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land of oppertunity?

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land of oppertunity?

Postby littlemiss » Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:44 am

Where do we all think is the best place to raise your children for the best oppertunities in life?
Cyprus, england, america, where where where? What is the education system in cyprus like compared to the uk?
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Postby Svetlana » Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:22 am

Hi littlemiss

I think the US offers the most opportunity and has done for some years.

The UK suffers form over taxation and over regulation, which stiffles the entrpeneur.

Cyprus is fine if you have the right contacts and have a koumbare in power!

The education system in Cyprus is twice as good as in the UK, as school ends at 1.30 - while in the UK they need all day to educate children :-)

Cyprus, in many ways, offers the best upbringing for a child, providing they travel a lot to other countries, so that they see a broad spectrum of life.

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Postby littlemiss » Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:32 am

thank you.... this was to settle a little aruement i was having i vote cyprus one cos its safe you dont have to chain your child to a fence incase someone steels them, and i think they are less likely to be influenced by drugs here and waste most of their teens stoned. Thats just my opinion but im not sure if that is truely the case. But im concerned once a child leaves school here that there isnt enough choices to train as a proffesional, and they will have to go to the uk or elsewhere to get anywhere in life.
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Postby Niki » Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:18 pm

Svetlana wrote:
The UK suffers form over taxation and over regulation, which stiffles the entrpeneur.

This is right. I run an advertising and design business in the UK - the tax, legal and employment laws are ridiculous.

I give employment to a lot of people but have had enough. Moving to Cyprus will mean the the British government treasury will lose my enormous taxes. Given more support I may have felt differently.

I plan to raise my children in Cyprus but at the moment I do feel the opportunities are better after school in the UK or US.

It may change by the time they are at this stage. At least by being in Cyprus they will be exposed to different cultures and have a wider perspective on where their opportunities lie. Being in the UK tends to make people feel that the UK is the only option.

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Re: land of oppertunity?

Postby andri_cy » Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:39 pm

littlemiss wrote:Where do we all think is the best place to raise your children for the best oppertunities in life?
Cyprus, england, america, where where where? What is the education system in cyprus like compared to the uk?

I have lived in all of the above countries. I never liked the UK too much. Cyprus is better academically and socially. I do not know how it is for non Cypriots of course but I know that between the 2 I would choose Cyprus. But now, US comes into play.
A lot of people think that US is what you hear on the news or see in the movies but it is not. I mean it could be but in the big cities maybe. Most places in the USA are small towns with small town people, almost like Cyprus. Only there are more opportunities for schooling and work. Sometimes I dream of coming back to Cyprus, but given the opportunities my daughter will have here, I think that dream will be on the back burner for quite a while.
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Postby Niki » Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:33 pm

I cannot believe that the education in the UK is so bad.

The state system may not be good but the independent schools are superb.

Many US students come to the UK for the Universities and many other nationalities do the same. Many Cyprus schools follow the English Curriculum.

Have you any proof that the results are so different - I really would be interested? From what I have seen this is not the case and I have done a lot of research as I need to be sure for my daughters. I live it daily so I do believe I know the situation.

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Postby dixi » Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:41 pm

USA does offer a lot of opportunities. Private schools are excellent as are most public universities but I would think twice about public schooling in the larger US cities. Most cities have teacher shortages and budget issues.
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Postby macwomble » Fri Apr 21, 2006 10:10 pm

As one who is about to take the plunge and move to Cyprus...may I make a couple of points......this part of the chat refers to education...and please DO check the spelling of the topic???????.....oppertunity...?
I think rose coloured glasses are worn all too often and the education system in th UK (which, by the way includes parts OTHER than England)is, by and large, of a high quality..INCLUDING the vast majority of the state sector.
Our youngest....14...will be repeating a year when the family comes out in July/August and I fully expect the qualityof tuition to be at least the same...what I DO hope for is a better culture and respect for others than what is all too often displayed in the UK.
I intend to post here asoften as I can.....both to learn and to pass on my experiences...
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Postby theresa » Sat Apr 22, 2006 9:39 am

Hi macwomble! Just a small point - a lot (probably the majority) of posters are using English as their second language, The mispelling of a word is no big thing, I wish ı could write in Greek or Turkish as well as my friends here write in English!!
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Postby Svetlana » Sat Apr 22, 2006 9:53 am

I know one should never 'explain a joke' but my comments about Cypriot education being 'twice as good' were meant as a joke - not sure everyone has interpreted them that way :-)

Those not living in Cyprus might not be aware that many children have (often illegal) supplementry lessons in the aftrenoons

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