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Buying a car - rules

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Buying a car - rules

Postby Niki » Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:10 pm


I've done a search and can't find anything so I need some more advice please.

When we move over we will need to buy a car (as you do) so is there any legal stuff we need to know about - ie is a UK driving licence ok, can we get insurance easily, can we get the car within the first 3 months before we have temporary residency approved......?

I'm thinking Porsche, Lamborghini (even though I can't spell it), Ferrari!!

Also I've heard cars are expensive to buy in Cyprus - does it make more sense to import our cars from the UK?

Last thing - what are fuel costs like compared to the UK?

Thanks Niki
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Re: Buying a car - rules

Postby cyprusgrump » Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:55 pm

Niki2410 wrote:Also I've heard cars are expensive to buy in Cyprus - does it make more sense to import our cars from the UK?

See, SEE!
There must be a thousand threads on bringing cars in from the UK!
Bollocks to answering questions on here any more :cry:
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Postby twinkle » Tue Mar 28, 2006 3:08 pm

Oh dear Cyprusgrump. Relax and chill out.

Niki2410 - I know what you mean though. Rather than get the wrath of the cyprusgrump, I did a search earlier for a thread I posted.

Try putting in "car import" in the search field and you will get lots of info on tax, duty, prices, ins etc. If you're seriously thinking of bringing a luxury sports car over as mentioned, expect to leave the underneath of it along the bumpy roads of Cyprus. Also, did I read somewhere that you were thinking of moving to "TRNC" rather than to Cyprus? As obviously they make a difference.
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Postby Niki » Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:10 pm

Hi Twinkle

No - I am not considering North Cyprus - too many issues and not enough English Schools. It's Limassol for me so an easier process I would guess.

I will admit I didn't search for car import as my main question was about buying a car - that was thrown in at the last minute and something we probably won't do but hey - just a quick no would have been enough.

So I'm really really sorry grump - it won't happen again - slapped wrist, naughty girl!!

The luxury car was just wishful thinking - it will probably be a little banger.

Thanks (I'll go away and stand in a corner now) :bawling:
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Postby bones » Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:23 pm

So you like a banger then Niki :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby andri_cy » Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:28 pm

Niki2410 wrote:Hi Twinkle

No - I am not considering North Cyprus - too many issues and not enough English Schools. It's Limassol for me so an easier process I would guess.

I will admit I didn't search for car import as my main question was about buying a car - that was thrown in at the last minute and something we probably won't do but hey - just a quick no would have been enough.

So I'm really really sorry grump - it won't happen again - slapped wrist, naughty girl!!

The luxury car was just wishful thinking - it will probably be a little banger.

Thanks (I'll go away and stand in a corner now) :bawling:

Noooo Niki its ok. dont cry. Ferrari sounds good. Buy one for me too :lol:
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Postby blondophile » Thu Apr 13, 2006 12:33 am

You can bring a car you own since 6 month in uk and just prouve than you was in uk the last twelve month and you will avoid the big tax, but if the car is more than 2.2 liter the road tax are a bit very expensive for what is it ! but if you can pay a ferrari why not ! :P

What does that change if your driving license is uk to insure ? i ve got a french driving license, i m insure on a car in cyprus and i made some quotation for bring my car (left handle) in cyprus and the price is not too different... (30% more for the left handle but 5 minutes negociation .. bybye the 30%)
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Postby Oneness » Wed May 10, 2006 5:48 pm

hello, I want to help a friend with some advice. is there import duty bringing a car in? if you buy one in Cyprus, and intend to stay in Cyprus, can you get it Duty Free?
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