BFAWS in Dhekalia is run by the British Bases. They have kennel facilities for boarding but they also take in strays and the like.

They are desperate for dog walkers. Just turn up any day. Their tel number is 24 744457 The walks can be made between 9 and 11am. They have 35 dogs, full to capacity so the they can't walk them all and some dogs don't get a good walk for a few days. They range in size too from the small pups and cyprus poodles to the large german shepherds and labs. All looking for some love and attention and someone to spend some time with.
It wouldn't be fair to have a dog in a flat if you are out all day. In the UK I had 2 dogs in my house that I used to leave alone for 12 hours. I would get home to pee in the kitchen, chewed up shoes, remote controls and tapes and the worst time 2 lots of ripped up fitted carpet. Alternative arrangements were made to keep them in the garden. However, one used to bolt over the fence and the other...through it. The neighbours weren't to pleased