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Dogs on highways

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Postby andri_cy » Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:38 pm

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Postby GIz33k0 » Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:42 pm

wow your law worry's me.
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Postby littlemiss » Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:32 pm

very true cyprus grump, sad but very true. Will this country ever catch up? I wonder where these ppl get the heart to treat animals this way, a dog being mans best friend really doesnt apply here, either that or they dont treat their best friends well either. I guess it will be another 20yrs of driving around trying not to take to heart all those poor bodies on the road.
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dogs on highways

Postby annecollings » Sun Apr 09, 2006 9:52 am


You are so right. BUT, what we need is statements like yours in the Cypriot press. We have no need to convince the english. The point needs to be put across to the cyps. I do not condem all cypriots, because I know quite a few who really do care about their dogs (as I am a dog groomer). Mind you there is also a lot of cruelty in the UK, but a lot of the time the RSPCA can do something about it. Whereas here.... ?!
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Postby michalis5354 » Sun Apr 09, 2006 10:00 am

Unfortuantely in the govrentment there are wrong people in the wrong places.

It is sad to see animals to be treated that way. Will the authorities ever wake up?
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Postby Hazza » Sun Apr 09, 2006 11:33 am

No, they will NOT wake up. Whoever mistreats an animal here will have a koumbaro somewhere high up to deflect the attention away.

Unless the authorities from Brussels come to Cyprus for an audit, nothing will get done.
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Postby michalis5354 » Sun Apr 09, 2006 11:57 am

Unless a group of individuals /organisation protecting the animals make a formal complaint directly to Brussels then something might be done.I thought there was such an organisation but I guess there are wrong people there as well.
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Postby West Side » Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:13 pm

Hazza wrote:No, they will NOT wake up. Whoever mistreats an animal here will have a koumbaro somewhere high up to deflect the attention away.

I am no tree-hugger but what they do in cyprus is too much sometimes. Its just the way life is over there. They dotn do it just to be cruel.
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Postby Oneness » Wed May 10, 2006 6:06 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:[The dog laws are actually very clear as far as I understand them.

Rule 1. If you are English
All dogs must be micro chipped and you must buy a dog licence from your village council; failure to do so will incur a substantial fine.

Rule 2. If you are Cypriot.
Rule 1. does not apply.
Dogs may be kept in stinking tin huts away from your home so that you cannot hear them howling because they are hungry, too hot, too cold or too wet. Proximity to the homes of others should not be taken into consideration.
You are free to let your dogs breed and produce as many puppies as you like. Unwanted puppies may simply be dumped (away from your home of kennel obviously), preferably in the garden of a suitable English family.

Rule 3. If you are a Cypriot Hunter.
Rule 1. Does not apply.
Rule 2. Applies in full.
In addition…
Any animal that does not magically perform as a hunting professional, in spite of being kept in a stinking hut with no food or exercise all summer may simply be left at the side of any suitable motorway.

Obviously I have had to translate this from the original Greek rules and have paraphrased in some areas but I think that just about sums the situation up.

Very well summarised. Except there is another story for the scruffy stray dog. Scruffy looking because it is probably a mongrel. It is no coincidence that you dont see these in Germany or England. Here it owes its existence to a culture of rejection and neglect. It roams streets scavaging for food in rubbish bins. The most controversial bit used to be true but I dont know if it still does - a van picks up the stray dogs for "population control". Hopefully presure from within and the EU may have changed this.

Then there is another story for cats which generally have a tough but still easier life than dogs. Stray cats are helpful in keeping the snake population down and are hard to catch so they are more tolerated. They often linger around hotels and tavernas and may gradually join the "aristocracy" of domesticated cats.
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