On the other side of the coin however, my 5 year old lasted 6 weeks in a Cypriot school, several of the children's behavior towards her had no respect in it whatsoever - she was slapped across the face by a girl in her class - the teacher moved my daughter to another seat!!! A boy threw an open bottle of water into her bag covering her books, three older boys taunted her at every break time. I'm sorry that the Cypriot school did not work out but she was very unhappy, she now attends a private school with various nationalities with whom she is gtting along fine with
These things happen to anyone as a kid.
Are you suggesting that the children in the class which your daughter attended were discriminating?
I assume that the other children in the class would be the same age as your daughter and at that age those poor children dont even know what is right and what is wrong.
They might have tried to be playful. These are children, does not matter if they are cypriot or other nationality, they will always be the same.