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What happened to the wall of shame?

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Re: What happened to the wall of shame?

Postby andri_cy » Mon May 01, 2006 5:00 am

retired2northcyprus wrote:since they refuse to say i will YES IT IS STILL THERE AT LEDRA PALACE TO THE ETENAL SHAME OF THE SOUTH....

just goes to show they will crow about being free fredom of expression but ask them how many women children and old people eoka killed they will not dare give you a DIRECT answer but will go on about who did what and never never answer or admit their shamefull part in the sad events of 1960 - 1974

This is exacly why, everyone should keep the hell out and let GC's and TC's work it out themselves. You have no interest in Cyprus except for the illegally purchased land you now "own". So you would like us to keep fighting so that way you dont get to answer to anybody. If you have nothing but insults and negative comments to make keep them to yourself. You are not being constructive. No one said they refused to say. A lot of us said we never saw that wall. That might be because THE WALL ISNT THERE ANYMORE AND WE DIDNT GET TO SEE IT BEFORE THEY PAINTED IT OVER. But of course you would like to have the TC's on this forum believe we dont say because its there because as an illegal buyer, it suits you and your purpose.
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Postby GreekCypriotGurl_UK » Mon May 01, 2006 12:37 pm

retiredtoNorthCyprus your also a illegal Settler in North Cyprus as you live in stolen land which makes you a crimminal you just angry at Greek Cypriots becasue EOKA kicked you british out of Cyprus in 1960 why dont you get over it lots of countrys kicked the british out everywhere they went Cyprus being one of them, how do you sleep at night knowing your sleeping in stolen property guess you have no morals also did you know last year 2 british who retired to North Cyprus where killed by turks and i have no sympathy for them becasue they knew they where living in stolen land.
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Postby littlemiss » Mon May 01, 2006 2:41 pm

ah now now, no one deserves to be killed especially an old couple that have retired! Prosecuted for the whole steeling land thing but not murdered, and by the turkish it was not even their land they had stolen so they did not deserve what they got, im sure they have a very upset family around. I know many british ppl are being conned and promised that the house they have bought or the land they have bought is perfectly leagal, I dont know one person that would steel from anyone intentionally, and risk loosing it all, thats just silly. These ppl that are buying land or houses over there surely do not want to loose a life time of money they have saved to retire on, so bare in mind some of these ( not just the british ) may be being duped into these sales, by bits of paper and legal documents telling them it safe to buy this land. But please no one deserves to be murdered not back then and certainly not now, please think of these ppls family who may be reading what you write here, im sure they one didnt want there mum, dad, nan, grandad, to move away in the first place let alone be murdered. As im sure you were upset when your families were killed or went missing.
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Postby GreekCypriotGurl_UK » Mon May 01, 2006 3:27 pm

i never siad they deserved to be killed littlemiss show me where i said that ? all i said was i had no sympathy for them and why should I? did that couple have any sympathy for the greek refugees that lost there homes i doubt it. look at what retired2northcyprus post does he have any sympathy for the greek refugees? no he mocks us.

Even if a british couple who do retire to North Cyprus are being duped into buying stolen land like you say it's still no excuse they know that Cyprus is illegally occupied and they want to go and retire there that means they are contributing to the economy in illegally occuppied North Cyprus even if they dont buy a home that used to belong to a greek Refuges they still in some way contributing to the illegal occupation by giving money for that home they are buying to the illegal turkish goverment in the north so they know what they are doing it makes them just as bad as the illegal turkish settlers in my eyes and yes your right its not just british its other foreingers as well
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Postby littlemiss » Mon May 01, 2006 3:44 pm

retiredtonorthcyprus does mock you and is very wrong to do so, and trust me im on your side here, literally, i would never buy over there one out of fear of loosing my money and two i am sympathetic to what happened in the past, but i have been to visit and bought a drink and a meal there that doesnt make it so i agree with them or want to contribute to their economy, i was just hungry, and i did want to see wether it is truelly as beautiful as they say it is over there. It is and i cant blame ppl for wanting to live there its just so sad it is the way it is, and that it really cuts deep for the GC when ppl do. None of us can change how it is and yes the brits need to be educated on what happened here all those years ago and on their concience be it if they still decide to move there, but i doubt very much those that have bought there will sell up and if they do doesnt that still make them bad and contributing to the occupation? How can they win? We will all have to see what the goverment get up to in the future cos at the end of the day there is nothing we can do or say to change how it is. The bummer about goverment is its in their hands no one else can do anything about it. Oh and im so glad someone at last agrees its not just the brits thank you.
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Postby stuballstu » Mon May 01, 2006 4:19 pm

GreekCypriotGurl_UK wrote

retiredtoNorthCyprus your also a illegal Settler in North Cyprus as you live in stolen land which makes you a crimminal you just angry at Greek Cypriots becasue EOKA kicked you british out of Cyprus in 1960 why dont you get over it lots of countrys kicked the british out everywhere they went Cyprus being one of them

How ignorant can one person be?

