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getting by with little greek

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getting by with little greek

Postby jazzy1 » Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:41 pm

when I come over to Larnaca Cyprus I am thinking of opening a small business which will involve some childrens activities and adult fitness classes etc

Is fitness a big thing over there at the mo?

I speak v. little greek but will obviously be learning slowly.
Do alot of Cypriots speak English in this area and will I be able to communicate to the people.
Or will I struggle trying to explain what I do etc.

Is Larnaca not a good place to go to start up a business if you cant speak the language.
I know there are more English people in Paphos but I am trying to get away from that.

Hope this makes sense!!!

Cheers guys xx
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Postby andri_cy » Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:31 pm

I dont think t5hat fitness is too big in the older generations but it might be for the younger ones. But you have to remember how many foreigners are there now too. I am sure a lot of them are interested in fitness. You just need to do some first person research to make sure that the market is not saturated.
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Postby Sotos » Tue Apr 04, 2006 7:01 am

Most Cypriots understand English. At least the basic things. You will not have a big problem. What kind of fittness classes will you do? People usually go to gyms for these things.
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Postby jazzy1 » Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:32 am

things like aerobics, boxing circuts, circut training. along those lines.

I guess maybe if it didnt work out I would try and get a job at a gym maybe.
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Postby Sidney » Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:58 pm

There are several Gyms in Larnaca already. Which area of Larnaca do you intend to establish your business?
I for one would be interested in the boxing Circuits.
As for speaking Greek i have found if you try to open the conversation in Greek then people generally seem to be more helpful towards you than if you just blurt out in English.
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Postby jazzy1 » Wed Apr 05, 2006 1:02 pm

we would hopefully be opening in the town itself but we dont know for sure yet as we are waiting till we are there to find rented premises.

I will let you know when we are there and set up
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Postby twinkle » Wed Apr 05, 2006 1:43 pm

There are at least 5 Gyms that I know of already in Larnaca and that's not counting the little back street ones. Total Muscle & Fitness is the largest, then you have Reflex, Curves, GZZ at the old arena, Deaplesi. Total has alot of classes for individual needs as does Reflex, Deaplesi and GZZ. Curves is a more specialised gym with machines. Good luck with trying to get a piece of the Market. If you can offer something different it should hopefully work.

I'd seriously be up for more Yoga!!!
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