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questions questions questions!

Postby littlemiss » Wed Apr 19, 2006 1:00 pm

Ok 1: what is the minimum wage in cyprus?
2: how many hours does that involve working?
3: is it leagal to work seven days a week?
4: should your stamp be paid out of your wages or should your employer pay?

Sorry just a few things i cant find a straight answer too.
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Postby Svetlana » Wed Apr 19, 2006 1:14 pm

Hi Littlemiss

i) £320 per month (though house-maids will work for £150 + Bed and keep)
ii) Do not know.
iii) Yes, but it cannot be made compulsory.
iv) This is by agreement with your employer: I pay the Social Insurance contributions for all my Cypriot and English Cypriot employees but not for 'other' European employees. Same goes for 13th month salaries.

The general rule is the employer pays SI and pays a 13th month salary.

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Postby Sotos » Wed Apr 19, 2006 7:36 pm

2: how many hours does that involve working?

I think it should be about 35-40 hours per week.
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Postby coredump » Wed Apr 19, 2006 7:52 pm

Svetlana wrote:I pay the Social Insurance contributions for all my Cypriot and English Cypriot employees but not for 'other' European employees. Same goes for 13th month salaries.

Is there a legal way to opt-out from SI system? I mean if I own a buisines and nor me (I pay salary to myself) neither my employees are interested to participate in SI system (i.e. we are not going to use any SI benefits)...
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Postby Strahd » Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:43 pm

coredump wrote:
Svetlana wrote:I pay the Social Insurance contributions for all my Cypriot and English Cypriot employees but not for 'other' European employees. Same goes for 13th month salaries.

Is there a legal way to opt-out from SI system? I mean if I own a buisines and nor me (I pay salary to myself) neither my employees are interested to participate in SI system (i.e. we are not going to use any SI benefits)...

Keep in mind the Republic of Cyprus is a member of the European Union and has the same regulations as every other country in the EU. Whatever regulations you follow in other EU countries you folow here. If you are a non EU citizen, tough luck to get a work permit just like that, unless you are making millions of euros of investment or you are an "off shore" employee thus you pay SI to your country.

The Social Insurance Law

The Social Insurance Scheme covers compulsorily every person gainfully occupied in Cyprus either as an employed person or as a self-employed person. Persons working abroad in the service of Cypriot employers and persons who interrupt their compulsory insurance are allowed, under certain conditions, to be insured voluntarily. The insured persons are classified in three categories; employed persons, self-employed persons and voluntary contributors.

The Scheme is financed by contributions payable by the employers, the insured persons and the State. The rate of contribution for the employed persons is 16,6% and for the self-employed persons 15,6% on their insurable earnings.

The Scheme provides cash benefits for marriage, maternity, sickness, unemployment, widowhood, invalidity, orphanhood, old age, death and employment injury. The Scheme provides also free medical treatment for persons receiving invalidity pension and for employed persons who sustain injuries as a result or an employment accident or an occupational disease.
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Postby coredump » Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:55 pm

Thanks Strahd. Very interesting:
persons who interrupt their compulsory insurance

What does this mean exactly? May I voluntary interrupt my compulsory insurance to avoid paying SI contributions? :)
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Postby davidp » Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:52 pm

General rule of thumb

Sorry for shouting but I love Cypriot people but most are appalling employers. One day this country's solicitors will wake up to the european cash cow known as employment legislation then employees may just secure some proper rights.
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Postby michalis5354 » Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:49 pm

Better not to work than feel that you are exploited by the boss! Cypriot employers are not fair employers! So Anyone who is seeking employment better to demand his/her rights from the start prior to employment. If not satisfied then dont accept the offer and search for a better one. Or you may accept it and search for a better one afterwards.
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Postby michalis5354 » Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:08 am

I have been a victim of exploitation in the past and now I have devised my own priciples which I am following very precisley! So far I am doing well!
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