miltiades wrote:Cypezokyli , I think Piratis has already quite eloquently answered your question as to how we get the Turkish troops out.
yes yes , i know piratis analysis :
With the current balance of power the negotiations will lead nowhere.
which means wait for the USA to loose its number one position (if it happens and when it happens ) and hope that the new hegemon (if there is one and we dont have a new bipolar situation again ) is going to choose to support cyprus instead of turkey as an ally (and i do not see the reason why he should do) - or to go to the dream world , he will be a "benevolent" hegemon and he will pursue the fundamental human rights for all the people of the world equally.
just wait. it will happen one of these days. tuesday or wednesday dont leave the house , bc it might be the day , and we wouldnt want to miss it would we ?
Let me just use a cliche by saying that the process of achieving the utmost bust be carried out in an atmosphere of good will and co operation.Precisely>>> "It will come when the others realize that they have to show respect for our human and democratic rights, in the same way that we are willing to respect theirs. "
miltiades , is there a small tiny possiblity that we also have some things to realise ?
Piratis words . We have on our side the European chapter on human rights , respect of international boundaries , and a Europe that will as time goes on underline Cyprus as the major obstacle to Turkeys journey in to Europe.
i dont want to burst the bubble , but those papers in general matter when it sues certain powerful countries to remember that they once signed them. let me accept for a minute that indeed the AP was violating our fundamental human and democratic rights. accepted.
let me also remind you that it was a plan proposed from the UN . the bloody charter of the human rights "belongs" to them , and they forgot it in the AP.
the EU also supported the plan, despite the fact that human rights are even stronger in the EU context.
Now....what makes you believe that they will not repeat the same thing again ? on what grounds do you base these expecttions ?
if they did it once why would they refrain off doing it twice?
give me one good reason
Rest assured the US and Britain support Turkey for strategic reasons ONLY.
excuse me miltiades , but what do you mean by ONLY ?
do you consider that a "minor" detail ?
But even the US and Britain have to listen to Europe's call for the withdrawal of foreign troops from its soil , that of Cyprus.
when did they make such a call ?
and wasnt england included ?
The Turkish Cypriots have been encouraged by recent events and some might have been wrongly influenced to believe that in time the worldwide recognition of the ROC as the only legitimate nation will perhaps come to an end , and recognition of the occupied part of Cyprus will occur.
actually again what you say in contestable.
first of all , there was an almost 3-years period that the tcs did go out in the streets and we stayed back watching apathetic. this period we conviniently tend to forget.
second , after our NO , the tcs have droppoed the fruitless denktash policies (of trnc recongition ) and are playing on a more pragmatic level - namely the isolation, while in the meantime almost daily repeating that they are ready for negotiations (imagine the point we reached!!!) . whether they achieve that or not depends on us...but perhaps not only on us (perhaps also on the interests of some big powers) . and when /if it happens we are going to be rightly shouting that thats unfair , but if it happens, then..... unfair or not.... vartou rigani.
I think they are wise enough to know that the future of all Cyprus depends on the spirit mentioned above of "goodwill and co operation" Turkey with its 70 million plus population will not squander the only opportunity it has in becoming a European nation and reaping all the benefits , Agriculture beeing the main area to benefit hugely , but also all the foreign capital that the millions of Turks will repatriate by freely moving in Europe . The Turkish Cypriots will not rebel against the Turkish army but the day that it becomes crystal clear that they can live in peace with their Greek compatriots , that day will be the start of the Turkish troops becoming redundant.All of us must understand that we owe it to the future of generations to come , to put all our efforts towards securing a just solution and as Piratis states "The solution will not come with "pants down" policies " This is not a statement of an extremist or an appeaser but a statement of a true Cypriot.
the expression "pants down" is as general as a "viable and functionalbe solution" , it can mean 1000 different things.
dont bet on it that turkey will always bargain cyprus for the EU. let me remind you that it didnot happen up to now. usually we are realising our natural gases of veto , then go to brussels and do as the european powers tell us to do.
as for the day that the tcs will realise the above - i am not sure if you are listening to the tcs! and i am not talking about the "partitionists" .
read the articles of the tcs we "liked" up to now. those ones who have spend their lives fighting against denktash. ask them how the feel about the current situation or the current goverment.
but you might say : why the f*** should we care about what they have to say ? why should the fact that they stood up against denktash should matter to us ? they didnot kick the settlers and the army , so they are not doing enough.
i am sorry miltiades , but the tcs you are after i am not sure that they exist.
the same way as the "want to benefit on our loss" are nothing more than the creation of our imagination.