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Eurovision farce

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Postby rotate » Mon Mar 27, 2006 11:48 pm

saravakos wrote:wogan fails to mention when ireland and UK exchange 10 or 12 points each but he opens his mouth when it suits him

as for the UK, everyone hates them and their foreign policy, thats why they do jack shit every year. maybe when they stop invading countries for oil then maybe people will change their views on them. but anyway thats veering off the subject.

roll on Athens and maria menounos!! :D

But you obviously you dont hate them "saravakos" or your location would not be N London! If you are in the UK system then its your unfortunate foreign 'collective responsibility' policy as well as mine.

Wogan may seem ridiculous but he knows how to keep a foot in both enemies camps having the heart and soul of an Irish Republican with the Swiss bank accounts and the off shore investments of a British Imperialist. Guess he's got what he has by being able to compromise, not a little unlike yourself being located just to the North of the Heart of the Evil Empire I imagine.

As for the Eurojoke sorry Eurovision, if anything other than football was designed to keep the European masses from taking a closer look at what their tax free salaried and expensed elected/non elected representitives and officials are up to then this is a prime example. Gets more damn air play than any of the major issues that European Citizens should be confronting, lack of European leadership Global warming pollution Iraq Iran Afghanistan Israel and the Palestinians Chinese annexation of Tibet Turkish EU membership US and British foreign policy GrecoTurkish Love Hate relationship French pique and occupation of Corsica and the Basque region Russia's Chechnea policy Spains North African colonies and the Basque region English nationalism Italy's Northern League German and Austrian neo Nazis Third World poverty and the European CAP economic migration falling birth rates aging populations etc etc......................Oh yes! and the Cyprus problem as well, although I doubt that even God himself dare take to close a look at that.
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Postby saravakos » Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:11 am

aaahhh i must say i was waiting for a reply like this from someone

just coz i was born and raised here does that mean i have to agree with everything this country does? isnt it supposed to be a democracy here or am i not allowed to air my views?

if you want to support blair and his master bush go ahead, just dont expect others to follow you just coz they live here.

as for the eurovision, some people take it way too seriously. lighten up, its a bit of fun...think of it as Euro Pop Idol!!
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Postby twinkle » Tue Mar 28, 2006 8:02 am

I think that they should drop the professionals and have this contest open to complete amateurs. The public should be able to vote for a complete novice who has written their own music without the help of these big time professionals. I think it's biased when the professionals sing and write the entries. They shouldn't be allowed to enter. That would be some entertaining stuff....a bit like the auditions for Super Idol etc... :)
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Postby rotate » Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:27 pm

saravakos wrote:aaahhh i must say i was waiting for a reply like this from someone

just coz i was born and raised here does that mean i have to agree with everything this country does? isnt it supposed to be a democracy here or am i not allowed to air my views?

if you want to support blair and his master bush go ahead, just dont expect others to follow you just coz they live here.

as for the eurovision, some people take it way too seriously. lighten up, its a bit of fun...think of it as Euro Pop Idol!!

OK so I'm the snapper you hooked, well done no hard feelings UGH!

I certainly do not disagree with you about airing your views, you and everybody else should BUT you cannot distance yourself from the society within which you live by referring to the UK as 'them' whenever your and therefore my government adopts a policy with which you and I do not agree.

Your assumption that my response to your post was generated by support for my/our governments foreign policy is incorrect. My response was to your self absolution of responsibility.

Eurovision is a bit of fun! possibly. The continued dumbing down of the media stops people asking the questions that should be asked of political leaderships and therefore suits the politicians nicely.
Why has UK Trade Unionism lost so much power since the 70's? Simple really, in the 50's and the 60's its membership could not be bothered to attend branch meetings preferring to leave discussion and decisions to the extreme left wing made up of Trotskyists and Maoists while they watched TV went to the pub or attended football matches. Result was the extremists took over and strikes were called at the drop of a hat over in many cases next to nothing and thus creating the perfect atmosphere for Baroness Thatchers repressive anti Trade Union legislation and the hire and fire no benefits or pensions culture of today.
The American peoples desire to defend democracy in Vietnam wilted when the US TV companies dropped their normally innane prime time viewing programmes in favour of showing what was really happening to their sons and what their sons were doing to the Vietnamese in the name of freedom.
Ask most people in the UK without a connection to Cyprus about the situation here and you may if your very lucky get a response about Aya Napa and "wasnt there a war there once". European public political discussion and therefore opinion on the Cyprus situation is now more or less restricted to the opportunists who see the situation as the perfect tool for their rightly or wrongly held views on Turkeys application for EU membership. Even Greek TV on last years anniversaries of the coup invasion/occupation or if you prefer intervention/liberation of Cyprus could barely summon enough interest to give no more than a passing mention preferring to show edited clips from the previous evenings whatever non celebrity show.

No media coverage means no discussion and no opinion. No opinion results in no public pressure on politicians to resolve that which they would prefer to ignore or sweep under the carpet.
I'll read Orwell's 1984 to lighten up and bah! humbug to Eurovision and the even worse Pop Idol.
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Postby Sotos » Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:53 am

After this years Eurovision in Athens you will all change your opinion about this contest ;) :P
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:27 am

Greece won last year???????:shock:
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Postby saravakos » Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:11 am

lol where you been andri??!!

paparizou won it in kiev

rotate, i see what your getting at but i dont think this thread is for it.
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Postby Sotos » Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:56 pm

andri_cy wrote:Greece won last year???????:shock:

:lol: Andri, you are really out of touch with Europe and the Greek achievements! I hope you know that Greece also won the European championship in football in 2004 and basketball in 2005 ;)
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Mar 29, 2006 6:37 pm

I know the athletic stuff cause my brother cant wait to brag at me with all of it. Like the tennis guy in Australia. But one tells me :(
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Postby rotate » Fri Mar 31, 2006 6:06 pm

saravakos wrote:lol where you been andri??!!

paparizou won it in kiev

rotate, i see what your getting at but i dont think this thread is for it.

Thank you "saravakos", you are right that this is not the correct thread.

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