We need people like you on the planet Earth to help solve our problems, instead you want to become a " SPACE CADET". !!!
Kifeas wrote:cypezokyli wrote:Kifeas wrote:
They are treated like this because they pursue a compromise through a total and unquestionable surrender to the terms of the other side and those of the foreigners. They promote the Anglo-American and Turkish propaganda in Cyprus, which holds that the only possible way to solve the problem is by accepting the Annan plan, as the foreigners have presented it to us, otherwise we have no other chance to solve the problem, and they also use the fear of partition as part of a scaremongering tactic. This the reason they are treated in this way, because they behave as agents of foreign interests among the G/C society, either consciously or not, and they show absolutely no respect for the choices and preferences of the vast majority of the people.
i like it then that u refer to them (or us) as propagandists!!!
i mean the above paragraph is an endless game with words , coming straight from the progoverment media. i am sure you can do better than that kifeas.
i could probably answer to all the highlighted words above , but i am not sure if i see the point. the point is , that with all the above compliments i dont see how the opinion of the minority is respected. even if i accept that they act like you think they do , when i read the above post i fail to see the difference between how they respect the majoritys position is different from how you respect the minoritys position.
I did not have you in mind when I was writing the above, but if you alone and willfully choose to identify your self with Bananiot's line, then so be it. I personally do not believe that you and Bananiot share the same perspective nor “broadcast” on the same frequency, as it naturally comes out from all the posts of both of you, but since you say so then …good to know.
using all the wrong analogies to “make,” as he hopes, a point. Read the above carefully. He parallelized all the human beings and citizens of Cyprus with a farm house of different types of animals in which the G/Cs are the dog (his dog) and the T/Cs are the cats (his cats) in order to show that not every animal is the same and therefore should not be expected to be treated in an identical way, but instead according to each ones deferent natural and /or biological needs. In other words, according to this ...., neither we nor the members of the T/C community are all equal logical human individuals with no essential differences to each other apart from perhaps our native languages, but instead we are as different to each other as two different kinds of animals such as the dogs and the cats are to each other. Not even animals of the same kind but of different features we are not classified, i.e. brown dogs vs. spotty ones, etc.
Birkibrisli wrote: Buckley's chance
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