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Stupid Posters

Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:34 am

Has anybody else (any regular posters) noticed a decline in the apparent intelligence of the posters recently?

Apart from appalling spelling and grammar we have regular outbreaks of ‘text speak’ which I absolutely loathe – it’s a computer you are using not a mobile phone!

Also, we have posters that obviously haven’t used the search facility or bothered to read any of the sections to see if their question has been asked before. Worse still (in my humble opinion) are posters that splash random questions all over the board and apparently ignore the answers.

Personally, it annoys me if I take the time to reply to an apparently genuine question only to see it repeated elsewhere or to see questions which have been covered many, many times before – often only a few posts below the ‘new’ question (how many times has the ‘shall I bring my car to Cyprus’ question been asked and comprehensively answered?).

I’m sure my annoyance is of no interest to anybody here but I certainly feel less inclined of late to respond to some of the more superfluous questions. If others feel the same way it will ultimately adversely affect the quality of the board.

Perhaps the mods/admin could sticky an ‘etiquette’ post in each section of the board – something along the lines of: -

Posting Etiquette:
Note that the posters here give their help and advice free of charge and in their own time. To assist us providing the most comprehensive and accurate answer to your questions about Cyprus could you: -

1) Please use the search facility to see if your question has been asked before – it is very frustrating to hear the same question over and over again.
2) Please try to post your question in the appropriate section of the board.
3) Please be patient if you post a question – the appropriate person to answer may not be available immediately (or even in the same time-zone as you) and repeating the question in every section of the board won’t help.
4) Please make an effort to check your spelling and grammar. Otherwise we might think you are a 5 y/o using daddy’s computer and ignore you completely.
5) Please don’t think that because you have read a bit about Cyprus you know it all – arsehole. :x

Do any other regular posters have comments?
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Postby andri_cy » Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:44 am

I think that you are right. Especially when people ask specific questions about something, and you try research to help them with an answer, and, sometimes before you have time to answer the ask a different question on the subject. Then they wonder why some of us are grumpy!
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Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:46 am

andri_cy wrote:Then they wonder why some of us are grumpy!

Some of us, um yes… :oops:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:28 am

Hey grumpy...While I understand your frustration,it is in the nature of these BB's to be repetitive.I think we need to be more tolerant with people who might : not have as good computer skills as yourself;not be as fluent in English as yourself;not have as much experience as yourself as a poster.
Why do you feel obliged to answer every question?
If people don't get enough attention they will go away anyway and leave us in peace :wink:
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Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:17 am

I don’t feel obliged to answer every question at all. In fact, I rarely post unless I feel I can make a valid contribution, generally based on my own experience of nearly four years in Cyprus – one of the reasons my post count is relatively low here.

Many other BB’s that I either contribute to or use for information (for instance satellite information and software that I use on my web sites) have strict rules on using the search engine before posting a request. I see no reason why a board should be repetitive.
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Re: Stupid Posters

Postby dolmadis » Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:18 pm

cyprusgrump wrote: Personally, it annoys me if I take the time to reply to an apparently genuine question only to see it repeated elsewhere or to see questions which have been covered many, many times before – often only a few posts below the ‘new’ question (how many times has the ‘shall I bring my car to Cyprus’ question been asked and comprehensively answered?).

I have noticed that some of these people ask the same question under different handles contemporaneously in many boards; Cyprus Living, Anglo Info, Cyprus Eastern, Cyprus Limassol Living etc.,


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Postby cypezokyli » Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:40 pm

i would agree with :
1. the first half of the sentence
2, and 3.

4 i would disagree
5 , i would agree on principle but in practise if applied noone would be left to participate :wink:
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Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:18 pm

cypezokyli wrote:i would agree with :
1. the first half of the sentence
2, and 3.

4 i would disagree
5 , i would agree on principle but in practise if applied noone would be left to participate :wink:

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Postby bigfatlondonboy » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:19 pm

sorry grump....
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Postby Niki » Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:52 pm

Well excuse me!!

As a new and no doubt stupid poster, I think that posting a question that may be similar to one posted a while ago (God forbid) may have the benfit of new forum people giving their perspective. Also the stream of answers can progress in different ways which makes it interesting.

...and (John) different kinds of people use the different forums so a more rounded viewpoint is given to the same question.

The North/South Cyprus divide is a never ending subject based on the same question but it never gets repetitive as all posts move in their unique directions. I have been reading one where the posters are now ready to kill each other - fantastic!

I like the fact I can get responses from people for my own questions - however repetitive.

So grump - get a life and don't be so judgemental!
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