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Postby Kikapu » Wed May 03, 2006 10:00 am


We need people like you on the planet Earth to help solve our problems, instead you want to become a " SPACE CADET". !!!
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Postby miltiades » Wed May 03, 2006 10:08 am

Kifeas I think Bananiot was merely adding some lighthearted reading to this forum,
I hope that you do not class all the Yes voters to the Annan plan as appeasers to Turkey.
As you most probably know I was not not only against the plan but was furious that it was even considered as the "solution to Cyprus" What for me was the main flaw of this plan , and did not even wanted to consider any other aspects to it , was the right given to a foreign power to continue its interference in our affairs and the continued pressence of its troops on our soil. As for US/Britain's role , you must agree that historically super powers supported primarily their interests above all else , we dont have to agree with them but let us not hate them either and blame all our misfortunes on them. The US needs Turkey more than it needs either Cyprus or Greece for strategic reasons and as you know it is the only Muslim country that supports Israel. ! ! How is that for looking after your own interests ! Cypriots take notice .
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Postby Bananiot » Wed May 03, 2006 10:17 am

Okay then, now to the more serious staff. This perverted and confused individual has claimed that political equality of the two communities is a must if we really want our problem to be solved. Kifeas, on the other hand, claims that this is a Turkish demand and thus any Greek Cypriot that is willing to accept political equality of the communities is adopting the Turkish propaganda. The essence of political equality of the two communities is present in the Constitution that arose from the London-Zurich agreements. Also, all plans that have been drawn by various people since 1974 contain this issue as a hard core. The Annan Plan was endorsed by the Organisations and Institutions whose principles are supposed to be threatened by the Plan itself, according to the likes of Kifeas.

But, to cap it all, I know Kifeas's argument as to what we have accepted. He has written on numerous occasions that we have accepted political equitability as opposed to political equality. This is where the tyrrany of words begins to play a leading role. As most people know, the term political equitability, is used mainly for social and economic issues. It is an extremely vague term to be used in a Constitution. It probably means fair, but what is fair or not is subject to interpretation. For constitutional use the term political equality gives a presise interpretation of the intended use of this term. The Turkish Cypriots, sure enough, are interested only in political equality. The international community tells us that this is the only way forward if we want a solution. Greece has told us so in 2004. Even today, the government of Greece tells us that time is running against us. I will not begin to insult people that refuse to accept political equality of the two communities but those that think that this is unfair must provide an alternative. A realistic alternative that can be accepted by both sides and will lead to a quick solution, because soon now, there will be nothing left of the north Cyprus to be united with.
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Postby cypezokyli » Wed May 03, 2006 10:42 am

Kifeas wrote:
cypezokyli wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
They are treated like this because they pursue a compromise through a total and unquestionable surrender to the terms of the other side and those of the foreigners. They promote the Anglo-American and Turkish propaganda in Cyprus, which holds that the only possible way to solve the problem is by accepting the Annan plan, as the foreigners have presented it to us, otherwise we have no other chance to solve the problem, and they also use the fear of partition as part of a scaremongering tactic. This the reason they are treated in this way, because they behave as agents of foreign interests among the G/C society, either consciously or not, and they show absolutely no respect for the choices and preferences of the vast majority of the people.

i like it then that u refer to them (or us) as propagandists!!!
i mean the above paragraph is an endless game with words , coming straight from the progoverment media. i am sure you can do better than that kifeas.
i could probably answer to all the highlighted words above , but i am not sure if i see the point. the point is , that with all the above compliments i dont see how the opinion of the minority is respected. even if i accept that they act like you think they do , when i read the above post i fail to see the difference between how they respect the majoritys position is different from how you respect the minoritys position.

I did not have you in mind when I was writing the above, but if you alone and willfully choose to identify your self with Bananiot's line, then so be it. I personally do not believe that you and Bananiot share the same perspective nor “broadcast” on the same frequency, as it naturally comes out from all the posts of both of you, but since you say so then …good to know.

its not about who you had in mind. whether you had me or any other person has nothing to do with what you wrote. my posts are there and i am not going to bother to get into classification discussions.
it is just i get annoyed , by the often use of the words "agents" "promoting foreign interests" etc.
and since i ve been called among other things fascist , communist , turk, traitor and many others i do get annoyed from the continued labelling of people.

