by Kikapu » Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:15 pm
As a Cypriot/British/American I too love America. It is a great country. It's too bad we elect the wrong people to office from time to time, and some times even for second term! Democracy means that our government works for us not the other way around. Democracy means that our government is scares from us, not the other way around. Do you see Bush working for us (citizens) or being afraid from us (citizens ). He has used the American "good will" for his own personal gains by invading Iraq unilateraly, first time in Americans' history that we have done that, so that he can be a "War President" to be remembered in history. Well he has got his wish, only he'll be remembered very negatively ( if there's such a word ). Now that his poll numbers are in the rubbish bin, he want to stir it up again, and his Republican supporters egg him on to go and kick some ass. These people are anti-America and all that she stands for.
Funny you should bring up Israel. Israel is not the 51st state of USA. They are armed to the teeth thanks to the USA, including Nukes, so they can defend themselves if they wish to. You want to talk about balance of power in the region, the scale tips way too much towards Israel. America loves to use Israel as a reason everytime we want to kick some ass in the region, because politically it pays off at home to get the Jewish vote ( for both parties )
You said " you have to admit that fear is something the US rarely displays". Well, thats because we always go and destroy someone elses country. I use to think Americans displayed a lot of courage until 9/11, then I saw just how scared Americans became. The more they were reminded of that terrible day the more they ran to Bush for protection, until Katrina hit, then the truth came out that they were not protected. If USA did not have a strong military, even Castro could have walked into USA.
You seem to have the same fear Bush managed to inflict on the Americans, by yet another threat coming from Iran, so we need to kick more ass. I just wish all those who want to go to war would be the first ones to volunteer to go to the front lines, or perhaps they are " displaying fear".
Do not forget, that the West has committed more crime against humanity than any Middle Eastern country in the last 100 years. I think you're afraid from the wrong people.