by pantheman » Sat Apr 29, 2006 6:46 pm
you get you cypriot citizenship from your father not your mother.
You need to prove he was born in cyprus (even though he may have a greek/turkish name - sorry you said cypriot not greek or turkish so i made no assumption) Birth cirtificate. You need to have resided in cyprus for a min of 6 months and then fill in a shit load of forms and take them to some court in nicosia and get them signed/approved before you can get citizenship. Any children you then have will automatically get their citizenship from you.
As for national service, english mother or not, if you are of greek cypriot decent you will be liable unless you satify certain conditions. I was once told that you would have to wait 7 generations without a greek male in you father.grandfather bloodline before you can get away with it.
If your father was english and you mother was greek, you would never have to do it.
As for exit visa (adia exodou) sometime they ask for it sometimes they don't. I don't show it unless it gets asked for. I have a permanent one.
There don't appear to be any real benefits of the citizenship other than personal. voting rights and to carry out certain jobs.
but good luck anyway, hope this helps.