kalahari wrote:malaka
Whether the joke has a funny side or not is neither here nor there. I guess that's a personal opinion. I was merely pointing out the deeply sad irony of a man who, after defiantly expressing his racial discrimination towards Turkish people on an international forum, then tells jokes where the punchline targets the racial discrimination of some Australians towards the aborigine.
You obviously do not see your inability to ever again see anybody Turkish as a brother or friend as a sad situation.
This in itself I find incredibly sad – that you have been poisoned so.
It is terrible that you were forced out at gun point from Cyprus and could find refuge only in Australia. Greece would have suited you so much better – it is sad that they would not allow you entry. Heaven only knows why they did not, but thankfully the Australians did.
I guess that you also cannot stomach the idea of returning to live permanently in Cyprus while the status quo remains. If I may express a personal opinion, it is probably best for you, and for those that stayed in Cyprus, that you remain in Australia until the status quo is formally resolved. It would put a terrible strain on your already angry heart, and your demanding war against Cypriots in the north would only exacerbate an improving situation, prolonging the status quo that you find so hard to tolerate.
I suggest you leave it to the voices of reason and diplomacy for now, as (while undoubtedly not as dramatic as sabre-rattling) this does tend to get the job done and allow all men to leave the table with dignity.
As for the English and German people hating each others guts – no my friend, there you are wrong too. You must be referring to a minority of extreme right wing people who refuse to allow the past to be the past. You wouldn't like these people – they have the same attitude as those various politicians whose actions and in-actions drove you from your home to Australia at gun point.
And killing each other in gangs? Dear me, you are unfortunate to witness so much violence in your lifetime. Luckily I have never witnessed this, despite living in England and being a frequent visitor to Germany on business. i must be more alert.
I seek not too trivialise your trials – you mention in a previous post that you had children from your family killed before your eyes. I find this absolutely appalling and totally, utterly indefensible.
My problem, and why I find your attitude so sad, is that you cannot see that carrying out your prolonged campaign of hatred against the Turkish people, or any Cypriot that arouses your suspicion, is equally appalling and totally, utterly indefensible.
Anyway, to return to the main thrust of your original post:
Turks & Greeks have been enemies since the beginning of time.
Turks & Greeks will remain enemies.
The only solution for the Cyprus problem is for GC to take back what belongs to them by force.
If you care to riffle through the posts that have come up so far, I think you will see that the overwhelming majority of correspondents do not agree with you at all.
So, yes – on this evidence it would appear that you are the only one who thinks this.
Maybe now we can move on.
Again, sadly, you have made it clear that you are not prepared to move on; that your memories make this impossible for you to do. Perhaps then you would care to find another community within which to seek approval of your discriminatory views?
I suggest you look for some of those extreme right wing people I was talking about before. They pop up all over the place, and enjoy talking about killing other races. Perhaps the next time you see some English and German gangs killing each other, you could stop them and ask if they know of any good forums?
I am genuinely, genuinely sorry that you lost members of your family in such a violent and bloody manner. I hope that you manage to find closure before your anger drives you to mete out similar actions on some other unfortunate soul's family.
I hope your life is unfolding more happily in Australia.
Kindest regards, Kalahari