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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Strahd » Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:19 pm

cypezokyli wrote:so turks is a creation , while greek is not .

interesting point of view

it is not apoint of view... it is a historical fact
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Postby cypezokyli » Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:58 pm

so the hellenes , could change from plato - to subjects of the roman empire - turn into byzantium (sth completely anti -hellenic imo ) then the ottoman empire , to modern greek state and can be called greeks ,
while turks cannot transform from a nomadic tribe, to ottoman empire , and modern turkey to be called turks.

indeed interesting!!!
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Postby michalis5354 » Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:04 pm

Strahd wrote:I do not want to persuade you for anything, but I am afraid that facts are facts.

Thanks for respecting my thoughts and kindly note that the international law is another fact!

The fact that we signed in 1960 the agreements to become independent even If we speak Greek or Not It is irrelevant!

There is nothing as 60% or 80 % INDEPENDENT. Either you are 100% independent or you are NOT!
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Postby michalis5354 » Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:14 pm

If we had PUPPET AUTHORITIES that had failed to foster the Cypriot culture on the island this does not mean that the agreements are invalid. Our SIGNATURE IS THERE!
Last edited by michalis5354 on Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Giourkas » Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:18 pm

Malaka I think u are really stupid guy.İf you have got enough bravery and soldier attack to Turkish side.But I wonna remind u that only İstanbul's population is equal to whole Greek and South Cypriot population of the world.And second thing is:We wonna live in peace with Greeks and South Cypriots.Not like you.
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Postby Strahd » Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:40 pm

michalis5354 wrote:
Strahd wrote:I do not want to persuade you for anything, but I am afraid that facts are facts.

Thanks for respecting my thoughts and kindly note that the international law is another fact!

The fact that we signed in 1960 the agreements to become independent even If we speak Greek or Not It is irrelevant!

There is nothing as 60% or 80 % INDEPENDENT. Either you are 100% independent or you are NOT!

My friend Michalis, I always respect the thoughts and opinions of the others because I was raised in a democratic country and I am proud of it. I want to ask you a question though, how could denying the fact that you are a greek, with greek culture and identity stop Cyprus from beeing idependent. We are living in an independent country that is called the Republic of Cyprus. In this island it happens to be to major ethnic communities, Greeks and Turks, this is actually written very clearly in the 1960 constitution... This fact has no relation whatsoever to the independence of Cyprus as a state.

Yes nationalism is a source of problems if applied in politics and that is what happened here. Beeing proud of your nationality of your culture and identity does not make you a nationalist. Beeing a part of a great nation of excellence of a nation built on democracy and freedom does not make you a slave an of course does not stop Cyprus as an independent country. Take for example the scottish, they are very proud of beeing such but that does not make them traitors to the UK.
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Postby cypezokyli » Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:48 pm

Yes nationalism is a source of problems if applied in politics and that is what happened here. Beeing proud of your nationality of your culture and identity does not make you a nationalist. Beeing a part of a great nation of excellence of a nation built on democracy and freedom does not make you a slave an of course does not stop Cyprus as an independent country.

true. nationalism is a source of problems.
and nobody refused the greek influence we have in cyprus - some due to history and some as a result of the creation and homogenisation of the greek state.

there are no great nations as such.
democracy - that is if you are reffering to ancient athens - was only applied for a short period of time and absolutely not to all the ancient hellenic world. still it was an achievement , of those people who lived in athens 2000+ years ago.
i do not see how the "nation" was build on democracy and freedom - since besides that short period back then and at specifc places , there was democracy and freedom in the region only after 1974.

you will need to define what you mean by greek culture....
Last edited by cypezokyli on Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby michalis5354 » Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:03 pm

Strahd wrote: Take for example the scottish, they are very proud of beeing such but that does not make them traitors to the UK.

This example can not be compared fairly with Cyprus and Greece. Scotland is a region within the UK ! I know there are separate laws and legislation but it is not a separate independent state and as such can not be compared fairly with Cyprus and Greece.
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Postby kalahari » Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:08 pm

I realise I have come into this discussion late, but it is very close to my heart.

Malaka is an ex-Cypriot who has chosen to become an Australian. That's fine, good for you and good luck in your new nationality. I am an Englishman who has chosen to become Cypriot next year. I am already proud of my new chosen nationality, despite the fact that I am not yet officially Cypriot. I hope that Malaka is already proud of being an Australian.

What I do not understand at all is his belief that a grim, ghoulish determination to cling to the past is both defensible and admirable.

I know that tremendous horrors were committed by both parties in the conflict when Turkey invaded. I do not seek to defend these horrors, nor do I seek to defend Turkey's actions. I do not seek to defend the inaction of Greece or of England either. It is a general truism that in war no one holds the moral higher ground. War is morally corrupt and should be avoided at all costs.

We all know what is evil and what is not.

But to seek to establish evil as a status quo that is immutable and even desirable? Malaka, you unfortunately have some serious issues and should consider seeking therapy to help you move on. The alternative is a life lived within a personal hell, which would be very sad indeed my friend. Do not seek to spread your desperate malice to others.

Germany and England committed terrible atrocities against each other in the last World War. Both countries have, by and large, moved on. If you seek a target for injustice, chastise the German government for not allowing their ex-pat Turkish citizens a German passport. But I dare say that you have no mercy in your heart for our Turkish brothers, despite no doubt gratefully holding an Australian passport yourself.

You must rid yourself of hate. I am prepared to say that the vast majority of Turks and Greeks would disagree with your appalling statement. And as for the countrymen that you chose to leave (those whom you cannot bear to call Cypriots) they, I have no doubt, would prefer a peace to endless bloodshed and determined retribution.

Cyprus has moved on since you have left. I suggest you move on too.

3 kids at pre school. 4 year olds Mary Jonhnie & Jimmy the abbo (aborigine) (black Australian)

After lunch the teacher says to the kids we are going to have a spelling test if you get the spelling correct you can have an early mark.

Teacher looks at Mary and asks what did u do at lucnh time Mary? Mary replies I played in the sand pit with Johnie thats good says the teacher if you can spell sand you can go home S A N D Mary replies correct says the teacher u can go home Teacher looks at Johnie and asks what did u do at lunch time, Johnie replies I played in the sand pit with Mary. Good says the teacher spell pit and u can can go home P I T correct u can also go home.
The teacher looks at Jimmy the abbo and asks what did u do at lunch time. I wanted to play in the sand pit with Mary and Johnie but they would not let me. Thats ok the teacher replies if u can spell racial discrimination u can go home.

The above joke was posted by Malaka on this very forum. God, the deeply, deeply sad irony.
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Postby michalis5354 » Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:10 pm

I want to ask you a question though, how could denying the fact that you are a greek, with greek culture and identity stop Cyprus from beeing idependent.

What facts are there that prove that Cyprus has a greek culture? One can claim that also Cyprus has some elemenents of Turkish culture! How can you prove that Cyprus has only Greek culture?
Last edited by michalis5354 on Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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