please forgive the copy n paste, but below is an article which may be of interest to any students of the previously reffered to subject i.e. Hitler, Armenians, Turks, etc etc
This is a response to a general attack on all Muslims by this Pastor Hagee.
August 11, 2002
Rev. John Hagee, Pastor
Cornerstone Church
Dallas, Texas
Dear Pastor Hagee:
I watched your television program today titled "Islam and Israel. I note that you stated that 19 of 21 Islamic countries are radical extremists. However, you didn't say who the Muslim countries that were not in the extremist camp and by this omission you have done a great disservice to one great Islamic nation that has many years of proven friendship to both Israel and the United States. That country is Turkey.
I have just written a book and I am enclosing a copy as my gift to you. It was just released in May of this year. I do hope you will find some of the proof I provide helpful to you.
First of all I am not a Muslim nor am I from the Near or Middle East. I am a life-long Baptist born in Arkansas. I spent two months in Turkey last year producing a professional video titled "The Seven Churches Of Revelation." All seven of these churches of Asia Minor of the Christian Bible are located today in modern Turkey. The Turkish government has done a great job preserving our Christian heritage. In addition to visiting the seven church sites I also visited the Island of Patmos. The Greek Orthodox Church maintains the cave where John received his great revelation. I must say the "Christian" Greeks do not do as good of a job helping Christians as the "Muslim" Turks do.
I was in Istanbul on September 11th. I was completing the final editing of my video. Within 30 minutes of the time the third plane hit its target in Washington, D.C. the Prime Minister of Turkey was on national television. He told his people that the United States was under a terrorist attack and that this was not a religious act. He went on to say that what took place in America was murder and this was what was taught in the Koran.
The Prime Minister told his people that he had placed Turkish troops on the highest alert and that he had called the President of the United States to say if the United states went to war--the Turks were ready to go, side by side, with their American friends. Over the next few days I had the opportunity to speak with countless numbers of Turks--taxi drivers, waiters, waitress, individuals who worked in the small shops and the large stores. Without exception, the Turkish people were united in backing their Prime Minister in sending their young men to fight and die with Americans in fighing our War On Terrorism. Next door "Christian" Armenia did not do that--they have worked to hinder and delay America's war on terrorism for selfish reasons.
Pastor Hagee, Turkey is 98% Muslim! As the Bible teaches--"What greater love can a man have but but to lay down his life for a friend!" I beg to differ with your comment today that the Koran teaches that "you can't be a good Muslim and have a Jew or a Christian as a friend." The Turks have given their lives fighting in every war America has fought since World War II. You do a great injustice to lump Turks with all Muslim extremists. Just think of the extremists we have in the Christian world. If you are going to preach about Muslim terrorists then in all fairness you must also teach about Christian state terrorism as well.
While working on my video I visited many Christian churches in Turkey. They all have total freedom of religion and speech. The Turks neighbor, Armenia, claims to be the first Christian church on earth. Why are there more open and operating Armenian churches in Turkey today than there are open and operating Armenian churches in Armenia? Why for example are there no operating and open mosques allowed to function in Armenia today? Why doesn't Armenia allow even other Christian churches to operate other than it's state owned one church?
Here is one basic fact you must know and understand before you preach another sermon attacking ALL Muslims. Turkey is a great friend and ally of Israel. Just last week the Turks agreed to provide Israel the water its needs to grow for the next 30 years. By listening to your sermon one would never know realize there is such a close working relationship between Turkey and Israel. The Turks are true NATO partners and Jews and Muslim Turks have fought and died together in US wars since World War II.
You preached today that terrorist acts are taught and accepted by all Muslims as part of the Koran. This is not true as to Turkey! It is very clear that all Muslims do not interpret the Koran as you said. I know for a fact that the Turks brand of Islam doesn't teach hate in their Koran as you claim they do!
You also said that women have no rights in Islamic countries. Rev. Hagee you really do need to visit Turkey and see for yourself that this is not true as to the Turks. Thanks to Ataturk, in 1923 Turkish women were given equal rights as men and they are so enjoyed there today. We would not be having Muslim terrorism today if all Middle Eastern Muslim countries had followed Ataturk's lead after World War I. A major problem today in the Middle East is caused by European "Christian" nations attempting to set up colonies in the Middle East at the end of World War I. These selfish
"Christian" actions are what provided the cannon fire used by Muslim extremists today. I never hear any "Christian" preacher making mention of this fact.
I also disagree with your comment that there are two Korans--one teaching racial hate in the native Middle Eastern language and a more moderate and different Koran that is published in English. I can assure you that the Koran used in the Turkish mosques is the same as used by Islamic terrorists. The Turks do not teach extremist radical hate of Christians.
I spent two months in Turkey on my last trip there. I visited homes and discussed many subjects with the people including religion. You claim today that the word "Allah" comes from the root word of pre Mohammad and it means "Moon God." This statement is nonsense! Christians could learn from the Muslim practice of prayer 5 times each day. In the Muslim homes when the call to prayer is heard you see many members of the family quietly slipping away to their private prayer closets. Pastor Hagee, just how many menbers of your church quietly slip away just one time during each day to their Christian prayer closets? Based on my personal experience of several months I can assure you that the Turks believe and worship the one true God just as you and I do.
