happy easter andreja xristos anesti
freedom to cyprus and Sebia
Andreja wrote:Zdravo bg_turk.
i have a lot to explane.First:this about albanians dont have any connection with war crimes which were done by ALL three sides,ortodox,catolics and muslims.There were crimes beafore and if you want to go back to history Turks holded serbia for 500 years and done biiig crimes.
second:if you are searchin for real crime in Balkan and little asia it is probably jasenovac,croatiankilling camp where were killed more than 200 000 serbs...uncredable...they even maked soap of people...i watched movie about it and i hope i can get you some site next time
third:our president Boris Tadic acepted to go in Srebrnica and knile there and he said that it is big embarising for serbia.Bosnian leaders never comed to do such a thing and croatians...no coment for them.When main preist of serbian ortodox church invited poap to come in Jasenovac he refused and our main priest said:"We forgive,but we remember".
GreekCypriotGurl_UK wrote:Andreja you are right it was Turks who invaded yugoslvia they killed thousands of serbs the Turks where the biggest war crimminals in yugoslavia just like they are war crimminals in Cyprus also in serbia the turks built a wall made of serbs skull they killed
when Turks invaded yugoslvia in 15 century they forced some bosnians to be muslim and then turned them agaisnt the christians all the trouble in yugoslavia where caused by the Turks invasions from centurys ago
Turkey Supported the war agaisnt serbs becasue they want to reclaim there ottoman empire throught the bosnian muslims and albanians
I am aware of the crimes comitted against Serbians especially during the Second World War when sections of Croatia were ethnically cleansed from Orthodox Serbs, notably Slavonia, though I was not aware that 200,000 were killed. I hope that this crime will be known to the world, and I hope Serbian people will speak up.
GreekCypriotGurl_UK wrote:Bg_turk its funny you accusing me of being a denialist of genocide of sebrenica i did not deny it
which to this day you and your turk compatriots deny
Andreja wrote:i must say that crimes were big,and we are shame of it.god will forgive us,Milosevic has already paid.
well i just saw you are from Bulgaria!!(we had 4 wars with that country and we won 3).
It is nice,but here many people talk that bulgaria is full of criminals and feefs.
Andreja wrote:oh lol...well here we have many criminals and it is good,all are criminals and earn a lot so all have money.
yes it is the only you won.In second and first world war u were on side against us and u lost both times and 2.Balkanian wars-greece and serbia against bulgaria,you lost.
Do u know for Balkanika television,i think it is from bulgaria
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