Sotos wrote:Always keep a fight going somewhere, best training ever!
You think this is right? As others said it is the governments we don't like. In UK their democracy probably didn't give them much options anyways. But in USA I just can't understand how American people voted for Bush ... twice! Doesn't this mean that those that voted for him also have a share of responsibility for their government's actions?
Well Soto
I voted for Bush both times. And I still think he is the best president we had in a long time.
Like him or not. He does what he says and has not been worried about bull from anyone. The man has balls. Period.
Someday history will show what the liberals are trying to change.
Let's not forget that when he was elected he never wanted to be involved in international crap. Then Sept 11 came. That changed everything.
He did what was best for the USA. Like any president would had for his country.
Was it good for the rest of the world? I think the world is better without Saddam. Was intelligence correct? Time will tell. Let's not forget that even Clinton supported the war, and did say there where information of WMD's during his presidency also. If Saddam had nothing to hide then he should had let the UN inspectors do their job. That or his big mouth was too big.
We whine about UN not implying the UN resolutions against Turkey. There where resolutions against Iraq also. The US has the power to enforce the resolutions the UN did not have the balls to. So they did. Wouldn't Cyprus do the same if we had the power? Please don t tell me no.
Anyway. If any president was in Bush's shoes would had done the same.