Sotos wrote:if limassolradio is available then limassolamateurradio should be also. But if the majority in your committee are geeks then maybe you can't do anything about it

Well even though I do not see anything geeky about serving the public with your own money and time, I have to admit that amateur radio requires some education level that some people may call geeky.
It is not known in Cyprus because cypriots in general are not interested in science. So you would not find many of us beeing amateur astronomers or amateur radio operators or into electronics or any other hobby that requires you to be what most of the Cypriot public would call a geek. However there are some very knowledgable people in the community and during the Turkish invasion on 1974 when communications failed the geeks you are talking about were keeping communications channels up for the rest of us. But that's another story.