by Kikapu » Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:47 pm
All of you have made an accurate statement about America whether you knew it or not, although some were more accurate than others. I spent 25 years in the States and followed their politics and foreign policies closely. America is a great nation with its' citizens in time of peace, but in time of war, America looses its' greatness in a hurry. When America needs something from another nation that they have ignored previously, during in time of war, they use the moto " the enemy of my enemy, is my friend".
India and Pakistan were both under US sanctions over their development of Nuclear weapons, but after 9/11 when US wanted to attack Afganistan, they needed access, so Pakistan become a friend. They did not want to upset India which may cause friction between Pakistan, gave them a free pass also. It's not uncommon for USA to go to "bed" with the "enemy", if they can get what they want, but don't expect for the "honeymoon" to last very long, because soon or later, the tables will turn again and the "enemy of my enemy, is my friend" will resurface, and this time you will be the "enemy.
I can't say I blame the Iranians if they wanted to develop the "bomb". Does anyone really think USA would be in Iraq today, if they had the "bomb". Look how many lives would have been saved, and the $$ cost and human misery, if US could not have attacked Iraq. This notion that some countries could not be trusted with the "bomb"is a weak argument. Do you really think they could threaten other nations with few dozen Nukes, when they will be wiped off by thousans of Nukes from the US and others. For decades we did not trust the Soviets, the "evil empire". What ever happened to all those warnings. Man may be a "fool" to develope these weapons, but not "stupid" to use them AGAIN.
The only time the Cyprus issue came up in the USA to my knowledge to try and resolve the problem was by Clinton just before he got caught having a BJ in the Oval office, and then the whole thing was dropped faster than his pants, when Monica came to visit him.!! I don't think Cyprus is on anyones "radar screen" to harm her or help her. If the Cypriots wont help themselves, than no one else will either.