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Postby nhowarth » Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:28 pm


> It was very difficult finding information out on what is available on the local net, even going through yellow pages, web searches etc.

A good place to start is which lists the registered professions in Cyprus.

There are also several contact details & links to wesites from my website - just click on the 'www' button at the bottom of this message.

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Postby davidp » Mon Apr 24, 2006 5:22 pm

As the Cabbie said, recommendation is best but if you are having anything substantial built proper supervision is the key.
A friend of mine had a very substantial house build under the supervision of an architect; while the general build quality was good several things were poor resulting in this friend having to pay a lot of money to have faults put right.
PS the builder and architect are cypriot.
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Postby michalis5354 » Mon Apr 24, 2006 5:34 pm

MDH, why didnt you employ a cypriot builder ? are you a little englander ?

Dont they have a right to choose whom they employ ? Or?

Well Done MDH this man/woman is living in Iraq! This is the reason
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Postby lysi » Mon Apr 24, 2006 7:07 pm

michalis, i was only asking, dont wet yourself over my question :roll:
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Postby michalis5354 » Mon Apr 24, 2006 7:19 pm

Good for claryfing this :)
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Postby lysi » Mon Apr 24, 2006 7:25 pm

michalis, the thing is that there are plenty of british people who live in cyprus and dont want anything to do with the locals. they think they are better then the cypriots and like to live in there own little communities, some dozy brits still think cyprus is a british colony because of the british military bases there :sniper:
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Postby pantheman » Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:12 pm

Note for nhowarth

Hello nhowarth
you always give useful info, but always refer to a www button at the bottom of you message.

I never get the WWW button you always mention at the bottom of your message, hence never get all the story. Am i not doing something right ?

any advice would be appreciated.

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Postby michalis5354 » Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:51 pm

Sorry lysi but this is not the same with all cultures worldwide to associate with those who share same culture. See the cypriots in London , the indians in London . It is human nature!
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Postby andri_cy » Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:15 pm

I see the www button on his post clearly. Where it says profile and pm, on nigel's also it says www
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Cypriot? Builders

Postby rotate » Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:39 am

We employed a Cypriot builder, reputed to be one of the best in the area to carry out restoration work on our old village house.

On the first day he turned up with his brother as arranged at seven thirty in the morning and started work immediately. Pleased that we had taken the advice of our neighbours about which builder to use we were surprised when after lunch three more 'builders' turned up at the house, there was a bit of a handover and the builder who we had employed together with his brother went on their way.

The three new 'builders', were NOT Cypriot and it was soon apparent that they were NOT builders either! Two were students and one a farm worker, all on £10 a day working for our builder.

After more than a few phone calls our builder returned to the house, there was of course a row, he maintaining that the three foreigners were qualified builders and I having to take him by the arm to show him the 'work' that they had done. After lots of shouting arm waving and swearing our next door neighbour the Muhktar thankfully intervened. After some discussion we were given back the cash that we had given the builder for materials and he went on his way with his three £10 a day part time 'builders'. The Muhktar having pointed out that the part timers did not have work permits or qualifications and that if we were not given back our money he would make sure that the authorities were informed, adding for good measure that no one in the village would ever use him again.

The restoration work was eventually completed by myself and a couple of the local lads working afternoons week-ends and holidays, took a long time but the work is sound. The builder never worked in the village again.

All rather like phoning a UK company call centre and talking to someone in Bombay or eating Cypriot food in a restaurent prepared by a Bangladeshi chef and served by a beautiful Moldovian waitress.
Hire a Cypriot builder and what you can get is underpaid representitives of the UN.
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