Turks have a real love in their hearts for "Christian" Americans. You made the point today that God is love. Pastor, I saw love expressed to me many times in many ways in Turkey by Muslims.
You spoke of the horrible thing going on in California today and how bad it is that children of that state are taught about Islam for a three week course. Permit me to share with you the rest of the California story. If you are going to tell a story you have a Christian duty to tell the entire story and not just part of it. How do you explain the self-called first Christian state in earth, Armenia, and its lobby in California that now requires ever child in the state to be taught that Turks committed the first genocide of the 20th century on their people. Pastor Hagee, this is a bald faced lie from the pits of hell! This horrible lie was made up and first told by the high priest of the state owned Armenian Church trying to get foreign Christian governments to come in during World War I, take Muslim lands by armed force, and then give the lands to fellow Christian Armenia. Armenia has created their "genocide industry" for one reason and one reason only--to deceive and fleece the Christian world--such as you and the members of your Cornerstone Church in Dallas, Texas. Read my book--its all there. I document what I write.
You claim that in the Muslim world there are no women's rights. Pastor, you must read the latest United States Department of State's report on women's and human rights in Armenia. The men of "Christian" Armenia are no different than the Middle Eastern Muslims. If Armenia is truly the first Christian state on earth--why in the world don't they treat their women with fairness and equality like their Muslim Turkish neighbor does?
You claim there are no human rights in the Muslim world. This isn't true as to the Turks! You really should check out Armenia, the self claimed early Christians. These Armenians were partners with Hitler during World War II and they believe in ethnic/racial purity today just as Hitler did. More than 95% of Armenia today is pure ethnic Armenian. Minorities are not permitted to hold office in this tiny state and the courts and elections are corrupt. Why don't you preach about how the first Christian church state treats its minorities?
Let's talk briefly about freedom of religion in Armenia--the first Christian state on earth. You would not be allowed to send missionaries from your church to Armenia. The state and church are one as stated in the Armenian constitution. No other Christian faith but their church is permitted. Read my book Pastor Hagee--I prove this fact over and over again.
In 1992 the "Christian" Armenians, with the help of their big brother and fellow "Christian" Russia, made a sneak attack of "Muslim" Azerbaijan and murdered and drove more than one million poor souls from their homes. These poor Muslims now live a terrible tent city refugee existence--all in the name of Jesus Christ. Would Christ have done such a thing--NEVER! Yet today throughout the Christian world, churches and pastors such as in your Cornerstone Church stand silent to such evil fellow Christian "terrorist" acts against Muslims. By your silence you and Cornerstone Church approves of such "Christian" terrorism and you preach sermons such as you did today attacking Islam. Pastor Hagee, such acts as yours and the Armenians is one good reason why the Muslim world hates Americans just like the Muslim world hates Europeans who attempted to establish colonies throughout their lands after World War I.
Preachers rarely condemn the evil acts of fellow "Christian" Armenia and you lump all Muslims into one class -- terrorists! Pastor Hagee, you can thank your God each and every night that Turkey was an American friend during the Cold War while "Christian" Armenia was an enemy communist state fighting us. Had it not been for the Turks the Cold War just might not have been over today. Had it been left up to the "Christian" Armenians all of Turkey would have become Russian in 1920--so would Greece. It's all in my book. Please read it and all I ask is that you be fair to the part of the Muslim world that clearly is not terrorist.
Pastor Hagee, when you examine truth you will discover this absolute fact: Armenia, the first self-called Christian state on earth's number one import is foreign aid paid by individuals like you and members of your Cornerstone Church. On the other hand the evidence is clear that the Armenians number one export is terrorism and not one fellow "Christian" church will utter one world in protest. Would Christ remain silent to "Christian" terrorism--CERTAINLY NOT--why do you?
I would suggest that when you complete you series on Islam that you consider preaching a series on the evil "Christian states of the today's world. I note that you are selling your anti Islam series of sermons and perhaps you will not take a stand and preach about the evil self-called Christian states like Armenia. Perhaps you will think such anti false Christian messages will not sell as well as hate the Muslim messages now after September 11th. Just think Pastor Hagee, the Armenian church, among its false Christian doctrines continues to offer up blood sacrifices during church services. The Armenian false Christians, by such an act of blood sacrifice, do not recognize the blood and sacrifice of what Christ did for each of us as Christians of all faiths observe today within United States. How can any church, such as yours, remain silent when the proof is so clear these people are false Christians and committ acts of terrorism all in the name of Christ.
I hope you will read my book and please feel free to contact me at any time I can share my proof with you. I would like to invite you and your wife to be my guests to go Turkey to see for yourself the truth of what I have just written.
Kindest regards,
Sam a. Weems
Calvary Baptist Church
Hazen, Arkansas