NOBODY, because they have no concern for Cyprus
And those who have real concerns for Cyprus What are they doing?
I dont believe that the problem is so complicated as it sounds to be!
NOBODY, because they have no concern for Cyprus
growuptcs wrote:When most civil parties have difficulties with domestic economics, they rely on courts to settle it out. When that becomes null,(because of Turkey) theres nothing left to argue for. Can't squeeze water out of a rock.
So all the other propaganda that Turkey comes out with, who will listen and care. NOBODY, because they have no concern for Cyprus. So having an above the world attitude that they showed for years, it'll never affect them except for getting in the EU. So playing big brother to TCs is only an act, but lets see how far they get with this EU adventure before they realize that the Greeks aren't folding to their crazy game of politics.
Courts are there to establish the law only. They dont offer guidlines to move things forward. Cyprus problem does not involve economics but the relationship between the two communities in the island and also the international law which has been violated not only by Turkey but by the decision of the authrities of Cyprus to make Cyprus a part of Greece!
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