Here are his main guidelines:
1 The treaties of Guarantee and alliance and the Cypriot Army: Abolition of the treaty of Alliance and the Treaty of Guarantee and withdrawal of all foreign troops. For a transitional period there will be provisions for peacekeeping troops within the framework of the UN and the EU. It is possible to have a professional army consisting of GCs and TCs within the framework of the conventional obligations of the republic of Cyprus towards the EU.
2 Bi-communality and Bi-zonality and the 3 basic freedoms : Although bicommunality will be an inseparable part of the solution , it will not be an exclusive one. Bi-zonality will be in a loose form and the provisions that will be made will not obstruct the 3 fundamental freedoms.
3 The powers of the Central Government , the hierachy of the laws and double majorities The C Government should have those powers that will allow it to function effectively . The laws of the federal state must have priority over the laws of the 2 regions except if the supreme court decides otherwise. Double majorities and strong ones will apply only in the case of constitutional reforms.
4 The supreme court The supreme court will consist of 4 GCs , 4 TCs and 1 that will come from smaller communities on a rotation basis.
5 The efficiency of the Executive, Democracy and Popular Sovereignty The American System of President and Vice President will be introduced with the additional provision that the President and the Vice President will not come from the same community. All cypriots will vote for the election of the President ( and the Vice President) The composition of the Council of Ministers will be on the basis of 70:30. The upper house will be on the basis of 50:50 and the Lower house on the basis of 75:25.
6 The territorial issue The Region under TC administration will comprise of 27,5 % of the Territory. It is understood that the land that will be returned to the Greekcypriot side will include a greater % of coastline. All refugees will have the right to return. Even if all GCs refugees do return there will still be a Turkish cypriot majority in the area under TC administartion.( I dont understand this one [i] )
7 Further Evolution If in due time develoments are such that a functional federation evolves in which bi zonality has less relevance then with the consent of the 2 sides the bi zonality provisions may be re assessed.
These are some of his points. Do you agree / Do you disagree ! Party agree?