Piratis, I am aware of the distinction between the Middle East region and the European continent.
The question is just how far does EU want to expand. I guess my question is less about geography than it is about commonality. The EU was formed to promote a European model of society. It seems that the EU is venturing into places that have very fundamental differences from European ideals.
Turkey may be more European-like than other Middle Eastern/Asian/African countries. But right or wrong, Turkey is not currently a member of the EU. Cyprus is a member and has a long-standing grievence with a potential member. I am aware of the demands that the EU presented toTurkey, however, it seems that the EU has gotten away from the ideal of political and social solidarity and is only focusing on economics. Turkey is so much larger than Cyprus with a much larger economy and money talks.
There are countries who already want to drop the euro as their monetary unit and there is growing dissatisfaction with the EU constitution. With the European's continent of internal strife and history of distrust of each other. France and Germany usually only agree that they hate the United States but otherwise their political agendas do not merge. There seems to be some very petty things going on (didn't French President Chirac walk out of a conference because a fellow Frenchman was addressing the people in English?) With the two major EU powers at odds, continuing enlargement seems a dangerous path to follow.