many innocent people as possible , and who were dancing in the streets celebrating 9/11 ? Those of you that think the western world will stand by and allow the fanatic barbarians of this world to succeed in their evil journey , better think again. And Yes Iran will not be permitted to develop nuclear weapons because the Western world knows 100% that should those weapons become a reality the will pose a very serious danger to our way of life , and none of us wishes to go back to the dark ages with some fanatic theocratian dictating to the Western world. Kikapu who on earth goes to a funeral and becomes a suicide killer , in such an event like a funeral , or a wedding as it recently happened. Do you not consider these disgusting human garbage as nothing more that an absolute disgrace to humanity. Last week some one blew himself up in a restaurant full of Iraqis , Where was his god , where was the Innocent's god. And yet the survivors came out of the recked restaurant praising god for saving them !! I just cant believe it.
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Postby sadik06 » Mon May 29, 2006 11:25 am

miltiades wrote:Sadik , is it true that the prophet Mohamed married a 6 year old as one of his wifes ?

:D thank you but be open minded If I can convince you :D
The prophet marriages:

Name of Bride Bride's age at marriage Comments
Khadija bint khawilad 40 Twice widowed before
Sauda Bint Zama 50 Widow
Aisha bint Abu Bakr 9 Started living with the prophet at the age of 9.
Hafsa Bint Umar bin Khattab 22 Widow
Zainab bint Khuzaima 30 ?
Umm-I-Salma bint Abu Umayia 26 Widow
Zainab Bint Jahash 38 Widow
Juwaeria Bint Harith 20 Widow
Umm-I-Habiba bint Abu Sufyan 36 Widow
Marya Qibtiya bint Shamun 17 Virgin, Egyptian
Safia bint Hayi bin Akhtab 17 Widow
Raihana bint umru bin hanafa ? ?
Maimuna bint harith 36 widow[/size]

Statistics from the above table:
Percentage of his wives who were 17 years and older = 91 %

Percentage of his wives who were widows = 75%

Comments: The statistics show that the prophet's marriage to Aisha at her young age was an exception and not a norm of his other marriages. Furthermore "a paedophile's main mode of sexual satisfaction is with prepubescent girls", which is contradictory to the 91% of prophet's marriage to women 17 years and over. An unbiased examination of Prophet's life and his marriages to his wives blatantly rejects the notion of his lifestyle fitting that of a paedophile. All his brides were aged widows (except Aisha and Marya).

Moreover, according to the criteria in the references cited above in Synopsis of Psychiatry, a vast majority of paedophiles possess a history of exhibitionism, voyeurism, or rape. Again, there is no single reference from either religious or secular sources that the noble Prophet ever indulged in such sadistic behaviour (God forbid). This truth is observed and accepted by both Muslims and unbiased non-Muslims scholars.
"It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever I re-read them, a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher."
Annie Besant, The Life and Teachings of Muhammad (Madras, 1932), p. 4.
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