mrfromng , The message on the wall , as you call , is nothing more than pure graffiti. As far as the foreign tourists are concerned I dont think almost 3 million that visit Cyprus every year will bud an eyelid at the sight of what clearly is what it is .GRAFFITI. They see this type in their respective countries every day.
Please dont ask me if I think graffiti signs like these are conducive to the encouragement of unification , I would have thought that I made it crystal clear as to my views on hatred gestures. Can I also voice my concern at your obvious reluctance to regenerate your thinking and allow it to examine what after all is the main stumbling block to a solution , and that is the continuing presence of Foreign troops on our land , that is on your land and mine.
Im of course refering to the 40000 Turkish troops. Can i just say something on the Kurdish situation . Would Turkey allow some 15 million Kurds create their own nation and demand that this nation is accorded world wide regognition ? I very much doubt it.