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Lots of reasons to leave the UK

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Postby Niki » Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:33 pm

Well said miltiades.

I have absolutely no problem with people coming into the UK from anywhere if they had the same attitude. To embrace the cosmopolitan culture and add their own talents to it with far more motivation and loyalty than many UK born 'British citizens'.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:24 am

When we the Cypriots , along with other Europeans started arriving here in the 60s there was a high level of acceptance by the natives since we mostly blended in , had similar cultures and did not dress as if we just stepped out of some biblical town of 2000 years ago. I'm not a fun of multi culturism in fact I'm quite the opposite.
As Mr Blair recently stated " The rules are changing , they come to our country the have to abide by our rules and our way of life "
The British governments , past and present , have bent backwards to make life for immigrants to this country as pleasurable as possible . The mistake they made , the governments and the general institutions was to denigrate our Western culture and accommodate cultures that are not in any way "integrationaly friendly" with our own. Kids of immigrants born in this country have not one iota of respect for the nation , they are in a world , that their parents
and grandparents designed for them and the British government praised with words like "vibrant cultures etc etc.
The rot started when in the 60s the wearing of helmets by bikers became compulsory. But the law makers granted exemptions based on ethnicity and religion.
Today our schools have long abandoned assemblies out of fear of upsetting immigrants. The BBC goes out of its way and has done so for years to promote multi culturism , we will soon be seeing women newscasters dressed from head to tow in their respective dress culture either on religious or ethnic reasons. The only English "thing" at the moment is our football team and lets hope they repeat the 1966 achievement.
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Postby littlemiss » Sun Jun 25, 2006 3:04 pm

Here here miltiades, the immigrants of the uk have no respect for the uk and wish to make their own country, this is one of the reasons i wish to raise my child in cyprus, although that technically makes me an immigrant here i do not expect cyprus to change to suit me, i love the cyprus way of life and the way they will not accept the changes these immigrants to the uk are immposing. How could i send my child to a school where it cant sing certain songs, hymes, or be worried to wish his class mates a happy christmas through fear of being racist. This is utterly ridiculous whats going on in the uk, and should be stopped! The worse part is some of these immigrants are attacking the innocent general public by bombing buses, trains, and busy areas, how dare they impose their beliefs on us. I am not racists by far and wish my child to learn and respect other cultures but i would not expect my child to live by the rules of these other cultures if that is not where they live, ( does that make sence? ) When in rome do as the romans do! So when in the uk do as the british do, and for us we are in cyprus so will do as you do! When i visited the UAE i covered my skin and obeyed their rules, so why cant they do the same in the uk. England has strong traditions and should not have to change for these people. I mean is it really true that the xmas holidays now have to be called the winter festival as christmas is against some of these immigrants religeon?
Hey this is suppose to be the jokes forum but where else can we have a good moan about the uk which is now i guess a good joke!
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Postby Snad » Sun Jun 25, 2006 3:17 pm

Here here little Miss,
Well said. Its about time the UK started looking after everybody and not just the immigrants.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 25, 2006 4:10 pm

Its because we do not stand up to these nonsense , well I will tell you , I bloody well do . Political correctness is a load of s..t that the establishment wants to cover us all with. Last Xmas I had a go at my local bank for not displaying Xmas decorations , the worst offender is Barclays . The culture of the UK is the natives culture and and the foreigners , either accept it or piss off back home , but Oh No , they would not do that because their countries are still living in the dark ages, and of course there are no benefits handed out.
The UK is a laughing stock for the world to see. They banned the popular rhyme Bye Bye black sheep !!!!
What a load of crap. And further more did you know that the commonly known "manhole " is also banned the absurdities are far too many to mention , but here is the latest one. I have it from high authorities that by the year 2010 the sale of Bacon and pork will be outlawed !!!! . May be we will be encouraged to consume the brains of monkeys while still alive. !!!
The enforcing power will be handed out to" Community Support Officers" , the bloody cheek , they are nothing more than low down useless traffic wardens , money extortionists uncivilised bunch of good for nothing bastards.
Don't ask if i hate traffic wardens I DETEST THEM
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Postby Niki » Sun Jun 25, 2006 8:53 pm

I had a wonderful example of racism targeted at me in my own country - it was in London when I was a student.

I was walking along the pavement and a man with darker skin (I wouldn't presume I knew his origin) was walking towards me. Nothing strange in this - London is particularly multi-cultural and my friend were a mixure of many races.

I was against the wall, he was on the open side. He looked straight through me and I believe he must have been of the belief that women were inferior to men because he made no attempt to step to the side a little to allow us to pass each other - wouldn't degrade himself by moving aside for a women. He went full force into me - knocked bags and me to the ground and badly bruised my shoulder, you could see him bracing himself for the impact.

Some of the worst racism we have in the UK is Asians versus West Indians. I witnessed another astonishing episode when a well dressed West Indian man was incredibly rude to a very nice and unassuming asian gentleman. He walked a wide berth around the asian man looking at him like he was dirt. I would never even think of acting in this way.

It is sad but these episodes (not to mention the terrorism) can make many people wary of other cultures. Their insistence that everyone is a racist can often be self fulfilling.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 25, 2006 10:20 pm

Niki , the Asians look down on the blacks , women they consider as mere objects to be used as they like. The black people have made huge strides in integrating with the natives , not only in music and sports but in all walks of life. I think that the new influx of immigrants , those of the last 10 - 15 years , have intentionally remained distant from the rest of the community. A very large majority consider the Western world to be decadent , corrupt and with out any morals. What the hell are they doing amongst us sinners I will never know. These immigrants are driven by their warped beliefs and that one day they will take over the country and turn it into the shit that they so anxiously left behind. I'm not at all a racist , after all I'm a Cypriot married to an English woman , but I'm 100% selective in according respect to cultures irrespective of the substance of such cultures.
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Postby Snad » Mon Jun 26, 2006 7:35 am

These immigrants are driven by their warped beliefs and that one day they will take over the country and turn it into the shit that they so anxiously left behind.[quote]

I thought they had done that already??? :shock:
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Postby littlemiss » Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:18 pm

God doesnt this feel good to say it in public how we feel without being considered racists, and to know we all feel the same about what has happened to a once beautiful england. What do you think the future holds for the uk? Will they eventually put their foot down and stop whats going on or will it just get worse? I have this awful feeling one day maybe a reincarnated hitler will come and ethnicly cleanse the uk and there will be civil wars and all sorts of blood shed, cos i can only see the people who love and respect the uk putting up with this for so long!
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Postby Niki » Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:34 pm

I feel it will get worse. Last week my 10 year old daughter came home from school with something she was learning about - it was a sample document that immigrants get when they become british citizens. The oath they swear and a lovely speech about how welcome they are by the Home Secretary.

It was a shock to realise this is now simply a fact of life. Not necessarily wrong but surely it needs to be more selective than it is (eg allowing immigrant criminals to walk out of jail when they should have been deported).

As I said - I welcome people with open arms when they are prepared to work for a living and add to the culture rather than trying to destroy it. I object to having to work hard to pay social benefits out of my hard earned tax to people who can't be bothered to learn the language and who plot to destroy the law abiding citizens.

One of the many reasons we are moving to Cyprus - not without it's own issues but it can't be any worse.
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