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Not Greek, not Turkish, not English, but Cypriot

Postby kalahari » Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:32 pm

Hi folks

Having read some of the recent history of Cyprus I can honestly understand why there has been so much animosity between the various factions.

One thing that does puzzle me however is this…

Who are the Cypriots? And I don't mean Cypriots trying to be Greek or Turkish or English or any other nationality. I mean the Cypriots – a people that hopefully would encompass all of these immigrants and more, with an identifible culture of their own.

Logic tells me they must exist, and probably outnumber those that try to hang on to their past nationality by a long way.

The problem is, in reading so much of this forum, they seem to be a difficult people to find.

Thoughts please. Incidentally, my family and I are emigrating to Cyprus next year, and fully intend (perhaps naively? You tell me) to become Cypriot in the long run.

Love, Kal
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Postby Cypriotatheart » Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:51 pm

Not knowing your background Kal my suggestion is to get to know the locals wherever you and your family live. Then I hope you will find out some of the ways that things are done differently to the way in the UK. Your big challenge is to accept that it is different and that does not mean wrong! To many people go and live in Cyprus and talk about "Back home we do it this way why can't they do that here". My answer to that is why don't you go back to where you came from if you think it is better. Cypriot food for example has different elements in it because of being so close to Egypt, Lebanon and Syria. It is mainly similar to the Greek food but I think of it as Greek food without the Grease! In the smaller villages and the mountain area I found more people said they were Cypriot, many in the towns will say Greek Cypriot. I love my Cypriot step family and miss them when I am in England, but then when I was living in Cyprus I missed my English family. I feel so happy that I really do have two nationalities, two countries which feel "Home!" and two families. They are both very different lives and there is no way I can say one is better when it comes to it.
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Postby andri_cy » Fri Apr 07, 2006 1:34 am

I couldnt agree more with you Joyce. I was thinking how to write all this and you did it for me! :)
I feel the same way.
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Postby Sotos » Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:11 am

We are Cypriots ;) In the UK you have English, Scottish and Welsh in Cyprus we have Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots etc ;)
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Postby kalahari » Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:42 am

Thanks folks

Sotos, you've helped me to place it, and I hope that you're right. The Scots, Welsh, Irish and English share a traditional and friendly animosity – we all rib each other but for the most part in an affectionate way. Of course, we have other nationalities in the UK too, but PC dictates that we're not allowed to rib them. However, the brilliant Lenny Henry and Sanjeev Bhaskar have made massive strides in helping to break these barriers down through laughter.
Maybe it's the same in Cyprus. I hope so, but the pages of this forum so often descend into impassioned debate over the north south divide (and as I have said before, given its nearness in time I can understand why – I'm not trying to belittle it) that the impression is given that Cyprus is an embittered island. I would imagine many new members are put off by their innocent questions often being taken over by the bigger question, often unnecessarily.
I have heard so many people, some Cypriot expats, others frequent visitors, speak so fondly of the Cypriot people and their strong tradition of hospitality. It would be good to see a little more of that come through in these pages.
And remember, older members – not everybody reads the entire site before asking their question. For some people it might be the first tim they have posted a question anywhere!
Anyway, as this is a Cyprus forum – indeed a Cyprus Community – can we see a little more live and let live? Not Greek, not Turkish, not English, but Cypriot.

Love, Kal
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