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Postby dms007 » Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:24 pm

On the other side of the coin however, my 5 year old lasted 6 weeks in a Cypriot school, several of the children's behavior towards her had no respect in it whatsoever - she was slapped across the face by a girl in her class - the teacher moved my daughter to another seat!!! A boy threw an open bottle of water into her bag covering her books, three older boys taunted her at every break time. I'm sorry that the Cypriot school did not work out but she was very unhappy, she now attends a private school with various nationalities with whom she is gtting along fine with

These things happen to anyone as a kid.
Are you suggesting that the children in the class which your daughter attended were discriminating?
I assume that the other children in the class would be the same age as your daughter and at that age those poor children dont even know what is right and what is wrong.
They might have tried to be playful. These are children, does not matter if they are cypriot or other nationality, they will always be the same.
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Postby twinkle » Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:38 pm

dms007 wrote:
On the other side of the coin however, my 5 year old lasted 6 weeks in a Cypriot school, several of the children's behavior towards her had no respect in it whatsoever - she was slapped across the face by a girl in her class - the teacher moved my daughter to another seat!!! A boy threw an open bottle of water into her bag covering her books, three older boys taunted her at every break time. I'm sorry that the Cypriot school did not work out but she was very unhappy, she now attends a private school with various nationalities with whom she is gtting along fine with

These things happen to anyone as a kid.
Are you suggesting that the children in the class which your daughter attended were discriminating?
I assume that the other children in the class would be the same age as your daughter and at that age those poor children dont even know what is right and what is wrong.
They might have tried to be playful. These are children, does not matter if they are cypriot or other nationality, they will always be the same.

Sorry dms007, disagree with you that children that age don't know the difference between right and wrong. No child should smack another child across the face. I blame the upbringing from the parents. Most don't care about their kids behaviour, you see them charging around restaurants and the streets at all hours. Blame the parents.
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Postby dixi » Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:28 pm

When I was coming up, I got some good swats on my backside. Usually because I was being disrepectful. There is a difference between discipline and violence. Had my parents sat me down and reasonably explained to me why I was wrong, it probably would not have registered. They did explain to me but usually the explanation came with a swat on the backside but I would not say that it was a beating.
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Postby andri_cy » Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:48 pm

swating gets the needed attention without being abusive. I agree.

Have you asked your grandchild why she got slapped in the face? It still is bad either way but she might have also done or said something to provoke? You need to investigate a bit deeper and not just blame the other kids. Because kids are kids and they are all mischievious now matter how much we want to believe that they are angels.
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Postby davidp » Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:56 pm

Children are the most horrible people on the planet to one another.
Were you never taunted because of your Clothing,hairstyle, choice of pencil etc
if not you must have gone to a private school with only one pupil, you!
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Postby andri_cy » Mon Apr 17, 2006 7:30 pm

Man myself and a lot of people I know were taunted in school and out of school because of silly things. And it wasnt because we were foreign. I think kids just like to tease and be mean to other kids. They dont care where you are from.
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Postby unique_earthling » Mon Apr 17, 2006 7:59 pm

Rulla i believe children should be taught good parenting in schools, and how to be emotionally intelligent, not just academic, i have two boys, and know what little devils they can be, but have instilled in them tolerance and care for fellow human beings and all living creatures, children learn most from their parents, its hard work consistency and patience, but we all make mistakes and work from our own issues and how we were parented. And we learn on the job, discipline has to be consistant, and not on how we feel at any given moment, children dont bring themselves up, they need guidence tempered with love, and no its not easy, its hard work and a continuing performance... I see many mums who fear they will lose the love of their child if they dont give in to their demands, and guilt spending to compensate for the fact they are not there for them. No one suggests perfection but just a good enough mother is enough, of which now adays other things seem to take precidence with many.
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Postby lindy1706 » Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:58 am

So how about this situation;

Neighbour backing out of drive in car.......8 year old son screaming and holding onto the door because he wanted to go too......Father and older sister stand and watch........mother backs car out completly and tries to drive away.......8 year old totally hysterical by now holds onto car door.....mother slowly drives away 8 year old still screaming starts to run after the car......Father and older sister still watching......mother stops car opens door lets kid in and drives off......So he learnt what from that exactly????? If I scream and carry on enough I will get my own way....

Sometimes saying NO is actually the kindest thing......I will admit that my right hand was twitching!

We have just had a vist from some friends with thier two sons 13 and 9 the boys were so well behaved that we were actually being subversive trying to get them to rebel or get messy or something very very unnerving
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british slobs in cyprus

Postby lysi » Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:51 am

rulla, you have to remember that some of the english still think cyprus is a british owned colony, after all your crap government still lets the british have several military bases in cyprus. As for english children being rude well there parents must be compleat slobs to not make there snotty children behave.
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Child Behaviour - Surely all Kids can be Monsters!

Postby lindy1706 » Tue Apr 18, 2006 1:04 pm

Oh Come on. Lysi ......I have met some Cypriot children who are complete comes down to good parenting and you get good and bad parents in all nationalities and countries.

I don't think that it is a purely British trait to have slobby parents and snotty children!
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