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Postby Kenneth » Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:29 pm

for your information this forum are full of helpfull people, you have just encountered some the "worst"
I can't help you with the Coral Bay hotel, but I have a tent you may borrow. it has room for 4 and is very cheap :)

have a good trip ;)
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Postby Sotos » Thu Apr 06, 2006 12:23 am

ayjvee, there are some nice hotels at coral bay like the Coral Bay resort and Thalassa hotel. I am not sure about cheap accommodation. But since April is not high season if you just go there you can ask around and find something cheap. if you arrive at the Larnaca airport take Kenneths tent with you just in case ;)
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Postby Strahd » Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:20 am

Don't they still use drachma in the south? :lol:

Anyways, my dear friend with comments like "part of you joined the EU" you should expect to be flamed. The CyPro is a very complex issue and you have to be VERY careful when you talk about these issues.

For your information the Republic of Cyprus (which includes the occuppied areas) is a full member of the EU like UK, France, Greece etc. The difference is that part of this country is under occupation from the Turkish military that does not allow for that part of the republic to fall under the duristiction of Cyprus and EU by force. Thus I can justify your ignorance of official currecy of Cyprus which until 2008 will be the Cyprus pound since you only visited the land that is under Turkish military occupation.

It is now fully understood and agreed that Cyprus will join the Euro zone on the 1st of January 2008. The campaign for informing the Cypriot people will begin on the 1st of May 2006 (double prices indicated etc).
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Postby ayjvee » Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:44 am

Sadly, it is not possible to surgically remove the chips on your shoulders!
You poor, sad lot!
I suggest you close this forum seems to be a handy outlet for the rantings of individuals who object to anyone visiting Cyprus, and feel that the whole world should be fully aware of the political situation that exists between Greece, Cyprus and Turkey! I've been slagged off and verbally attacked since the day I first posted!!
But I expect that all you lot ever do, rant about your situation? Well tell someone who cares! You've certainly managed to change my opinion of the Cypriot people! North or South! Thinking back, even in the past, as we showed my passport at the airport, the 'officials' were ignorant toward me and my Wife; maybe they are the ones who show their TRUE feelings toward visitors and the rest of you mask yours in order to take our money?
It would appear that you smile in our faces, but behind our backs..........................
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Postby twinkle » Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:19 am

ayjvee - don't be so bitter. As I said before some posters use this forum as the only outlet available. However, I will say that you must understand that Cypriots have been living with this problem for 30 years. Unless people are aware of what happened, people often call the Occupied Areas the North. Cyprus is a tiny country in the world and is hardly newsworthy with its existing problem. That is why alot of the outsiders and tourists don't actually know what is going on.

Don't let the posts upset you. Strahd was being helpful and not insulting.

As for the passport control, occupational requirement to be miserable I am afraid. ;)
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Postby ayjvee » Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:58 am

You have the option to ban certain users from this forum.
I strongly suggest the administrator takes a good look at these threads and bans obnoxious users who post spiteful and unhelpful replies.

I use several other forums, to include: Microsoft Frontpage, Windows XP, Honda owners club, Builders Forum, etc.... I do NOT suffer the same response to polite & courteous questions from any of them! Why should I tolerate blatant ignorance from a multitude of users on this one?
Suffice to say, and always assuming these people speak for the majority of Cypriots, I'm no longer looking forward to the so-called hospitality of Cypriot residents. I shall now treat each one with suspicion and assume they're being polite/helpful only to gain my trust and ultimately my money!

Two years ago, I drove a hire car in Cyprus (Southside :o ) and the red number plate seemed to attract more than several hand gestures from assorted locals. (No, not because of poor driving on my part). My wife told me it was my imagination; I now realise it was not!

I shall NOT return to Cyprus to holiday again, that's a certainty.

Bitter? No! It's just that my eyes have been opened to the underlying bigotry that exists in Cyprus.

I think you really need to take a good look at yourselves from the perspective of the outside world.

I am gobsmacked at the aggressive nature of ‘Strahd’ , ‘CyprusGrump’, ‘Lysi’, ‘Main_Source’, &‘Agios Amcrosios’ in response to my question(s). What on earth is wrong with you all?

Needless to say, I won’t be posting on this forum again, so don’t bother replying with more of your insults.

Abdullah Jemal Vedat. (But you can call me ‘ayjvee’)
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HI ayjvee

Postby lysi » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:53 pm

Oh dear who upset ayjvee ? but im sure he had a nice time in the occupied areas.
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Re: HI ayjvee

Postby stuff » Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:04 pm

lysi wrote:Oh dear who upset ayjvee ? but im sure he had a nice time in the occupied areas.

what are you like? :shock: you are seriously irritating lysi...
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Postby lysi » Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:21 pm

stuff, get off your high horse, if you dont like my posts then dont reply to them.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:03 pm

I’m with lysi…

It is clearly ayjvee who is the racist bigot here – he has condemned the whole of Cyprus and all Cypriots based on a couple of posts that he has clearly taken completely out of context. Some of which (mine for instance) are not even from Cypriots…

If you read the whole thread you will see that he has completely overreacted – perhaps criticism isn’t allowed in the ayjvee household.
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