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US military action against Iran

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Postby saravakos » Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:01 pm

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Postby Leonidas » Tue Apr 25, 2006 2:31 pm

miltiades wrote:Iran has threatened to wipe Israel of the face of the earth.Israel has not. Iran , under its present leadership would not hesitate to use atomic weapons . All of the free world , including Cyprus , should be really concerned that such a belligerent , fanatical regime should one day possess the ultimate weapon cabable of destroying the entire Middle East including Cyprus .
Wake up fellow Cypriots , all is not Americas fault.They did not start the present hostilies.We have in the west the right to express our views , including religious ones without the risk of being arrested or worst killed.
Long may the West , with all its faults continue, and most certainly a nartion that openly states its hatred against our values Must not be permitted to obtain the ultimate weapon

I could not say it any better Miltiades.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:15 pm

I think Piratis Malakas and Kifeas should get together and form the next goverment of Cyprus. Start a war on Turkey , admonish the Americans , throw the British bases out and perhaps invite some of their freinds to join them in US bashing. Wake up ! We need to look to the future . The UN will not expell Turkey.America will not chastice Turkey and Brittain will not dismantle its bases. Can any of you suggest how you could accomplish your aims . Let me tell you that if America were given military bases in Cyprus way back in Makarios time , the chances are that 40000 TURKISH TROOPS WOULD NOT BE ON OUR LAND. But then the Americans, we were told ,would import drugs and prostitution into Cyprus !!! As far as Britain is concerned , lets not forget that 60% plus of our Tourism is British. Let us also not forget that it is the home of some 250000 Cypriots who have invested a lot of money in Cyprus that they earned in Britain. Carry on bashing the Americans so that future generations of Cypriots can rejoice on how brilliant their forefathers were in politics.In my fist post on this forum I stated that for the benefit of Cyprus I would go to bed with the devil .Above all , the interests of our Cyprus , put your heads together and tell me that hating the US is going to help the future of my children and grandchilden , and yours , and I swear I will switch to making alliances with Cuba , North Korea , Vietnam or any other nation that you think would help establish peace , tranguility and justice in Cyprus.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:32 pm

Saravakos you are obviously deliriously happy that Condolesa Rice was heckled on her visit to Athens. We all know of course that such anti American demonstrations are an old hat when it comes to Athens .In many other cities of the world similar anti American demonstrations occur , including anti Bush demonstrations in the USA.
As far as the Greek demostrations , generally organised by the Communist party , what is happening in Athens mirrors on the attitude of the Greek Cypriots. The anti American venom reaches Cyprus very fast and the vicious circle continues. Hate the Americans and all our problems will be solved . Amazing as it sounds the Greeks take their communist party extremely seriously. The fact that the mother of this obsurd ideology has had an abortion after giving birth ! -Doesnt bear thinking . What the hell do they hope to achieve.
Long may Cyprus prosper and all its inhabitants become richer and healthier thanks to the generosity of Cuba , Iran , Vietnam and company.
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Postby andri_cy » Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:21 am

I think the anti american sentiment is costing us greatly. No one wants to help the people who show such hatred against them. The problem is that a lot of us have an image of americans that is wrong. Americans-the majority anyway- are not what people see in movies or what you see on the news. In their majority they are hard-working family people that mind their own business and usually are very hospitable. They have their bad apples like everyone else but we hold that too much against them. Someone got my msn id and msged me the other day and asked me "why did you went to the us when cyprusians hate it?". That person of course wasnt a Cypriot, but if thats the image we portrait, we shouldnt expect them to help us or find a solution for us. Stop blaming the Americans. They are not the ones who invaded. So they didnt save us.... I wouldnt save us either with the attitude we have towards them.
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Postby Bananiot » Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:21 am

For a start, tell him (her) that we are Cypriots, not Cyprusians.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:29 am

Andri , I see you live in the states , and im pleased that you see things perhaps a little different from some of our folks back home in Cyprus . The Americans know that both Greece and Cyprus are not bending backwards to be friendly. The old notion of " know your enemy better than your friends " holds true today. We should ensure that we not only "understand our perceived enemy " but also examine "our friends ".When I visited the States some years back , met a charming American couple who actually thought that Cyprus was part of the then Soviet Union ,took that with a pinch of salt since most Americans do not even know where Cyprus is on the map. was rather surprised however when I found out that both of them worked for the UN .Spread the word in the States that not all Cypriots are anti American, that we share so much of their values, that sanctity of life is precious , that we too consider family values to be the foundation of Western world civilization, and that we are part of a civilised democratic nation , that stiil has foreign occupation troops on its land.
Long live Cyprus .
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Postby saravakos » Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:43 am

yeah good old america and britain helped us out during the invasion ey??

kissinger, my hero!!
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Postby miltiades » Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:03 am

Why should they , you bloody well hate them , why didnt your beloved Greece .Because the Greek Junta and its cronies were having problems with their balls , they could not find them , besides they were busy putting up those ridiculous posters that covered Greece at the time , you know , " ELLAS ELLINON XRISTIANON. " ( Greeks for the Greeks for Christians ") Stupid bastards , but managed to convince the Cypriots that our dreadful blight was to be blamed on the AMERICANICO DAXTILO ( American finger )
My friend Saravacos , I respect your views , and Im grateful that we both live in democracies that allow us to be expressive without the fear of persecution., such would not have been the case had the bloody communists survived to expand their dictatorial doctrines.
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Postby malaka » Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:11 am

Bananiot wrote:For a start, tell him (her) that we are Cypriots, not Cyprusians.

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