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Postby aidy » Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:46 pm

Hi all,

As some of you may recall, i have recently moved to Cyprus, Ypsonas to be exact.

Everything is going great, that is until a couple of weeks ago, we started seeing, on occasions small cockroaches in various places in the house, after spraying the bathroom cupboard, one larger cockroach met his maker. Since this, very few have been seen. Tonight however, in the utility room another larger roach was seen, after moving the washing machine out and giving a good spray on the floor and in any visible cracks, another 2 was dealt with.

I now deem this as an issue, i have a 2 year old daughter, and her health (aswell as our own) is in my best interest.

Has anyone any tips on how to rid these pests? Is there any exterminators in the Ypsonas area? how much does an exterminator charge, and how effective are they??
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Postby davidp » Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:35 pm

I don't want to worry you but cockroaches have been known to survive after a nuclear detonation.

Anywhere air gets into your house roaches and other bugs will also enter, don't panic i've never seen a report of a human savaged by a cockroach :wink:
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Postby aidy » Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:08 am

lol, thanks for that. Well aware that they can survive nuclear radiation theory, not to mention extreme heat or cold. However there must be some preventative cure for them, i hear they respond badly to bicarbonate soda, is this true?

they are known to help develop childhood asthma, occasional bites not to mention the salmanella and e. coli hazards. oh, and did i miss the part that they are quite ugly too.

apologies if i offend any roaches out there, but hey, your the ones living rent free.
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Postby littlemiss » Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:20 am

aidy I totally agree they are bloody ugly and i hate them with a passion, my mothers house tended to get a few but only in the summer, not seen one all winter it was just a case of spray the buggers when you see them and try to find out where they were getting in. We now have our very own cockroach killer the dog! I hear cats are even better but the future is grim im afraid try the yellow pages for an exterminater but i think they will always come back errrrrrrrr!!!!
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Postby jane » Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:18 pm

hi Aidy

There is a inexpensive household chemical called Boric Acid, i know it sound horrid but it will kill any number of cockroaches pretty fast. It comes in a powder that you can sprinkle into infected areas and is safe to use around children it has been used in oinytments for nappy rash and in a very dilute form can be used as an eye wash, you should be able to get it from hardware stores or even an old fashioned type of chemist.

Hope this helps jane :lol:
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Postby Mick123 » Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:15 pm

Hi Aidy

Congratulations on moving to Cyprus, just returned from my sisters wedding over in Cyprus and I wish I was still over there. Well on to the main subject however, when I was on holiday in Tunisia I came over a cockroach in my hotel room and when the cleaners was servicing my room they told me to close all plug holes in the bath and sink after usage as cockroaches tend use these to enter the room. So this might may be a solution to lower the levels of your cockroach problem in your accomodation :wink: Hope it helps.
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Postby aidy » Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:23 pm

Thanks for all your suggestions, I have just put some Bicarbonate soda down around the cupboards and places where they have been spotted, i hear that they eat it, but as they cannot expel the gasses they implode, so hopefully that should start the cleaning process. Next time i go shopping i will certainly be looking out for some Boric Acid, sounds a handy thing to have in the house.
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Postby jane » Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:24 pm

boric acid dries them up from the inside out....oohhhh painfull
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Postby dms007 » Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:41 pm

but as they cannot expel the gasses they implode

implode or explode?

would make a mess if they explode.
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Postby aidy » Thu Apr 20, 2006 6:26 pm

erm not sure actually, but either way it finishes them off so i am happy.

rather clean up carcasses than have them run around.
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