by theresa » Fri May 19, 2006 4:28 pm
In the Christian, Islamic and Jewish faiths - God is the same. The differences are that the Jewish faith does not believe that Jesus was the Messiah, nor do those of the Islamic faith - they recognise Jesus as a prophet who preceeded Mohammed. With regards the Catholic and Orthodox church I think that main difference is in the recognition of the head of those churches. Being Catholics I recognise the Pope is the head of (my) church. I do not believe that Islam is a violent religion, and in fact if we all followed the teachings of our (various) religions there would more tolerance and less violence in the world! The catholic church was responsible for some horrific crimes throughout history - the burning of non-believers, the persecution of Jews etc, but thankfully we have evolved a bit. You can't blame religion for crimes, its man who commits them, man who shoots the gun and Man who throws the bombs.