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Ferries to Greece

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Ferries to Greece

Postby Sotos » Sat May 06, 2006 2:17 am

I remember somebody was asking about ferries to Greece some time ago so ...

LOUIS YESTERDAY announced the resumption of ferry services to Greece for the summer season plus details of its 2006 cruise programme.

A statement from the company said that the cruise ship Princessa Marissa would be offering ferry services to Piraeus and Rhodes for the second year in a row following a hiatus of around five years.

Ferry services between Cyprus and Greece were suspended after violence flared in Israel during the second intifada. The service used to run from Piraeus to Limassol before ending in Haifa, and most of the demand for ferry services was from Israelis wanting to travel to Greece or take their cars to Europe.

However, when Israelis stopped travelling, demand from Cyprus was not enough to keep the services running.

Last year was the first time the Princessa Marissa resumed schedule under a pilot scheme that was to run until September.

This year services to Rhodes will leave every Friday from June 23, through to September 1, while services to Piraeus will operate every Monday from June 19 until September 11.

Louis also announced that it would be running cruises to 60 destinations this year covering almost the entire Mediterranean region.

The vessels Sapphire and Coral will operate to Genoa, while the Perla and Sea Diamond will operate 3, 4 and 5 days cruises from Piraeus. Special packages are available for these cruises that include air ticket and overnight stays at hotels in various destinations.

The Serenade and Ausonia will operate 140 cruises from Limassol to Greece and the Greek islands this year, and also to Rome, Naples, Sicily, Venice, Dubrovnik and Odessa, among other destinations. They will also operate to Syria and Egypt.

According to Louis research, travellers with the cruise line consistently report a 90 per cent satisfaction rate.
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Postby michalis5354 » Sat May 06, 2006 4:43 am

Great! COnsidering to visit Egypt ! The price is 110 pounds per person and this includes 3 meals until you arrive in Egypt. Then you take internal trip priced at 39 per person to see pyramids , river , and other meseums. Not Bad!

Has anyone been to EGypt ? And what are his/her comments good or bad .What to see/not to see , what to eat / not to eat !!

What is the best destination out of the Louis Offer? Reccomendations!!!!
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Postby andri_cy » Sat May 06, 2006 5:24 am

I went to Egypt. It was very interesting and educating. Only thing is the egyptian guide warned us not to eat or drink anything so we bought stuff like water and sandwiches off the boat. They take you to the pyramids and to places like to learn how to make scrolls and several souvenir shops. It was cool.
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Postby michalis5354 » Sat May 06, 2006 12:29 pm

Good. I wanted to go to Israel but my visitor wants to go to Egypt! But in anyway still Egypt is nice! Lets hope we see lots of camels as well who knows we may buy one If there is one cheap over there!
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Postby malaka » Sat May 06, 2006 1:08 pm

andri_cy wrote:I went to Egypt. It was very interesting and educating. Only thing is the egyptian guide warned us not to eat or drink anything so we bought stuff like water and sandwiches off the boat. They take you to the pyramids and to places like to learn how to make scrolls and several souvenir shops. It was cool.

I also went to Egypt sound like we did the same tour. We also took food and water from the ship.
Did you go inside the pyramid?

Oh I have a funny story to tell when we got to the pyramids as i got off the bus this guy comes up and grabs me so I can have my photo taken while I sat on a camel I agreed I sat on the camel and he sat on it aswell infront of me once the photo was taken the camel stood up. I was wondering what was going on My girlfriend took some photos too.
All of a sudden the camel started walking with me and the other guy on it.
I looked down and thought christ its high as the thought of jumpimg off crossed my mind. A few seconds later the camel progresses from a walk to a run.Here I am on this camel straight off the bus hanging on for life.
Suddenly I realised something is wrong I tapped the guy on the shoulder while hanging on he turned around and said money money money he wanted money to stop I had to give him money to stop LOL
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Postby cyprusgrump » Sat May 06, 2006 1:52 pm

malaka wrote:I had to give him money to stop LOL

I loved Egypt apart from the baksheesh – everywhere you go you have to tip people to let you into a toilet, out of a toilet, open doors, etc, etc.

At the airport there is a guy standing at check-in who grabs your suitcase, lifts it onto the scales and expects a tip for doing so!

We didn’t make the Pyramids but did spend three days at The Valley of The Kings which was truly awesome.
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Postby michalis5354 » Sat May 06, 2006 6:52 pm

It seems we are going to have a nice time. I am so excited now!

I will make sure not to sit on a Camel though otherwise I may not be able to return back and stay in Egypt Ohhh!
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