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US military action against Iran

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Postby malaka » Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:26 am

miltiades wrote:I think Piratis Malakas and Kifeas should get together and form the next goverment of Cyprus. Start a war on Turkey , admonish the Americans , throw the British bases out and perhaps invite some of their freinds to join them in US bashing. Wake up ! We need to look to the future . The UN will not expell Turkey.America will not chastice Turkey and Brittain will not dismantle its bases. Can any of you suggest how you could accomplish your aims . Let me tell you that if America were given military bases in Cyprus way back in Makarios time , the chances are that 40000 TURKISH TROOPS WOULD NOT BE ON OUR LAND. But then the Americans, we were told ,would import drugs and prostitution into Cyprus !!! As far as Britain is concerned , lets not forget that 60% plus of our Tourism is British. Let us also not forget that it is the home of some 250000 Cypriots who have invested a lot of money in Cyprus that they earned in Britain. Carry on bashing the Americans so that future generations of Cypriots can rejoice on how brilliant their forefathers were in politics.In my fist post on this forum I stated that for the benefit of Cyprus I would go to bed with the devil .Above all , the interests of our Cyprus , put your heads together and tell me that hating the US is going to help the future of my children and grandchilden , and yours , and I swear I will switch to making alliances with Cuba , North Korea , Vietnam or any other nation that you think would help establish peace , tranguility and justice in Cyprus.

You wake up.
Turkey got they got by force but thats makes it all right doesnt it.
Let Turkey get away with it because we have not got the resources to get it back by force (LIKE THEY DID IT).
You phuck me over with 100 of your mates (Turkey did to Cyprus) then you want me to like and negotiate with you.
You and your 100 mates bring 10000 more mates to my land and demand you stay.
What goes aaround comes arounds you will get yours in 1 year or 1 million If Cyprus stays the way it is till then so be it.
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Postby Bananiot » Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:43 am

Let us return to the the topic and forget Cyprus for a minute. The world does not go round Cyprus and there are more pressing matters at this instance for the world community.

The question to be asked is what will happen if Iran (used to be called persia, before the fanatics got in) does not accept what the International Committee of Atomic Energy stipulates. What will happen if Iran goes on to produce nuclear weapons?

You know, the regime there is not accountable to the people but to God! This regimes calls for the assasination of writers who merely express their point of view. It has engaged in a bloody war with its neighbours and used chemical weapons. The President of this regime has called for Israel to be erased from the face of the earth. Piratis and some others in this forum have been recorded as saying that if the USA has nukes, then it is okay for Iran to have them. Well, it is not okay for Iran to have them. If it makes an attempt to produce them then we should perhaps pay the USA or any other willing customer to take them out. Any other argument is irresponsible and people that make them simply live in a fantasy world but please live us out of this fantasy of yours!
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Postby Bananiot » Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:44 am

By the way, since malaka is an aussie, I am willing to go along anything Australia decides on this issue.
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Postby Alexis » Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:15 pm

You know, the regime there is not accountable to the people but to God! This regimes calls for the assasination of writers who merely express their point of view. It has engaged in a bloody war with its neighbours and used chemical weapons. The President of this regime has called for Israel to be erased from the face of the earth. Piratis and some others in this forum have been recorded as saying that if the USA has nukes, then it is okay for Iran to have them. Well, it is not okay for Iran to have them. If it makes an attempt to produce them then we should perhaps pay the USA or any other willing customer to take them out. Any other argument is irresponsible and people that make them simply live in a fantasy world but please live us out of this fantasy of yours!

I think no-one should have nuclear weapons, even as a deterrent. Certainly we should not encourage any new countries to adopt them. I'm not sure I completely agree with your sentiments on this issue Bananiot. It seems to me that your views take on board all the arguments the USA has used and dismiss all other points of view as not only wrong but dangerous and irresponsible. It is exactly this patronising point of view that re-inforces the arguments against the US amongst say Europeans who probably agree that Iran should not have nuclear weapons but are worried about the way the US is tackling the issue. Remember that at this point Iran has stated that her intentions are for peaceful purposes only. Now I am of course very open to the possibility that this is a complete lie and share most people's view that Iran probably does want nukes. Some kind of diplomatic solution should be reached where Iran is allowed to pursue energy generation so that she can free up oil to sell to the rest of the world and avoid the need for another bloody war.
The current stance the US is taking (which very much sounds like your stance), is almost without doubt going to lead to war simply because this isn't just about nukes, it's about Israel and the fact that Iran has been a vocal enemy of the US for the last 27 years, and as such negotiations between the two countries have descended to a slanging match.
Also look at the current world situation from Iran's point of view, she is currently surrounded by US troops on all sides, yet she has rarely engage in acts of war with her neighbours, although through her own admission has supported terrorist organisations. Also, as I am sure you know Bananiot, the bloody war which Iran did engage with her neighbour (I guess you are referring to the Iran-Iraq war), was started by Iraq (just as evil a regime) with the full support of the US. Despite all this I still agree that it is dangerous for Iran to have nukes, I simply urge caution on this issue, the same way that the US exercised caution over North Korea which is by all accounts a far less accountable regime than the Iranian one.
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Postby Piratis » Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:25 pm

I think Piratis Malakas and Kifeas should get together and form the next goverment of Cyprus. Start a war on Turkey , admonish the Americans , throw the British bases out and perhaps invite some of their freinds to join them in US bashing. Wake up !

