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Dogs on Highways - Update

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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:29 am

Lighten up Anne, i am sure it was just a joke...... sort of thing my kids would say... I am a great advocate for animal welfare but i am not trapped in my misery, bitterness and anger. I do realise its a problem world wide but get real, gallows humour doesnt mean nobody cares.
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Re: dogs on highways

Postby andri_cy » Fri Apr 14, 2006 5:34 pm

annecollings wrote:WE ARE LOSING THE THREAD HERE !!!

To what point do you add a comment like " can you eat dog".... some people sicken me!

Anne I have 3 dogs and I love them to death but I can see the silliness and humor in all things. Lighten up.
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Postby lindy1706 » Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:05 pm

Hi all,

Just to give you all an update.....Turns out Zygi was actually 4 months old but so undernourished he had the Physique of a 2 month old pup.....he is also a German Shepard and according to our vet should be at least 3 - 4 times the size he is, and will now never grow to his full potential due to the rough start.......Also full of worms and a side order of Ringworm so eating him not a healthy or worthwhile option West Side!

Have seen 2 of his litter mates dead on the road since picking him up so I honestly think he was supposed to be 5 minutes earlier or later and he too would have been dead.

Good news is Mother adores him and he her.....he follows her everywhere and won't leave her side, the ringworm is clearing up, following a course of injections and some ointment so we can stop looking like a scene from General Hospital everytime we stroke him (rubber gloves!) and the best news of all he has more than doubled his bodyweight and you can no longer see his ribs or backbone! and is now protecting his home with a very impressive deep bark from such a little fellow.

Mum's cypriot neighbour has now stopped saying "dirty dirty put in garage" and this weekend made him a rice pudding to "make him fat" :lol:
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Postby dms007 » Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:22 pm

just because you, the british i assume, do not eat dogs does not mean that no one else in the world should eat a dog.
why dont you people realise that the world is not one large place inhabited by british alone. you will have to respect the other people.
if someone wants to eat a dog, he can, as long as he is not forcing you to eat it too.
i have seen people eat worms, frogs, snakes, birds, rabbits, rats, cats, dogs, camels, beetles and even more.
you can either eat them or not eat them, but dont decide in one instant that they are wrong.
the things that you eat maybe disgusting for them.
so instead of complaining please accept people the way they are.
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Re: dogs on highways

Postby West Side » Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:28 pm

annecollings wrote:WE ARE LOSING THE THREAD HERE !!!

To what point do you add a comment like " can you eat dog".... some people sicken me!

You need to chill.


Was a joke
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Postby lindy1706 » Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:35 pm


Speaking as someone who is british & used to think that Newts and Worms were a suitable snack (I was 3 at the time) I really don;t understand the problem here........I think you are getting a little overheated....... of course other cultures are entitled to eat what they like. I think the complaints stemmed from a a comment saying "can you eat dog" suddenly appearing in a thread which at the time concerned animal rescue (yes very British I know and no I make no apologies for it!)

As you can see in my update post (which you responded to) I actually tried to lighten the atmosphere.

So I do accept peole as they are but also have the intelligence as have all the other posters to this thread to realise that this comment was a joke.

Lighten up and stop being so PC.
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Postby lindy1706 » Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:38 pm

Hi West side,

I think most of us assumed it was :)

Many thanks to DMS007 for his truly educational post worthy of a Ray Mears survival special :lol:
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Postby dms007 » Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:16 pm

I have nothing against you lindy, I know westside's comment was a joke, but the comment by annecollings was not a joke.
my post was aimed at annecollings not against you (lindy).
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Postby andri_cy » Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:50 pm

lindy1706 wrote:

Mum's cypriot neighbour has now stopped saying "dirty dirty put in garage" and this weekend made him a rice pudding to "make him fat" :lol:

LOL thats so cute. I hope it all goes well with Zygi.
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Postby unique_earthling » Mon Apr 17, 2006 8:28 pm

you know... i live in paphos and 20 years ago, to see someone walking a dog on a lead was hillarious for the Paphians, to see a dog taking its owner out on a lead... but now some do it also, and dogs for pets was not known then, we the English were gradually showing them a different way, and this was told to me by a friend of mine that used to be head of immigration and police, we lead by example and your neighbour sounds as if she can now see some merit in having a stray dog for a pet.

So many cypriots fear them, i often giggle to myself when my pint sized min pin goes up to say hello and a 6 foot strapping fellow stiffens with fear and nervously backs away, as if it was the hound of the baskervilles.

There was a disease carried by dogs here that killed people, and i think many still are taught that animals carry disease and are dirty, and will bite, because of whats happened in the past. and its people like you that are great educators to show that once you get to know the animal well, your heart can over ride conditioning.. keep up the good work..
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