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Cyta's new "wireless" ADSL modem

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Postby Strahd » Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:10 pm

Guys be extra careful with your ADSL modems from CYTA because they have WiFi and it is enabled and open. The Cyprus Amateur Radio Society have run surveys in Limassol and Nicosia on the 2.4GHz band and we find that more than 80% of access points are unprotected thus enabling someone close to you to be able to access your internet connection and use your bandwidth for free. We will soon be releasing a document in greek and in english explaining how you will be able to protect your WiFi network.
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Postby Crivens » Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:25 pm

Even though WEP is seriously rubbish compared to WPA I believe my SpeedTouch modem from Cyta came with the WEP turned on by default. Bit of a laugh though that both WEP and WPA keys are on a label on the side of the modem. As it happens I believe the advanced settings of WEP and WPA were behind the "username/password" screen I talked about in the last post. So no changing the keys, or switching to WPA if you wanted, unless Cyta agree to give you the login/password (ie. come to your door with a piece of paper, unless things have changed in the last 3 months or so).

Now I only have to wait until one of my wireless media streamers gets the firmware updated to support WPA, otherwise I would move to WPA like yesterday. Oh, and I'm pretty positive my DS is WEP only (although I really don't use it online) annoyingly.

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Postby Get Real! » Wed May 02, 2007 10:19 pm

Crivens wrote:As for getting into the modem settings I couldn't get in because it was asking for a username and password. In the end I phoned Cyta who wouldn't tell me it over the phone. In the end a bloke actually turned up at the door with it written on a piece of paper.

If I remember well the CD that comes with the speedtouch contains a PDF manual containing all the passwords. I've reprogrammed everything and screwed everything up a couple of times but the BIOS software does include a go back to default option somewhere in there so that was a life saver... :)
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Postby rick-kendall » Wed May 02, 2007 10:29 pm

here comes the saviour to all your problems!

login as cytadsl password is cytaspeed

this won't work with IE7, so its 6 or firefox or like me just telnet.

remember turn wep on if you turn wireless on or all the leeches in your neighbourhood will be on to you!
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Postby rick-kendall » Wed May 02, 2007 10:33 pm

wait i missed the picture! i have a thomson one!
not the alien looking one shown here.

anyway instructions are for speedtouch 585 log in vai
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Postby Crivens » Thu May 03, 2007 8:22 am

If I remember well the CD that comes with the speedtouch contains a PDF manual containing all the passwords
Really? Sigh. Once again the habits of my profession (programmer) cocks me up. Read the f*****g manual should be made into a tattoo on my head.... Manuals are for everyone else basically. And now to finish that Linux install by using guesswork! :)

here comes the saviour to all your problems!
Yeah, thats the login and password they gave me on their secret squirrel mission to my door (that they couldn't tell me over the phone). If it comes on the CD, then why on earth did Cyta helpline go through all that mucking around? Interestingly the documentation I got said one WEP and WPA key, and the modem says another. It's the one on the modem BTW :)

turn wep on if you turn wireless on
Was on by default if I remember rightly. For all the good it does. It's been known for a while now that anyone can get in using an easily available bit of software (the idea that you have to be some elite hacker who can get your password in 3 guesses is amusing) in about half an hour. Apparently (according to an article on the BBC website I read a couple of days ago) another software application has come out that can get in within a minute or two, rarely taking as long as twenty mins. Nice. WPA on the other hand cannot be overcome so easily, and apparently the only way to beat it is the try every combo approach (they don't do this to beat WEP), which according to the article would probably take longer than the universe has been around. Apparently. Safe to say it is a hell of a lot safer though.

Unfortuantly even though WEP is apparently next to useless most of these new wireless devices we get (I don't mean laptops, but things like Skype phones, Nintendo DS's etc) don't handle WPA. Personally I have 2 laptops that would work with WPA in the house, but another 5 or so devices that only work with WEP. So only WEP for me. Annoyingly.

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