so , so long you argue in this way

using all the wrong analogies to “make,” as he hopes, a point. Read the above carefully. He parallelized all the human beings and citizens of Cyprus with a farm house of different types of animals in which the G/Cs are the dog (his dog) and the T/Cs are the cats (his cats) in order to show that not every animal is the same and therefore should not be expected to be treated in an identical way, but instead according to each ones deferent natural and /or biological needs. In other words, according to this ...., neither we nor the members of the T/C community are all equal logical human individuals with no essential differences to each other apart from perhaps our native languages, but instead we are as different to each other as two different kinds of animals such as the dogs and the cats are to each other. Not even animals of the same kind but of different features we are not classified, i.e. brown dogs vs. spotty ones, etc.

i dont have a problem.

but bc i have heard so often this phrase of "being payed by the americans" , just because one has a different opinion , with noone ever showing evidence , i do get immidiatelly annoyed.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed May 03, 2006 1:39 pm

Hello,dear people...I don't remember reading any posts by the subject of this thread but I will keep my eyes open for her contributions.
Democracy is not just about numbers,I hope we all agree on that.
Democracy is specifically about making sure that the minorities in a country get fair representation,get freedom of speech and political action,and feel welcomed and valued members of society.
A democracy in which the majority try to push their own agendas and opinions on the minorities,nomatter what those minorities feel,cannot be a true democracy.Here is the crucial issue as far as I can gather from reading these forums.the TCs do not believe they can trust the GCs to protect their interests or freedoms or even their basic human right of life.Given this we have Buckley's chance to get them to agree on reunification without rock solid guarantees that they will be treated fairly,respectfully and democratically in a united Cyprus.
Being the majority it is upto the GC community to try to make the TCs feel more comfortable with the idea of reunification.From where I sit I see NO EFFORT WHATSOEVER ON BEHALF OF THE GCS IN THIS DIRECTION.What is worse the suggestion (coming out of great frustration and bitterness,I understand) that the Cyprob will be solved in the same way as it was created in 1974,does nothing to make the TCs feel secure.
I left Cyprus in 1969,well before 1974,and believe me I wasn't dreaming,there existed a problem called Cyprus even then and way before then.What I am trying to say is this:TCs need their GC compatriots to show that they have learned from the events of the past,they are prepared to do a lot of soulsearching,and become more trusted partners in a future united homeland.Personally I have gone beyond all artificial notions of religion,nationalism,and false patriotism that says only my ethnic people deserve a place in the sun.I now subscribe to the true partiotism which calls for doing whatever is necessary,including appeasing the devil if I must,to do what is good for my country.Partition is not good for my country.Having foreign troops in Cyprus is not good for my country.Having people who have no historical,social or cultural ties pouring into North Cyprus is not good for my country.The prospect of dragging the Cyprob on for another 20/25 years is not good for my country.The fact that our politicians are only interested in scoring political points against each other is not good for my country.The fact that the two main communities increasingly see the other as the enemy to be crushed by any means is not good for my cou ntry.There is so little that is good for my country at the moment that i can only hope Bananiot's assertion that we have reached rock bottom so the only way from here is up is correct.Otherwise 500 years from now historians will teach Cyprob as an example of how one nation can blow itself up and disappear from the face of the earth by their own stupidity and stubbornness... :( :( :(
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Postby michalis5354 » Wed May 03, 2006 2:10 pm

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Postby Kikapu » Wed May 03, 2006 2:14 pm


" Miss Wonderful" did make a contribution " in her own loving way" on page 2, May 2nd. + couple more. Compatriots like that, who needs enemies.!!!
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Postby Bananiot » Wed May 03, 2006 2:26 pm

Birkibrisli; romantic, passionate, lovable as always! A Cypriot with a vision of peace, fraternity and solidarity.
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Postby michalis5354 » Wed May 03, 2006 2:37 pm

i read only the 1st paragrapah of Birkibrisli and I did not need to read the rest to find myslef agreeing with him 100% . Congradulations Birkibrisli!
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Postby Kikapu » Wed May 03, 2006 3:56 pm

Birkibrisli wrote: Buckley's chance :(

Never heard this one before. Is this an Aussie expression ? Can I tell this to a woman in Australia, you have a "Buckley's chance" of getting me into bed with you, if I don't like her, and if I do like her, can I use the same .

It's good to get away from politics now and then and have a little fun.
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