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Postby bigfatlondonboy » Tue Mar 21, 2006 7:43 pm

ta for that cabbie ...also i dont mind giving some one a mouthful if it warrents it looks like we shall be fine over there in the summer.
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Postby Leonidas » Tue Mar 21, 2006 7:50 pm

It is not just the British that are treated that way.

They try to treat me the same way. It is because I am not LIVING there. :shock:

And is not because they know I live in the USA. Just because I speak with an accent, it is enough for them to try to put the screws to me. I' m sure they do the same for all the GC's that live abroad. I have many friends and family in London that feel the same way when they visit Cyprus. Actually we may be in worse shape than any other visitors.

I still can not believe we are in the EU. We are such a different breed!!!!
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Postby andri_cy » Tue Mar 21, 2006 7:56 pm

Leonidas wrote:
The media does no justice to what is going on in Iraq. My nephew who just got back after he was badly injured from a bomb blast, was upset hearing the picture the news media tries to draw. It is so wrong to do that, just to make news or make Bush look bad.

If he could recover from his injuries he would go back. Unfortunately his injuries will not allow him to serve his country.

These are true stories not News making ones. The things he told us are so different than what the liberal media shows us.

I am sure that most soldiers are upset. I mean do they like being at war probably not. But they can see the difference they are making. I also think Bush is doing what he has to do and his best. At least he is not in the oval office with Lewinski...
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Postby andri_cy » Tue Mar 21, 2006 7:58 pm

Leonidas wrote:Cabbie
It is not just the British that are treated that way.

They try to treat me the same way. It is because I am not LIVING there. :shock:

And is not because they know I live in the USA. Just because I speak with an accent, it is enough for them to try to put the screws to me. I' m sure they do the same for all the GC's that live abroad. I have many friends and family in London that feel the same way when they visit Cyprus. Actually we may be in worse shape than any other visitors.

I still can not believe we are in the EU. We are such a different breed!!!!

I havent gone back yet but when I do, except for my close friends and family I am sure there will be a lot of people trying to put the screws on me. We are our own breed! :twisted:
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Postby tcklim » Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:05 pm

andri_cy wrote:Oh yes I am sure Bush, is responsible for hurricanes coming now too.

I never said that.... he was responsible for reassuring the public that everything was ready to handle the aftermath, and that no evidence was available that the levies would break, when recent video reports clearly show he knew all of that was not the case...

I don't care what Clinton did in his sexual life, is that how you measure a president? He can screw whoever he wants, but he was the best thing to happen to the states economy and its international relations.
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living in the bases

Postby wishiwasbackincyprus » Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:22 pm

as someone who used to live in dhekalia barracks i feel that my family were treated with the upmost respect and open kindness from all the cypriot people we ever met and i would go as far as saying they are the most welcoming nation of people i have come across that is why i am getting married out there this year and i cant wait to get back out to my second home :lol: :lol:
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Postby andri_cy » Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:37 pm

tcklim wrote:
andri_cy wrote:Oh yes I am sure Bush, is responsible for hurricanes coming now too.

I never said that.... he was responsible for reassuring the public that everything was ready to handle the aftermath, and that no evidence was available that the levies would break, when recent video reports clearly show he knew all of that was not the case...

I don't care what Clinton did in his sexual life, is that how you measure a president? He can screw whoever he wants, but he was the best thing to happen to the states economy and its international relations.

Are you serious? First off its not about who he screws its about not admitting to it and ridiculing the whole nation. He was not the best thing to happen to this country as a lot of the economical disasters that US might be going through, were put in motion during his reign and Bush is getting blamed for a lot of them now. As far as the hurricanes and such are concerned I am sure that the people inside and outside the US hear what the press wants them to hear. You cant really know what goes on from thousands of miles away, you only know what the news tells you and the news unfortunately is ALWAYS business and money driven. Anyway, if you want to talk further about this, we can start a new thread as this is a BRIT thing thats supposed to be going on.
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Postby tcklim » Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:54 pm

Ok sorry one last post about this...... I am not ignorant in this area. I had a visitor from New Orleans visit me for a week about 3 weeks ago, and not only was the U.S ill-prepared, the government is being very apathetic even now. New Orleans will never be restored, the majority of its population have not returned and Bush lied and continues to lie continuously on all issues.... not about having sex with some intern, but about much more serious issues.

Bush is a joke, and every American I've met living here agrees. However, not living in the states, I don't know what the media or his portrayal there is.
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Postby Piratis » Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:44 am

John Kerry was for the war in Iraq one minute against the other, didnt know what the hell was going on, was a coward marionette of the wrost kind

This makes sense.

If you have to choose a marionette then why not to choose a real dummy? It will certainly do the dummy job better.
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Re: living in the bases

Postby twinkle » Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:31 am

wishiwasbackincyprus wrote:as someone who used to live in dhekalia barracks i feel that my family were treated with the upmost respect and open kindness from all the cypriot people we ever met and i would go as far as saying they are the most welcoming nation of people i have come across that is why i am getting married out there this year and i cant wait to get back out to my second home :lol: :lol:

Very best of luck for the big day and the future. :D
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