What make you think that Retired2Cyprus is an illegal settler? As an EU passport holder he has a right to move anywhere in Europe he feels fit. The same way that you as a Cypriot have the right to live and work in England. How do you know if he lives on refugee land? You dont, you assume that he does. You want to be a judge, jury and executioner.

Just for the record EOKA never kicked Britain out of cyprus, the last time i checked Britain still has bases there. How did lots of countries kick the British out, lots of countries from the former British empire were granted independence the same as Cyprus was and you will still find some sort of British presence and infuences on these places today.

GreekCypriotGurl_UK wrote

also did you know last year 2 british who retired to North Cyprus where killed by turks and i have no sympathy for them becasue they knew they where living in stolen land.

The 2 British that were killed were killed by a Turk. You assume again that they lived on stolen land. You really must do some better research.

GreekCypriotGurl_UK wrote
i never siad they deserved to be killed littlemiss show me where i said that ? all i said was i had no sympathy for them and why should I? did that couple have any sympathy for the greek refugees that lost there homes

Unless you knew them personally then you have no idea of their opinions on GC refugees.

Your posts have always been anti- Turkish anti - Turkish Cypriot and now they are becoming anti-British too which is a country that you give the impression of that you live. Thank god you are in a minority who feel this way about fellow humans. You really should be ashamed to call yourself a human being.

I wont bother replying to any more of your posts as sometimes "empty shells really do make the most noise"
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Postby GreekCypriotGurl_UK » Mon May 01, 2006 5:34 pm

littlemiss i know theres nothing we can do to change it i dont beleive in negociations with those thief turks in the north will change anything they will continue to occupy our land no mater what people say. but since we cant get our land back i beleive we should encourage the world to boycot the n side of Cyprus and turkey.

GC Refugees miss there homes and go to the north to visit there homes and they get hungry and buy some food from the turkish side you may not relise it littlemiss but its not only you refugess who go to the north to see there old homes if all those refugess by food when they get hungry in the north side the illegal turkish Side are making money from our misery of missing our homes i have visited Cyprus last year and before i went with my family who are GC refugess to visit there old homes we brought food with us so we would not have to pay for anything in the north side but i have noticed that when i visited in apostolos andreas the turks have market stalls selling jewelery becasue they know lots of greeks go there they even charge visitors to use the toilets at the monastry the monastry is not theres my dad was really upset by this becasue he use to work and live at that monastry when he was young so he refused to use the toilet there my parent refuse to pay a penny when they visit the North side. if they not goning to give our land back then they should be punished from being boycotted
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Postby GreekCypriotGurl_UK » Mon May 01, 2006 5:50 pm

stuballstu if anyone is anti human its you i have heard you justify the turkish invasion which resulted in mass murder for greeks that is sick your sick in my apinion i dont give a darn if you reply to my post or not but i am not anti british i live in UK i know english people who share my apinions on Cyprus and that turks should leave i am glad they are not all like you and retired2northCyprus not all english people support injustice i am against the british Goverment in Uk for reasons but not against the british people
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Postby stuballstu » Mon May 01, 2006 8:20 pm

Greek Cypriot Gurl UK

Further to my earlier post as you claim by your name that you are a UK resident and possibly a UK citizen and also Greek Cypriot through parentage. You forget that in the UK you are a minority and not i repeat not treated as such. The way you speak of minorities in Cyprus makes me glad that Britain did not treat you the way you would like to treat everyone on cyprus who is not GC.

You yet despite being asked many times what your solution to the cyprus problem would be have failed to answer it on more than one occasion.

There is no point in responding to you posts because as far as you are concerned anyone who does not disagree with you is a "Turk Lover"

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Postby GreekCypriotGurl_UK » Mon May 01, 2006 9:46 pm

stuballstu i dont care what you think i only want the turkish occupation to end i want justice for turkeys war crimes agaisnt greek Cypriots people who where treated badly in Cyprus where my family by the turks they where ones who forced them out of there homes but your saying we are the opressors my parents never harmed any turkish Cypriots and they where forced out of there homes and my dad was kidnapped and inprisoned for no reason what so ever by the turks so you can take your faulse accusations and shove them where the sun dont shine please dont respond to me again your sick and people like you make me sick
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