Piratis managed to find a common denominator and this has simplified things for him.
Are other Greek Cypriots not entitled to their opinion? The majority spoke so why not the minority as well. That's what it's all about.
miltiades wrote:Andry , I don't know much about most Cypriot politicians but I do know a a little about Mr.Klerides , and he most certainly did not fight as an RAF pilot during WWII , for financial reasons. He has served Cyprus for many years and was The man that all of Cyprus and the world looked upon to captain a stricken sinking ship in that summer of 1974. He was and still is a repected diplomat the world over.I ought to say that apart from distancing my self from parties with communist ideologies , I have no political affiliations or preferences what so ever
Bananiot wrote:I really can't see why you are blowing your top. Anyway, perhaps you know that Kikis Kazamias was a Minister (and a successful one) who resigned after only one year in the hot seat, because he did not agree with Papadopoulos on the Annan Plan. Yet, you say you know him and that you are sure he was in for the money. Is what you wrote fair on Kazamias? I know it does not cost anything to write in the internet anything that comes from the top of our head but I think we could all exercise more caution and responsibility, especially when we generalise. I hope we can agree on this.
Piratis wrote:Piratis managed to find a common denominator and this has simplified things for him.
Why, you think that others are so stupid that can not see the common demominator of your "wise" politicians?Are other Greek Cypriots not entitled to their opinion? The majority spoke so why not the minority as well. That's what it's all about.
Everybody is entitiled to his opinion. Nobody said the opposide. In this spirit my opinion is that CM is not supporting the Cypriot interests. Am I allowed to have an opinion also? Since we have democracy I suppose I do. So whats the problem?
which means wait for the USA to loose its number one position (if it happens and when it happens ) and hope that the new hegemon (if there is one and we dont have a new bipolar situation again ) is going to choose to support cyprus instead of turkey as an ally (and i do not see the reason why he should do) - or to go to the dream world , he will be a "benevolent" hegemon and he will pursue the fundamental human rights for all the people of the world equally.
just wait. it will happen one of these days. tuesday or wednesday dont leave the house , bc it might be the day , and we wouldnt want to miss it would we ?
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