Personally I never said that Cyprus should go to any wars. What I always ask for is for democracy and human rights and the freedom of my country. Anything wrong with that?

Do you seriously think that if we start accepting whatever the US wants that the US will start serving our interests and not their own? WAKE UP!!

Having alliances based on mutual respect and support is one thing. What you ask from us to do: kiss the ass of Americans hoping that something will get a bit better for us, is a disgrace.

As far as Britain is concerned , lets not forget that 60% plus of our Tourism is British. Let us also not forget that it is the home of some 250000 Cypriots who have invested a lot of money in Cyprus that they earned in Britain.

For those that money means so much that they are willing to humiliate themselves and kiss asses to get paid then you are right. Are we allowed to have different values than yours?
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Postby malaka » Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:26 pm

Bananiot wrote:By the way, since malaka is an aussie, I am willing to go along anything Australia decides on this issue.

You obviously think that the reason they want atomic weapons is to use them.
Every one seems to forgett the so called superhero America has got them and used them.
What makes Americans so different from the so called fanatics.

You only have to look at Iraq weapons of mass destruction.Even though the UN could not find any they still went in We are all still waiting for them I bet the Americans know where the oil is but yet surprise surprise the weapons have vanished.
Wake up and smell the bombs (lol) America is and always will be interested in America and its financial gain nothing else.
Leave Iran alone it is trying to protect its interest.
Look at Korea they have atomic bombs and have threatened to use them why dont America do anything about it.
Maybe Turkey should do something about it since they are so tough Turks lifes are threatened here if Iran uses a bomb.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:21 pm

Piratis , we live in a democracy and you as much as anyone else has every right to express their point of view, as for kissing the American's arse as you put it , yes I bloody well would to get a solution for our country. I have the sense to realise that alliances must be based on the interests of our nation and not on some benevolent ideas .I would gladly embrace any nation on earth if I thought it would be beneficial to my country. This is known as constructive diplomacy .As for Malaka , can you tell me what Iran would offer to Cyprus ? You too Malaka have a perfect right to express your views regardless how immature and unconstructive they might be. Yes I know about the suffering , the injustices perpetrated on our little island , but lets look to the future and how can we ensure that the future excludes suffering , pain and injustices. And before you say it , we dont have the muscle to get the Turkish army out, even you must know that. Why dont you look at the posts by Bananiot a very rational and constructively opinionated individual . My deepest respect to his views , whether he is Turkish or Greek is of no consequence.
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Postby michalis5354 » Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:03 pm

What are the policies of Japan, switserland,Germany , France , Canada and China towards the forthcoming intervention of US in Iran. Do they take side or are they neutral ? What do these countries support specifically!
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Postby pantheman » Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:55 pm

I quote from Banaidiot,

"I do not support a military strike against Iran but if this country fails to respond to the UN demands, a military strike must be made as a very last resort to put an end to its nuclear aspirations"

Turkey failed to respond to UN resolutions over cyprus, did you see military action from the USA on Turkey ? F**k no.

Double standards is what the USA is all about. I don't want countries possesing nuclear weapons any more than you, but this is about what the USA want not anyone else. You must always remember the USA only does whats in its own interest not yours or mine. So, I say F**k them they put the boot in then leave other poor countries to deal with it, as long as they get their prize.

When Iran was fighting Iraq, it was Iraq that was supported by the USA, because they didn't like the Iranians, now you are asking the Iranians to listen to the shit USA, give them a break. Look at the facts , they insisted Iraq had WMD, yeah because they gave it to them when they were in conflict with iran, Ha ha double, triple standards. Same with bin laden used him too now they want to screw him too. Typical shit USA.

So, please, layoff the USA good boys bulls**t will you.


P.S. Look out for the 2nd 9/11, this will be Irans fault and so the US will need to bomb them will says Bush. Draw your own conclusions.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:22 pm

Pantheman you are talking absolute rubbish, you are not a patriot , you are not interested in what happens to Cyprus , I suggest you go and join yor mate bin laden and blow up up a few americans. People like you with their perverted political views are anathema to the cause of Cyprus. As for the US having double standards , ofcourse they do , all bloody superpowers through history knew how to look after their interests , even minor countries like Cyprus know how. How dare you call your self a Cypriot. I bet bin laden is your bloody hero , because it sounds as if you hate Ameriaca more than he does .
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