No Bananiot, apart from this 1% of losers sharing your perverted ideas, none of the remaining 99% of G/Cs is prepared to recognise as the corner stone of the political future of Cyprus, the equality of one “ethnic” group constituting the 18%(-) of the Cypriots with that of another group constituting the 82%(+) of the Cypriot people, simply because we do not live and exist on this island as mere members of the one or the other community, but also as individual Cypriot citizens. We are all prepared to accept the equality of the two communities, only to the extent that the other side is prepared to accept that we are not mere members of each one of the two equal communities, but also equal individual Cypriot citizens with each other on a 1:1 basis, and that both political notions should be equally accommodated and reflected in a future constitution, both in it’s letter and it’s spirit!
We are ready to accept that the two types of political equality, the community and the individual one, will equally and mutually constitute the corner stone basis of a future constitution.
If you believe that the above will mean partition, I will go further and say that if it indeed will be the outcome, then this will be a rather short lived one, since it is our firm intention to bring it to an end in the same way that it physically came into existence back in 1974, and as soon as the right opportunity will arise. Therefore, since you hold the above believes, and like another Cassandra you seat on the walls proclaiming the fall and the destruction of Cyprus, I suggest you do us a favor and pack up your things, take your family and get out of Cyprus and as far away as possible. This will be the best service you will do for Cyprus. Because we do not plan to adopt your views in any way whatsoever!
Kifeas wrote:sadik wrote:Kifeas wrote:Bananiot wrote:Michalis is more greek than all of you put together. He is just aware that the policies followed by Papadopoulos and his likes over the last 50 years have handed half of Cyprus to Turkey in a plate. Of course it is easier to blame the anglo-americans but history teaches us that these two countries have saved our ass on numerous occasions in the past.
Both GCG_uk and Michalis /Bananiot are the two opposite extreme ends of the G/C political /ideological spectrum in relation to the Cyprus problem. None of them is correct, as no extreme set of beliefs has ever been correct.
Is this the new trend in the GC society? To classify people who are promoting peace, unification and co-existence as extremists. Why are people who are not advocating hatered or violence considered extremists?
An extremist set of beliefs or approach doesn’t necessarily have to include violent and undemocratic means in their menu, to be regarded as such, nor are they always defined by the end goal they claim to pursue.
GCG_uk takes the extremist (and wrong) approach that holds the T/Cs to be the ultimate evil and the sole perpetrators of all that has happened and is now happening in Cyprus, sadistically over-exaggerating their negative role and completely ignoring or white washing any negative role the G/Cs have played. We are all unanimous on the fact that the above views are extremist ones.
On the other hand, Michalis and Bananiot take the completely opposite approach that holds the G/Cs to be the ultimate evil and the sole perpetrators of all that has happened and is now happening in Cyprus, masochistically over-exaggerating their negative role and completely ignoring or white washing any negative role the T/Cs have played. Why isn’t this an extremist approach, and the above is?
Both are equally pervasive (=extreme) approaches! The one subscribes fully and unquestionably to the Greek Cypriot most nationalist propaganda, the other subscribes fully and unquestionably to the Turkish Cypriot most nationalist propaganda.
sadik wrote: It's one thing to say that you are all evil and inferior, it's another thing to say that we have done some bad things.
In my view, one being able to criticize oneself is not extremism, it's a virtue.
Besides, have never heard any GC on this forum ever saying that the GCs are the sole perpetrators of all this mess.
As a Turkish Cypriot, I find it very frusterating that the people who show the most willingness to live together with the TCs are treated like this in the GC society.
Kifeas wrote:
They are treated like this because they pursue a compromise through a total and unquestionable surrender to the terms of the other side and those of the foreigners. They promote the Anglo-American and Turkish propaganda in Cyprus, which holds that the only possible way to solve the problem is by accepting the Annan plan, as the foreigners have presented it to us, otherwise we have no other chance to solve the problem, and they also use the fear of partition as part of a scaremongering tactic. This the reason they are treated in this way, because they behave as agents of foreign interests among the G/C society, either consciously or not, and they show absolutely no respect for the choices and preferences of the vast majority of the people.
Bananiot wrote:
Greetings from the edge of our solar system (I hope this is far enough) where I was banished, together with my family, because my views allegedly were representative of 1% of the total population of Cyprus (typically the total population of Cyprus refers to the Greek community). Luckily I have my dog with me to keep me company and hopefully this will not upset Kifeas since Milo had voted "NO" in the referendum and basically he could have stayed, potentially, in the island. Of course he also had perverted ideas in his mind, of a different kind, because he was convinced by his pig friend that if he had voted "YES" he would have to share my love with possibly four (+) cats who would naturally ask for more rights since they represented the majority and have a tendency to reproduce like ... rabits.
Milo came up with the following argument: "I am (all) prepared to accept the equality of the two species only to the extent that the cats are prepared to accept that we are not mere members of each one of the two equal communities, but also equal individual pet citizens with each other on a 1:1 basis, and that both political notions should be equally accommodated and reflected in a future constitution, both in it’s letter and it’s spirit!"
An astounded by stander blinked and blinked again and thought out loud "am I stupid, not as smart as I thought? Can you elaborate on this?" The rest of the farm breathed a sigh of huge relief as they did not understand either but were ashamed to ask since the world at large may have considered them to be plain thick.
Milo came up with a proud answer, worthy of its Jack Russel breed. I will, if I have to, sit on the fence and wait for the circumstances to change. Then I will claim back what belongs to me.
cypezokyli wrote:Kifeas wrote:
They are treated like this because they pursue a compromise through a total and unquestionable surrender to the terms of the other side and those of the foreigners. They promote the Anglo-American and Turkish propaganda in Cyprus, which holds that the only possible way to solve the problem is by accepting the Annan plan, as the foreigners have presented it to us, otherwise we have no other chance to solve the problem, and they also use the fear of partition as part of a scaremongering tactic. This the reason they are treated in this way, because they behave as agents of foreign interests among the G/C society, either consciously or not, and they show absolutely no respect for the choices and preferences of the vast majority of the people.
i like it then that u refer to them (or us) as propagandists!!!
i mean the above paragraph is an endless game with words , coming straight from the progoverment media. i am sure you can do better than that kifeas.
i could probably answer to all the highlighted words above , but i am not sure if i see the point. the point is , that with all the above compliments i dont see how the opinion of the minority is respected. even if i accept that they act like you think they do , when i read the above post i fail to see the difference between how they respect the majoritys position is different from how you respect the minoritys position.
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