Birkibrisli wrote:Democracy is not just about numbers,I hope we all agree on that.
Democracy is specifically about making sure that the minorities in a country get fair representation,get freedom of speech and political action,and feel welcomed and valued members of society. A democracy in which the majority try to push their own agendas and opinions on the minorities,nomatter what those minorities feel,cannot be a true democracy.
We all agree on that I believe, and no one has any such ambition towards the T/C community. Do you believe that anyone from the part of the G/C community has any such a policy in their mind, or wish to find a solution which will deprive the members of the T/C community from any of the above?
Birkibrisli wrote:Here is the crucial issue as far as I can gather from reading these forums.the TCs do not believe they can trust the GCs to protect their interests or freedoms or even their basic human right of life.Given this we have Buckley's chance to get them to agree on reunification without rock solid guarantees that they will be treated fairly,respectfully and democratically in a united Cyprus.
Ok! We are ready to provide any given guarantee that this will not happen, without at the same time sacrificing fundamental and basic human rights and other critical historical and political interests of the G/C community. Is it unfair to take this approach?
Birkibrisli wrote:Being the majority it is upto the GC community to try to make the TCs feel more comfortable with the idea of reunification.From where I sit I see NO EFFORT WHATSOEVER ON BEHALF OF THE GCS IN THIS DIRECTION.
What would you suggest the G/C side should do in order to make the T/Cs feel more comfortable with the idea of reunification? I hope you do not mean that we should hide from them the truth as to what we can possible accept and what we cannot possibly accept in relation to the form and shape that a solution should take, versus what the T/C side demands from us. I would like to hear some more specific things that we could do in this direction.
Birkibrisli wrote:TCs need their GC compatriots to show that they have learned from the events of the past,they are prepared to do a lot of soulsearching,and become more trusted partners in a future united homeland.
Brother, the fact that we did not rush to grasp and approve the last “solution” proposal, derives precisely from this soul-searching that you have mentioned above in relation to the past. We recognise that it was a mistake to try and break up or change agreements without the full consent of the other party in them, like we tried to do back in the 1960’s. We accept that when we enter into a deal with another party on anything, we have to be prepared to honour it until the end, and we should never opportunistically or under any intimidation or blackmail efforts of anyone, commit ourselves into something we do not reasonably accept to be fair and logical or to be serving our long term interests as well. Any new agreement, we want it be such that will allow us to back and honour to the fullest possible degree. Therefore it should be an agreement (a deal) which we can tolerate to a reasonable level, so that we will never have to even consider violating or changing with the use of deceptive means and ways.
This is in my view the biggest lesson of the past and the result of a very long soul-searching, and this is also why we didn’t accept the last proposal. Because we learned that we should never agree on something in which we do not consciously believe.
Birkibrisli wrote:The fact that the two main communities increasingly see the other as the enemy to be crushed by any means is not good for my cou ntry.
I feel you are being a bit unfair on the above. I do not believe that G/C community sees the T/C one as the enemy to be crashed by any means, not at all, unless you take into serious consideration the comments of just one or two individuals in this forum who express such obscenities. I will even go one step further and say that I do not feel either that the T/C community sees the G/C one as the enemy to be crashed. The current stalemate perhaps creates a lot of anger and frustration, but certainly not hatred towards the members of the other community.
Birkibrisli wrote:Bananiot's assertion that we have reached rock bottom so the only way from here is up is correct.
If what we have now is termed to be the bottom, then I wonder what were the 30 long years of complete frustration and dismay, during which we were banking on deaf ears and waiting for some blink in the north that would create some hopes for some movement. At least now we see each other’s faces and we talk to each other on a daily basis, and we exchange ideas and get to know each others deeper feelings and expectations from the future. I believe we have already reached the bottom and we are now on our way up and closer to the surface.
I wouldn’t give much credit to the panicking and scaremongering tactics of Bananiot & Cia.