You have the option to ban certain users from this forum.
I strongly suggest the administrator takes a good look at these threads and bans obnoxious users who post spiteful and unhelpful replies.
I use several other forums, to include: Microsoft Frontpage, Windows XP, Honda owners club, Builders Forum, etc.... I do NOT suffer the same response to polite & courteous questions from any of them! Why should I tolerate blatant ignorance from a multitude of users on this one?
Suffice to say, and always assuming these people speak for the majority of Cypriots, I'm no longer looking forward to the so-called hospitality of Cypriot residents. I shall now treat each one with suspicion and assume they're being polite/helpful only to gain my trust and ultimately my money!
Two years ago, I drove a hire car in Cyprus (Southside

) and the red number plate seemed to attract more than several hand gestures from assorted locals. (No, not because of poor driving on my part). My wife told me it was my imagination; I now realise it was not!
I shall NOT return to Cyprus to holiday again, that's a certainty.
Bitter? No! It's just that my eyes have been opened to the underlying bigotry that exists in Cyprus.
I think you really need to take a good look at yourselves from the perspective of the outside world.
I am gobsmacked at the aggressive nature of ‘Strahd’ , ‘CyprusGrump’, ‘Lysi’, ‘Main_Source’, &‘Agios Amcrosios’ in response to my question(s). What on earth is wrong with you all?
Needless to say, I won’t be posting on this forum again, so don’t bother replying with more of your insults.
Abdullah Jemal Vedat. (But you can call me ‘ayjvee’)