nhowarth wrote:I find that extremely difficult to believe - particularly as on your web site you have the following statements:
I find it amazing that you appear so obsessed with the detail of my web site yet ignore the blatant inaccuracies of your own! In fact, I’m sure everybody finds your ridiculous back peddling on this subject quite amusing.
However, one of us needs to be mature enough to bring this pointless discussion to a conclusion and it appears as though it will have to be me.
This is my last word on the subject that was originally raised.
FACT: I discovered Pissouri almost exactly four years ago and instantly fell in love with the village.
FACT: I have lived here permanently for over three years and in that time have never heard anybody in the village refer to it as ‘The Village of the damned’ as is claimed on your web site.
FACT: The village does not suffer from being built on unstable soil apart from the one tiny area of the village (highlighted on your website as being representative of the whole) where it is acknowledged that a number of properties where built on unstable land (over a covered stream I believe) and where the owners have lost their homes. The owners of these properties have been compensated for their loss and have re-built in Pissouri which does (IMHO) demonstrate their faith in the construction abilities of the builders here and the stability of the land.
I feel sorry for people like Simon that have invested in Pissouri only to have inaccurate descriptions of the village linked to a thread discussing the building of a marina there.
I also think it is a shame that you cannot just admit you’ve made a mistake on your web site, rectify the misleading pages and move on. Instead, you try and turn it into an argument about the legality or otherwise of my own website and activities about which you clearly have no knowledge.
Still, as I said this will be my last word on the subject although you are free to PM me if you need more information on my activities or other web sites that you perhaps would like to critique.