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beat high price diesel

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Postby Mikros » Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:41 pm

Same with Peugeot- Citroen HDi engines. What I have been told though by some car mechanics, it is safer (for the engine of course) not to use 100% bio-fuel as fuel, but prefer a mixture depending on the engine. It has also been noticed that it does some good work on high-mileage engines as well, since the bio-fuel has some lubrication capabilities as welll. At the moment, as the situation is here (no standards followed etc) I wouldnt use bio fuel in Cy, unless someone gives me any quality tests and certificates. If I was leaving in another country, yes I'd do that.
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biodiesel give no problems

Postby cyfo » Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:25 am

here is all questions answer
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